Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 419

Lin Yi pressed his phone and looked at the picture that Yumi Horikita sent in the middle of the night yesterday.

The photos are not very good-looking, and Yumi Horikoshi took most of the shots, but it can still be seen that the person is Kogoro Mouri, that's all.

Save this photo in the mailbox, Lin Yi is not in a hurry to send it to Fei Yingli.

If it was an unknown third party who sent the photo to Fei Yingri, with her rational style of doing things, it would be easy to guess that someone did it deliberately.

Feiyingri is a top lawyer in Japan. By analyzing the stakes in this, it is very likely that he will be suspicious of himself.

Women's intuition is always so accurate and unreasonable.

From Xiaolan, it can be seen.

Therefore, it is best to ask Yumi Horikita to take the initiative to send these photos to Fei Yingri, and fight her directly. The harder the fight, the better the effect.

As for myself, I watched the play silently, and when necessary, provided some financial help to Yumi Horikoshi.

As for Maori Kogoro, as long as he has the photos in hand, the contradiction will be triggered. It is not important what his thoughts are.

"Yi! What are you doing in a daze!"

Xiaolan came out of the bathroom and urged, "Go wash quickly! I'm going to have breakfast with He Ye later."

"Okay." Lin Yi put away the phone and walked towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Yi and Xiaolan joined together with Ye Chenggong.

The three went into a breakfast shop and tasted local specialties.

"Are you here alone?" Xiaolan said, "I thought you would bring him here."

"You said Heiji! Don't mention him." He Ye's anger still subsided, he said, "He didn't come back all night from last night to this morning! I don't know what to do anymore."

"Aren't you going to call him?" Xiao Lan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Don't fight!" He Ye hums: "Why do you want me to fight?"

The two of them chatted while eating, while Lin Yi ate the special food carefully.

Saying it is a feature, Lin Yi really doesn't feel that there is anything special about it.

The food is made in the same way, except that the proportion of ingredients is different, resulting in different tastes, so we dare to call it a special food.

It turned out to be the slogan "Every time I eat it, it feels different".

Lin Yi glanced at the busy breakfast chefs. He estimated that the other party was moving too fast, so the ingredients could not be grasped accurately, which would lead to "every time eating is different".

Just when Lin Yi was about to slowly grind the time away, a fourth person suddenly came over.

"And Ye?"

It was a male voice, Lin Yi looked up curiously, it was a dark-skinned boy with yellow hair.

Lin Yi frowned, he had no impression of him, and probably should be a dragon role.

"Lighting? Why are you here?"

He Ye was also a little surprised when he saw the boy.

"I want to come here to relax..." Lighting said.

"Can I sit here?" he asked Lin Yi.

"Of course." Lin Yi nodded and said.

After he introduced himself, Lin Yi knew that his full name was Guomo Lighting, he was a sophomore at Tedan University in Tokyo, and he lived next to Ye's house.

"You and Ye Ke liked to stick with me when we were young." Guomo Lighting talked about the past with emotion.

"It's all in the past... it's all in the past." He Ye said a little embarrassedly when someone mentioned his childhood.

Guomo Lighting smiled, and as He Ye wished, he did not continue talking on this topic.

After a rough chat, He Ye and Xiaolan continued to chat.

Guomo Lighting watched them chat, opened his mouth, and then closed it again.

Obviously, he wanted to try to insert themselves into their chat, but obviously didn't know how.

I just had to eat breakfast.

This made Lin Yi's eyes flash, and he began to have a certain judgment on this person.

Although he has dyed yellow hair, he has a more honest personality.

If you want to express yourself, you have already inserted it into the topic regardless, even if you don't understand it, you have to say a few words to show your sense of existence.

Besides, he didn't really want to have breakfast with Ye Ye when he came to chat with him. Obviously, he wanted to exchange ideas in depth. It's better to have a date or something.

Otherwise, he would not sit next to him, but leave after saying hello.

I would rather bury my head in breakfast than talk to myself...

According to his honest temperament, most of the other party is the kind of person who is not good at dealing with strangers.

After having a general understanding of the lighting at the end of the country.

Lin Yi probably had a specific idea in his mind.

He took a sip of water to hide his sinister smile.

After putting down the water glass, he took the initiative to talk to Guomo Lighting: "Did you study at Didan High School before?"

"Ah... No, I studied at Osaka Kaifang Gakuen High School, the same high school as Kazuya."

At the end of the country, Lighting kept He Ye in two words, which made Lin Yi more sure that he was interested in He Ye.

"What about you?" Guomo Lighting didn't know how to communicate with strangers, but he still knew the basic question.

"Me? I've graduated from college."

Lin Yi said without changing his face.

After Xiaolan, who was chatting with Ye, heard it, she couldn't help but give Lin Yi a blank look.

Still graduating from college? As far as your absenteeism record is concerned, whether you can graduate is a question.

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