Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 315

At home, she was gentle and considerate.

Kind of weird.

According to Hideo Akai's understanding of Mingmei, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who can talk freely. Even if she can talk, most of them say something that is not nutritious and can't be divided into talkativeness.

These two completely different manifestations cannot be unified at all.

It made Akai Shuichi very confused.

He couldn't guess what kind of mood Mingmei was based on at that time, so he went back to talk to Lin Yi.

Picking up a friend's boyfriend...

No matter how Akai Shuichi looks at it, it doesn't look like Mingmei's approach.

Could it be that... as that kid said, Mingmei wanted to find herself a scapegoat?

Just as Akai Shuichi was thinking wildly, his cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a private detective who fed back the new information he had found.

When Akai Shuichi opened the information, he found that there was information about Lin Yi.

The above information shows that Lin Yi and Mingmei had been drinking in an izakaya for a while, and they had conflicts with two drinking guests.

According to the drinkers nearby, Lin Yi is a ruthless character. When he left the izakaya and went back to pick up the painting tube, he smashed the drinkers with a wine bottle.

Seeing this, Shuichi Akai frowned. He didn't expect this high school boy named Lin Yi to attack so hard.


and many more.

Akai Shuichi suddenly caught something.

He remembered that the high school student said that he bought some paintings and wanted to show them to Mingmei, but Mingmei called him home.

But here, he clearly took the painting and met Mingmei in the izakaya.


Totally wrong!

Akai Hideyoshi immediately realized that the high school student was dishonest and lied to himself! He must be hiding something!

Just when he was thinking of this, Akai Shuichi suddenly felt something crawling up his back, and he felt a chill all over his body.

He looked back slowly and saw the figure slowly approaching him in the distance, his pupils could not help shrinking!

He looked at the man with glasses, his throat rolled, and said subconsciously, "Lin Yi..."

Lin Yi walked towards Akai Shuuichi with a smile. He smiled and said, "Officer Shiliang...I didn't expect to meet you here. I just remembered something I forgot to tell you."

When they met in the middle of the night, Shuichi Akai didn't believe it was a coincidence. Most of the time, the other party followed him.

But I just found out...

Thinking of this, Shuichi Akai could smell the dangerous aura emanating from the opponent's body.

This made Akai Shuichi play cautiously, and subconsciously took two steps back.

He looked vigilantly at the other's hand on his back, his body sank slightly, and said, "What's the matter?"

"What you owe me should be paid back."

After saying this, Lin Yi quickly took out his pistol and pulled the trigger towards Akai Hideyoshi.

As soon as Akai Hidey heard the other party's words, he immediately knew that it was not good, and quickly drilled into the side alley.

Just listen to "biubiu" twice.

Apparently the opponent's pistol had a silencer on it.

Akai Shuuichi felt a pain in his shoulder, which made him stumble when he fled, causing him to fall directly to the ground. Akai Shuuichi rolled with the trend, got up with gritted teeth, and continued to run into the alley, not forgetting to put The left and right debris are knocked down, slowing down the opponent's pursuit speed.

Akai Shuuichi endured the pain in his shoulders and skillfully shuttled through the alley.

The first time he sneaked into Mingmei's rental house, he planned to be ambushed, so he was familiar with the surrounding alleys before sneaking in.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was no problem with the first infiltration, but the second infiltration encountered trouble.

However, when Akai Shuichi turned to the left, he found that the road was somewhat unfamiliar, which made him slow down.

The route that I remembered at the beginning has been more than 20 days, and it has long been blurred.

I still remember the beginning, but the more I go to the back, the more blurry it becomes.

Hearing the sound of pursuit coming from behind, Akai Shuuichi could only grit his teeth and ran in a random direction.

However, his luck was not very good, and he directly hit a dead end.


Akai Shuichi yelled and scolded, but when he wanted to turn back, he heard the footsteps of Lin Yi rushing over.

He looked around nervously, looking for hiding spots.

Don't need to think about that pile of debris, you will find it after a little inspection.

water pipe? It is true that he can try to climb up, but now his arm has been injured, he will definitely not be able to climb very high, and he will definitely become a target for others.

If you choose to climb the water pipe, it is better to try to ambush the opponent at the corner.

Just as Akai Shuichi was anxiously looking for his hiding spot, he suddenly saw a drain against the wall.

He hurried over, picked up the drain cover, and then disrupted the debris. After he got halfway into the drain hole, he covered the entrance with debris. Then he went into the drain hole and picked it up again. The drain cover is closed again.

After doing all this, Akai Shuichi did not leave along the sewer, but held his breath there, ignoring the stench, and waited quietly.

Chapter 265

Akai Shuichi waited patiently and listened carefully.

The footsteps got closer, then stopped.

Akai Shuichi knew that Lin Yi was looking at this dead end to determine his hiding place.

The footsteps sounded again, and they got closer and closer, and Akai Shuichi didn't move.

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