Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 363

As we all know, people have no brains when they pretend to be forceful.

So Lin Yi was thrown to the ground by the attacker.

The sneak attacker turned out to be the dark-skinned waiter with glasses. After suppressing Lin Yi, he said to Menli Saori, "Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine."

The incident happened so suddenly that Saori Menli couldn't react. She never thought that there would be someone on the way to help her.


The dark-skinned waiter found that he couldn't suppress Lin Yi, and he hurriedly shouted, "Leave first, then call the police!"

Menli Sazhi was stunned for a moment, knowing that this was an opportunity, she quickly replied "OK", quickly grabbed her bag, and ran out.

Just as she left her forefoot, the dark-skinned waiter's hair was caught by Lin Yi and thrown out.

Lin Yi stood up again and shook off a few hairs from his hands. He frowned at the dark-skinned waiter and said, "Did you know that you just let go of a criminal?"

"Criminal? I think you are the criminal!"

The dark-skinned waiter got up from the tatami, and after helping his glasses, he pounced on Lin Yi again.

When he rushed up, he had a lot of momentum, and at a glance, he knew that he was the kind that often fights.

The other party didn't understand the situation, so he started, and at a glance, he knew that it was a guy with all muscles in his brain.

To deal with such a guy, there is no way to communicate with him now, and you have to kill him.

The black-skinned waiter jumped up, and Lin Yi closed the door while dodging.

With a bang, the opponent's kick directly kicked the door out a hole.

Is this grandson so strong?

Although Lin Yi was surprised, the movements in his hands were not slow.

Pressing the opponent's neck with one hand, but it was blocked, it didn't matter, Lin Yi tripped him.

Lin Yi smashed several punches in the face.

He didn't keep his hands, this guy obviously practiced,

The punches were fast and violent, and the black-skinned waiter's glasses fell off.

The other party yelled angrily and pushed Lin Yi away with brute force.

He pulled his foot out of the door and stood up quickly, but just as he looked up, he saw a vase that was constantly expanding, and finally, a "Peng" sounded.

A vase was directly buckled on his head, and the dark-skinned waiter only felt the darkness in front of him, and then he felt a pain in his chest and flew directly into the living room, his head buzzing.

Just as he was about to get up, Lin Yi stepped on him.

"Lie down."

Lin Yi rudely stepped on his chest with his foot.

This kid has strength, speed, and skills. He is a No. 1 fierce man, but he has no combat experience.

Lin Yi immediately judged the other party's information, so in three or two times, the other party was confused and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west.

The dark-skinned waiter wanted to push Lin Yi's feet away again with his hands, but this time it was not so easy to push them away. He blushed and lifted Lin Yi's feet up.

This surprised Lin Yi. His body has been upgraded. Even though he doesn't have a few pounds of muscle, his strength is not a joke. For an adult man of 180 pounds, he said he would throw it away. Visible.

This guy can move his feet...not a normal person.


The black-skinned waiter let out an angry cry and successfully exploded the seeds, pushing Lin Yi's feet away.

Just when he was about to stand up, he threw a foot from the side and smashed it on his shoulder. The force was so strong that it made him fly up and slammed open the sliding door.


The dark-skinned waiter covered his shoulders and couldn't help groaning. The other's foot made his shoulders ache.

Just when he was about to get up from the ground, he saw the garden tied together in the corner, and he was stunned for a moment.


Sonoko must have heard such a big movement, she hurriedly called out, but her mouth was blocked by a cloth.

"Okay, it's safe."

Lin Yi walked over in two steps, took off the ball of cloth in Sonoko's mouth, and then took off her blindfold.

When Yuanzi saw Lin Yi coming, he burst into tears.

The black-skinned waiter was stunned for a moment. He recognized Sonoko, but he never thought that the other party would appear in such a place.

After seeing this scene, the dark-skinned waiter realized that he seemed to be doing something wrong.


three minutes later.

"I'm very sorry! I didn't understand the situation, so I shot you."

The black-skinned waiter knelt on the tatami and gave Lin Yi a 90-degree bow.

At this point, he had already remembered the identity of the black-skinned waiter.

The All-Japan Karate Champion, who has won 400 consecutive battles, has the title of "Keki Takako".

This is a fierce man, not only dodging rifle bullets, but also breaking stone pillars with his bare hands.

Under the condition of obstructed vision, he caught BB bullets fired by 11 policemen with his bare hands and knocked everyone down.

In the official force rating of the characters in the work, it ranks first in the appearance of the characters with a special A-level rating.

Even better than himself, he is not just A now.

It's just that force returns to force value, and fights return to fights. These are two different things.

The former represents how strong your destructive power is, and the latter involves a lot of things, such as combat experience, the degree of utilization of the environment, and other factors to determine whether you can fight or not.

Akai Shuichi is the same as himself, both are A, but if they really fight, Akai Shuichi, like himself, can easily abuse Jingjizhen.

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