Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 397

When I came up to the second floor, the quarrel in the house was gone.

But Lin Yi knew that the silent Cold War continued.

After knocking on the door, Lin Yi said, "Uncle Maori, I'm sorry to disturb you."

After saying hello, Lin Yi pushed open the door and entered.

Then he saw Mouri Kogoro sitting on the work chair, reading the newspaper with a straight face.

Xiaolan was sitting on the sofa, constantly deflating her phone.

"I just bought milk tea at the milk tea shop over there... Come and try it."

Lin Yi's milk tea was brought to Maori Kogoro. He was familiar with Lin Yi, so he brought it over and drank it politely. It happened that his throat was smoking from the quarrel just now.

Delivering the milk tea to Xiaolan, Xiaolan originally planned to lose her temper at Lin Yi and let him come over so late.

But after seeing the name of the milk tea, she realized that Lin Yi had deliberately queued up to buy milk tea for herself.

"How did you know there was a milk tea shop nearby?" Xiaolan asked.

"You told me last time, don't you remember?" Lin Yi said.


Lin Yi's answer made Xiaolan very happy, she just mentioned it casually, and the other party wrote it down.

This made Xiao Lan's mood a lot better, and she drank another sip of milk tea, which was icy and sweet, and it made her anger drop a lot.

Lin Yi pretended not to know, and asked, "What's wrong? Are you having a conflict with Uncle Maori?"

After Xiaolan gulped for several sips, she said, "Dad, he's going to the class reunion!"

"and then?"

"He plans to go alone! Don't bring me!" Xiaolan said dissatisfiedly.

Maori Kogoro put down the milk tea and said, "Our classmates, you are not my classmate, what are you mixing? Lin boy, you come to judge!"

Lin Yi felt that he heard a "ding", and someone announced "the second round, officially started".

Xiaolan said to Lin Yi: "If my father wasn't scheming, why wouldn't he want to take me with him? Besides, it's not the first time I've seen other uncles and aunties! What does my past have to do with you! Say it right!"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Mauri Kogoro said to Lin Yi, "Little boy, do you think that the class reunion should only be attended by classmates? Otherwise, what is the class reunion called?"


The two father and daughter began to quarrel again.

Lin Yi silently picked up the milk tea and drank it.

Hmm... Pearls are really easy to get tired of, I just ate a few and didn't want to eat them.

If I knew it earlier, I asked that young lady to put more coconut fruit.

Too bad there is no red bean milk's my favorite.

Should I remind them to launch a new product?

No... The concept of red bean milk tea should be left to Yonehara Sakurako. The business of coffee shops has been sluggish recently. Maybe red bean milk tea can gain some popularity back.

When Lin Yi was thinking wildly, the two of them were almost quarreling.

Xiaolan grabbed Lin Yi's clothes, shook it and said, "Yi! Come and judge!"

Lin Yi put down the milk tea in his hand and said with a serious face: "I think... Xiaolan, you should not follow Uncle Maori to attend his alumni reunion. After all, your identity is somewhat inappropriate."

Maori Kogoro had a victorious smile on his face, and happily took a big sip of milk tea, which was too beautiful.

On the contrary, Xiaolan's face suddenly turned cold.

Chapter 330

There are many reasons why women are angry, all kinds of strange, only the ones you haven't thought of, and there's nothing they can't tell.

Fortunately, the reason for Xiaolan's anger is still under Lin Yi's control.

It is nothing more than that he is not on this side, so he is angry.

This is a good solution.

Lin Yi didn't speak, just moved his mouth, made a few mouth shapes, and then pointed to the bathroom with his finger.

Then, he stood up and left: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Although Xiaolan was angry in her heart, Lin Yi obviously had something to say to her, which made her have to temporarily suppress the fire.

If he didn't give himself a reasonable explanation! I must be angry! !

Xiao Lan thought angrily.

Since he was in a cold war with Maori Kogoro, Xiao Lan didn't say hello to him, put down the milk tea and went straight to the bathroom.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at the bathroom, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Although Lin Yi was on his side, he knew that if he couldn't convince Xiaolan, it would be useless to just stand on his side.

"Boy... give it some strength."

Mouri Kogoro muttered, feeling very anxious in his heart.

the other side.

in the bathroom.

When Xiaolan came in, Lin Yi just finished putting out the water and was washing his hands.

"Tell me! What's the matter with calling me in!"

Xiao Lan said angrily.

Lin Yi wiped his hands with a dry towel and said with a smile, "You girls are really interesting. You know what's going on here, but you just pretend not to know."

"If I say nothing, what will you do?" Lin Yi smiled and looked at Xiaolan.

"I will hit you!"

Xiaolan raised her fist and shook it, and said fiercely, "I'm not joking! I'm serious!"

"I believe it, put away your weapons."

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