Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 372

Sonoko hummed: "I advise you to give up your heart... I won't reduce the dose of medicine!"

After listening to Lin Yi, he laughed: "How about we make a bet? Bet you will take the initiative to reduce the dosage."

"Bet?" Sonoko immediately became vigilant.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Lin Yi thought it was a little funny. He said, "There is no bet, it's just a bet. I bet you will definitely take the initiative to reduce the dose."

After hearing that there was no bet, Sonoko was relieved, and she said, "Do you think I will be soft-hearted?"

"No..." Lin Yi shook his head.

"What is that?" Sonoko asked.

Lin Yi smiled without saying a word: "It doesn't make sense to say it... Within three days at most, you will take the initiative to reduce the dose of the drug."

Yuanzi looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and did not understand why he was so certain.

She doesn't understand it now, but she soon understands.

After lunch, Lin Yi made a request: "I want to go to the bathroom... From last night to now, there is a lot of stock in my stomach."

There is nothing wrong with this request.

Yuanzi also helped him and walked into the bathroom.

Then, Sonoko began to gradually realize how much trouble Lin Yi would be in if he couldn't maintain even the most basic mobility.

Not only did she have to help Lin Yi take off his pants, but she also had to wipe his ass after he got a plus size!

Most people are generally only responsible for wiping their own ass, where have they wiped other people's ass?

"Can't you come by yourself!"

Yuanzi's face was full of disgust, even if Lin Yi was her boyfriend, she would not be able to do these things.

"I can't even lift my do you ask me to wipe..."

Lin Yi looked at the garden with a smile, as if the person who was injected with the drug was not him.

This can make the garden depressed.

Obviously she is the winner, why does she have to do these things?

Yuanzi pinched her nose unhappily, wiped Lin Yi's butt, and flushed the toilet.

After Yuanzi wiped Lin Yi's buttocks, he quickly ran to the sink and took out the hand sanitizer to wash his hands repeatedly.

She shouted while washing, "I only do this kind of thing once! Let others help you in the future!"

Lin Yi said indifferently: "Yes. Anyway, I don't need to wipe it, it doesn't matter who comes."

Yuanzi returned to the toilet with resentment on his face, and had to help Lin Yi put on his pants again, fasten his belt, and help him out of the bathroom again.

After coming out of the bathroom, Sonoko handed Lin Yi over to Captain Suzuki without a word: "You will be responsible for helping him deal with his physiological needs in the future."


Captain Suzuki was a little speechless, but who made the family a miss? Just agree.

Then, he muttered in his heart: I'll hand over this task to other subordinates...wipe his ass...I haven't even wiped my wife's butt! Whoever likes to do it, I don't do it anyway.

After taking Lin Yi back to the bedroom again, Sonoko waved his hand and motioned for the others to go out.

"Don't come in and disturb me."

The gardener warned.


The other bodyguards weren't fools either. One man and one woman stayed in the bedroom and could guess what they were going to do.

After dismissing those bodyguards, Sonoko lay beside Lin Yi, stroked his face, his hair, and said with a smile, "Okay, no one bothers us now... We can play slowly."

After saying that, Yuanzi started to undress, planning to have a good night with Lin Yi.

However, after fifteen minutes, Sonoko realized that something was wrong.

She put Lin Yi into a weak state with drugs, which completely restricted his mobility, thus preventing him from escaping.

But Lin Yi, whose mobility was limited, meant that he couldn't do anything, so he could only lie there like a doll.

This gave Sonoko a headache...because she used to lie down.

Now it was Lin Yi lying down, leaving her wondering what to do for a while.

However, Sonoko soon adjusted his mentality, and was even a little eager to try.

She touched Lin Yi's handsome little face and said with a smile, "It was you who took the initiative before, but now it's my turn to take the initiative... I believe I can do what you can get."

In this regard, Lin Yi just smiled irrefutably.

So Yuanzikai tried his best to make Xiaolin Yi happy, after all, only when he is happy can he stand up.

Sonoko can be happy only when it stands up.

However, the effect of the drug is really not said.

Directly let Lin Yi, a jolly playboy, suddenly become like an old monk who meditated in meditation.

Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.

Completely unmoved.

Yuanzi recalled the skills he had learned and learned in the past, and carefully performed it on Lin Yi.

However, no matter how hard she tried, even if she gave birth to lotus flowers, she couldn't make Xiaolin Yi happy.

Seeing Yuanzi from being excited to a depressed look on his face, even Lin Yi, who was injected with drugs, couldn't help laughing out loud!

Yuanzi became angry, so he used the lower mouth to block Lin Yi's upper mouth.

Chapter 310

Things were a bit beyond Sonoko's expectations. Lin Yi, who had no basic mobility, was basically unable to do anything except talk with his mouth.

And due to the influence of the drug, his speaking speed and answering speed are much fuller.

This made the garden very depressed.

Without interaction, she would get much less happiness from Lin Yi.

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