Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 390

Lin Yi said with a look of surprise, "Then I'll do it again."

Then he kissed again.


This made the smile on the handsome uncle's face suddenly stiff.

Is this person so shameless?

He put down the wine glass, pushed Lin Yi away, frowned and said, "Hey, take the initiative to love someone without their permission! This is obscenity. Believe it or not, I can let the police take you away?"

Lin Yi didn't take it seriously when he was pushed, he just smiled and said, "Without permission? Then I can get her permission?"

Lin Yi reached out and stroked Fei Yingli's face again, and asked slowly, "I'm going to kiss you... If you object, do ten push-ups?"

"Doing push-ups?" Fei Yingli felt a little amused: "Why should I do ten push-ups?"

"Don't do it, just promise."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he kissed again.

This made the handsome uncle anxious, and he didn't even hold the other's hand, and this little B cub came up to his family.

Seeing that Fei Yingli didn't push him away, Uncle Shuai couldn't help but yelled a "cheesy" in his heart and resisted.

If he had known it was so simple, he wouldn't have to waste so many words.

After a tongue-in-cheek exchange, Lin Yi let go of Fei Yingli.

When the handsome uncle saw it, without saying a word, he also reached out his hand to turn Fei Yingli around, and he bowed his head and kissed him.

Fei Yingli didn't talk too much nonsense, she just slapped her backhand.


This slap is quick and powerful.

Uncle Shuai didn't expect this kind of result. He didn't stand firm, and was slapped to the ground by the slap. He was stunned at the time.

He couldn't understand at all, why did he get this slap, and he should be the shameless little b-boy!

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the security guard and other drinkers.

Two security guards came over, and one of them asked blankly, "Excuse me, do you need help?"

Fei Yingli pointed to the handsome uncle on the ground and said, "This guy wants to molest me... If you don't believe me, you can check the surveillance."


Fei Yingli is worthy of being a professional lawyer. As soon as she opened her mouth, Uncle Shuai didn't even have a chance to refute.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you are not welcome here."

As soon as the two security guards heard it, they immediately asked each other to leave.

Looking at the strange eyes of the people around him, even if the security did not ask him to leave, he would have no face to stay!

After watching Uncle Shuai leave, the security guard turned and left.

"That slap you just slapped was really enough."

Lin Yi said to his concubine Yingri: "Maybe it will leave a psychological shadow on others."

"Who made him want to mess around?"

Fei Yingli pushed up her glasses and said bluntly.

Lin Yi brought Lian together and said with a smile, "Then you are messing around, how did you hit me?"

Fei Yingli saw him bring his face close, and patted his hand casually, as if it was a beating.

Chapter 324

Lin Yi saw that he didn't have a place to sit, but he didn't want to stand, so he patted Fei Yingli on the shoulder and said, "I don't have to sit, so I drink somewhere else."

Fei Yingli laughed a little: "The guy just now stood silently in order to strike up a conversation with me. You just stood there for a while, so are you impatient?"

"I'm not him."

Lin Yi took the wine glass and waved his hand for the other party to follow.

Fei Yingli pouted, but followed up with a glass of wine.

After Lin Yi sat down on the booth, Fei Yingli chose to sit opposite him.

"How many drinks have you had?"

Lin Yi asked.

"This is the third cup." Fei Yingli said.

"Then I'll have three drinks first."

Lin Yi relied on whether he would get drunk easily, so he didn't say a word when he came up, and he poured himself three glasses of wine.

His show, the effect is outstanding.

Concubine Yingli eats this set, or in other words, girls eat this set.

They like men who are neat and tidy.

After drinking the three glasses of wine, Lin Yi just looked at Fei Yingli like this, but didn't speak.

Fei Yingli was over the age of shyness, so naturally she looked at him without showing weakness.

Seeing that this move was useless for Concubine Yingli, Lin Yi said, "I found out that we are very destined."

"Haha..." Fei Yingli smiled, and she said, "Is it really okay to use such old-fashioned words as the opening remarks?"

"No, I mean it."

Lin Yi said with a "sincere" expression, "The last time I went to a bar was when I met you."

"I do not believe."

Feiyingli shook her head.

"What do you think of this bar?" Lin Yi suddenly opened the topic.

"It's okay..." Fei Yingli said, "It's not particularly good, but it's not particularly bad either..."

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