Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 423


"Yi... don't you think my dad is a little weird?"

Xiaolan poked her elbow with Lin Yi, who was reading a magazine next to her.

"Huh? Strange?"

Lin Yi glanced at Kogoro Maori. He sat in front of the work chair and stared at the beer in his hand in a daze.

It is really strange, and the feeling of thinking about life is exuded from the whole body.

Lin Yi pretended not to know: "What's so strange?"

"When he came home from seven o'clock, he started drinking..." Xiao Lan said.

"Isn't this uncle's living habit?" Lin Yi replied.

"It's not the same!" Xiaolan said worriedly: "From seven to ten, he didn't even finish a can of beer, he was in a daze... It's not like him."


Lin Yi nodded, and he said, "It may be that I met an old classmate before, and I felt a lot of emotion for a while."

"Is that so?" Xiao Lan didn't understand this, she just thought Maori Kogoro was very strange.

Lin Yi retracted his gaze and said, "You don't have to worry about uncle, he is 39 years old, and he has experienced more things than you. If even uncle can't solve it, it's useless to tell you..."

"That's right what you say..."

When Xiaolan wanted to say something, Lin Yi decisively interrupted her and said, "Don't think about it, maybe uncle encountered something unhappy at the class meeting... Let's see in two or three days. Bar."


Xiaolan thought about it too, and nodded in agreement with Lin Yi's statement.

Lin Yi looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, so I'll go back first. You're a little tired from playing today. Go to bed earlier."


Xiaolan really felt exhausted, and she really wanted to lie down on the bed and have a good night's sleep.

After sending Lin Yi to the door and watching him leave, Xiaolan went upstairs again. She glanced at Mouri Kogoro who was still in a daze at the door of the second floor, and had to remind: "Dad, I'll go upstairs to rest first. , don't go to bed too late."

"Sleep? Oh...oh..."

Mouri Kogoro came back to his senses and made a perfunctory sentence.

Xiaolan wanted to go up and ask why, but thinking about Lin Yi's words, she felt that she would come back in two or three days to say hello and give him time to think about it.

After returning to the room, Xiao Lan put on sleepiness and was about to lie down until dawn when her phone rang.

"Ah...why did someone call me when I wanted to sleep?"

Xiaolan muttered, took a look at the phone, and found that it was from Ye, she had to cheer up and connect the phone.

"Hey, He Ye... what's wrong?"

Xiaolan just started to ask.

"Xiao Lan! Heiji left me alone again!"

He Ye sobbing came from the other end of the phone.

Thinking with her toes, Xiao Lan knew what happened.


Lin Yi did not go home, but came to a Qing bar.

Before the waiter could ask, Lin Yi had already found Yumi Horikoshi.

"Bring me a glass of vodka."

After putting the money into the waiter's hand, Lin Yi walked towards Yumi Horikoshi.


Lin Yi didn't talk too much nonsense, he threw the money on the table when he came up, which surprised Yumi Horikoshi.

Lin Yi sat down opposite her and said, "The remaining 600,000."

"Rude guy..."

When she came back to her senses, Yumi Horikoshi muttered in dissatisfaction, but all she could do was mutter.

Picking up the envelope and counting the amount, Yumi Horikoshi showed a satisfied smile on her face.

After putting the envelope back in her bag, Yumi Horikoshi picked up the wine and took a sip. She said a little dejectedly, "Isn't it alright to transfer it directly to my account? I have to deal face-to-face... My home is a long way from here. ."

Just at this time, the waiter brought Lin Yi's vodka, and as for the change, Lin Yi waved his hand and asked him to take it away.

After taking a sip of vodka, Lin Yi chuckled and said, "It's a pleasure to work with you, so I want to do another business with you."

When Yumi Horikita heard this, she knew that this guy was generous and careful, and she immediately said, "I've been very busy lately..."


Lin Yi looked at each other with a half-smile but not a smile, you are just an ordinary office worker, busy p.

Don't you just want to sit on the ground and start the price?

"Since you're so busy, I won't bother you."

Lin Yi turned the glass and said lightly, "Anyway, if it's not technical, a woman can do it."

Seeing that the other party saw through her own thoughts, Horikita Yumi laughed dryly, she didn't want to miss the opportunity to make a lot of money, and hurriedly said: "No matter how busy I am, I will make time to come... Just tell me, what is it? Yes Do you want to expose this matter and make Kogoro turn against his wife?"

Chapter 350

"Little Goro has already approached me to talk, and he wants to resolve this matter privately."

Horikoshi Yumi straightened her hair and said, "I haven't replied to him yet..."

No wonder he's been in a daze tonight...

After muttering a few words in his heart, Lin Yi opened his mouth and said, "The photos are already available, so it's easy to get them out. But this method is too intense and will cause great fluctuations in the emotions of both parties involved."

"My boss hopes that this matter can be resolved quietly, so that the two of them can get divorced logically."

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