Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 392

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Lin Yi waved and asked the waiter to bring over the poured glasses of whisky.

Lin Yi took two glasses of wine from the tray, put one in Shaye's hand, and put one in Yiping's hand.

"You two, have a drink."

The little girl who had just turned eighteen years old had a very stubborn temper. She raised her head and drank it. She just frowned and then she was fine.

Just by looking at the other party, you can tell that he usually drinks a lot in private.

Yiping also drank it in one breath, but his performance was a bit bad, and his whole face was embarrassed.

Shaye took the initiative to pick up the second cup and drank it. After drinking the second cup, he continued to drink the third cup without stopping.

As a man, Yiping has his own self-esteem, and he also picked up the second glass of wine to drink.

In front of so many people, the brothers and sisters started drinking together, letting other drinkers watch with interest, and some even started betting in private to see who would fall.

Fourth cup, fifth cup...

By the time of the sixth cup, Yiping was dying. He felt that his whole body was hot, his head was dizzy, and he found that his body was a little floating.

Seeing that Shaye was still drinking, Yiping knew that he couldn't drink her, so he shouted, "Okay, after you go back, I'll see how I deal with you!"

After speaking, he turned around and raised his feet to leave.

However, Lin Yi grabbed his collar and pulled him back.

"What are you doing?" Yiping drank too much wine, and his temper came up: "Let go!"

"Where do you think this place is? After the trouble, come here if you want, and leave if you want?"

Lin Yi said with a sneer: "I said, one of the two must lie down for me."

After speaking, Lin Yi squeezed his mouth, then grabbed a wine glass and poured it directly into his mouth, forcing him to drink it.

No matter how the other party struggled, he couldn't break free from Lin Yi's hand and was forced to drink it.

One cup, two cups, three cups.

When it was time for the fourth cup, Lin Yi looked back at Shaye, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "Drink! Why don't you drink?"

"Oh...oh." That Shaye was frightened by Lin Yi's actions and eyes, she quickly picked up the glass and continued to drink.

After Lin Yi forcibly poured another level and three cups, he gradually gave up his resistance, grabbed Lin Yi's hand, and slowly released it.

As soon as Lin Yi let go, he collapsed on the ground like a lump of mud, unconscious.

Lin Yi put the wine glass back on the tray, flicked the wine in his hand, and said to the security guard, "Throw him out for me."

After resolving this matter, Lin Yi left without looking back, leaving the rest to the security.

Lin Yi went to the bathroom, hurried the drink in his hand again, and then returned to Fei Yingli's side.

Seeing the faint smile on Feiyingli's face, Lin Yi asked directly, "How is it? My solution is not rude, right?"

"It's already very elegant." Fei Yingli looked at Lin Yi with her chin up, and said, "If I had changed to another bar, I would have been blasted out long ago. How could you have such a good temper."

"I won't do it unless I have to." Lin Yi said, "Being kind can make money."

"That's true." Fei Yingli said undeniably: "Violence cannot solve the problem."

Violence can't solve problems, but violence can solve people who are causing problems.

If Fei Yingli was a policeman, then Lin Yi would probably have said this.

But Feiyingli is a lawyer, fists are not her weapon, the law is her weapon.

So Lin Yi could only talk about it in his stomach.

What kind of impact did the way to deal with the farce just now have on Fei Yingri, because there is no strategy, so I can't see the favorability.

No Lin Yi can judge from other angles.

For example, Fei Yingli was willing to tease herself, and she was willing to drink with her.

This shows that he did not choose to use violence to deal with the farce, which is correct.

Lin Yi didn't need to drink with Fei Yingli deliberately, as long as she had a good chat, she would keep drinking by herself.

The more alcohol you drink, the more you will relax your self-discipline.

Fei Yingli felt that she had almost finished drinking, and there was no point in continuing to drink, so she started sending codes that only adults could understand.

She stroked her forehead, leaned on the sofa and said, "Well... I drank a little too much, and my head is a little dizzy."

Lin Yi received the signal accurately, put down the glass and said, "Then let's go out for a walk... get some air."

As he said that, he naturally took Fei Yingri's hand and left the bar with his arms around her waist.

There is already a first time between the two, and when the second time begins, it will naturally not be too hypocritical.

Chapter 326

hotel room.

Two boring people, sitting on something boring.

Repeated linear hear the name and it's boring.


After three rounds of fighting, Lin Yi won the standard three-game winning streak.

After that, he did not continue to pursue, but lay down and began to think slowly about something.

The radiant Fei Yingli watched Lin Yi suddenly stop, then stuck to his side, and said softly, "What's wrong? This is not like your previous performance."

"I'm just thinking...why are human beings like this?"

Lin Yi slowly said the question that suddenly popped out of his head.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Fei Yingli asked curiously: "Humans grow up like this... can't they?"

"No, it's just a little weird..."

Lin Yi said: "Bind the human body's cool point system to the reproductive system... If humans want to be happy, they must have a man and a woman to cooperate with each other."

"If the cool point system is separate from the reproductive system...for example, the cool point system is in the person's hand, or in the person's ear."

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