Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 360

"What's the problem?" Sonoko asked curiously.

"How can I make you love me so crazy." Lin Yi couldn't think of it, so he just took it out and discussed it with Yuanzi.

"What? Do you think I'm not crazy enough to love you?"

Sonoko pinched him twice unhappily.

She promised to share her boyfriend with others, and said she didn't love enough? Really.

"Not this kind of love."

Lin Yi said: "It's the kind of love that's perverted to the extreme... For example, she loves me so much that she wants to break my hands and feet, stop me from messing with flowers, and then she will take care of me for the rest of my life."

"Or maybe I think I'm too handsome and feel insecure, so I slashed my face with a knife to make others look down on me for a morbid love like this."

"Hey?" Sonoko's eyes lit up when he heard this: "These two methods are good! You can refer to them... When you are not paying attention, I will scratch your face with a knife, and then interrupt you. Hands and feet, hire a babysitter to take care of you! That way you won't be looking around for women."

"I'm not joking with you." Lin Yi said, "I'm really thinking about this matter. Do you think... what kind of stimulation did you get to become like this?"

Lin Yi took another look at Sonoko's favorability, and after talking about those perverted things, it still didn't change.

It seems that this method is not.

"Well..." Sonoko thought about it seriously, she shook her head and said, "I wouldn't do such an extreme thing... Breaking my hands and feet, scratching my face, it's too cruel."

Now that's what you're saying, when you enter the sick mode, the devil in your heart will be released, and maybe you will do even more cruel things!

Lin Yi muttered in his heart.

After drinking coffee, eating cake, and replenishing some energy, Sonoko was rejuvenated again.

"It's still early... Let's find other entertainment items to play with."


Lin Yi nodded and agreed, because just sitting and chatting was not an option.

Playing outside and playing, maybe it will trigger the sick mode?

Fuji-Q Highland not only has the world's largest haunted house, but also a very thrilling roller coaster with a maximum drop of 70m, a maximum inclination of 65°, and a flip height of 71.5m.

It is also a very exciting entertainment project.

Sonoko naturally chose this one immediately.

However, this project is much more popular than the Thriller Labyrinth. Seeing the long line is daunting.

The staff reminded warmly that they had to queue for an hour and a half, and suggested that the two of Lin Yi Yuanzi go to play other entertainment projects.

Sonoko refused to accept the suggestion and took Lin Yi to the party.

Since we have to wait for such a long time, we naturally cannot wait empty-handed.

"You're partying here, and I'm going to buy something to eat!"

After talking to Lin Yi, Yuanzi left the team and went to buy some snacks.

Then, as soon as she left, she walked for half an hour.

"It's taking too long, isn't it?"

Lin Yi was a little strange, then when he was about to call Sonoko, he immediately received a text message from Sonoko: [Your girlfriend is in my hands, if you don't want her to have an accident, you'd better follow my instructions. 】

Chapter 300

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Yuanzi was just going to buy something, and something happened.

Judging from the fact that the other party used Sonoko's mobile phone to send text messages to himself, the other party's target was most likely to be him.

"It's strange... who will come to trouble me?"

As Lin Yi left the team, he went to find a quiet corner.

No matter what he said, he was someone who had experienced so many things, so he wouldn't panic so easily.

"Could it be that Akai Shuichi saw through my conspiracy and came to trouble me?"

As soon as this idea came out, it was rejected by Lin Yi.

No, not likely to be him.

Akai Shuichi wouldn't go around like this. Rather than threatening himself with Sonoko, he would rather go directly to the door and talk to himself alone.

Because he is a very proud man.

If he can handle it himself, he will not play any mean and insidious tricks.

That's what he did when he first came into contact with himself.

pass Shuuichi Akai.

Who would that be?


Not right either.

The protagonist's character is brilliant and great, so positive things are put on him.

Lin Yi still believes that he crossed the road to help the grandmother get corrupted, but Lin Yi doesn't believe that Conan Design kidnapped Yuanzi.

Apart from the two of them, Lin Yi couldn't think of anyone else.

He himself has always been kind to others, and everything is harmonious, and he has never offended anyone.

How could someone suddenly attack the garden?

After arriving in a relatively remote place, Lin Yi took out Crystal Tears, entered Sonoko Suzuki's name, and obtained Sonoko's third-person vision.

I saw Yuanzi was tied up with ropes, and his mouth was blocked by the other party's piece of cloth, and he was trapped in a bedroom.

He repeatedly adjusted Sonoko's third-person vision and didn't see anyone else, but noticed that the bedroom was Japanese.

Lin Yi thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called Yuanzi's phone.

The phone was quickly hung up and not answered.

Lin Yi turned to send a text message to Yuanzi's mobile phone: [It's okay to want me to do things according to your instructions, but I want to listen to Yuanzi's voice and make sure she is still alive. 】

After the text message was sent, Lin Yi kept staring at Sonoko's third-person vision.

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