Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 437

"Is there?"

Maori Kogoro racked his brains and thought about it, but he couldn't remember at all. Although he had been asked to come to the door these days, he refused because of his poor condition.

So he took out the record book in the drawer and rummaged through the commission records.

On the latest page, I found the entrustment from Lin Yi's mouth. There was only the client's surname, and the contents of the entrustment were recorded, but there was no mysterious entrustment with a phone number. The date was seven days ago.

Thinking about it, seven days ago, it happened to be the period when I was drunk.

Mouri Kogoro felt that this commission came when he was drunk.

I looked at the remarks again: no matter whether it is successful or not, the deposit of 100,000 yuan will not be returned.

Although it is on record, Kogoro Mouri is still not impressed at all.

However, he had an impression of the 100,000 deposit.

"Oh... it turns out that the 100,000 yen in my clothes is the client's deposit."

Mouri Kogoro pretended to remember, and said, "I said why there are 100,000 yen in the drawer, I thought I put it there before..."

Lin Yi just smiled at this.

Fei Yingli is so smart, it is not easy to deceive.

And Xiaolan is so simple, she can easily be deceived.

Obviously not inherited from her mother, but inherited from her father.

So Mouri Kogoro is also very good at cheating.

Lin Yi just moved some hands and feet in advance, and after a little inducement, he believed in this non-existent memory.

"You've gone so many places..."

Maori Kogoro looked at these photos and reports, and the report records were quite detailed. He couldn't help but say, "Excuse me."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Lin Yi smiled. These photos were all taken in one afternoon. As for the reports, they were written in class to pass the time.

After handing the things to Kogoro Mouri, Lin Yi did not leave, but came to the sofa and sat down opposite Conan.

"Conan, listen to Uncle Mori, how often do you come here these days?"

"Yes... Yes... Hahahaha." Conan's heart skipped a beat, feeling that Lin Yi was beginning to doubt himself, he said with a dry smile, "I'm worried about... Uncle's condition."

"Is that so..."

Lin Yi glanced at Maori Kogoro, just as Maori Kogoro was also looking at him, the two inadvertently made eye contact.

Afterwards, Lin Yi looked at Conan again and said, "Since you are so worried about Uncle Mori's health, why don't you just stay here for a few days, so you don't have to run here every day."

When Conan heard this, he was moved.

If this is the case, he can indeed reduce a lot of unnecessary rushing.

Secondly, he can also get out of Dr. A Li's "monitoring", otherwise he will secretly report to his father what he does.

In the end, if he lives in the Maori office, he will have the opportunity to have frequent contact with Xiaolan, and he can blow air in her ear, which may make Xiaolan change her mind.

Now Xiaolan goes to live at her mother's house, but she always has to come back, doesn't she?

To sum up the three points, Conan couldn't help but glanced at Mouri Kogoro, wanting to see how Mouri Kogoro's attitude was.

His glance, in the eyes of Kogoro Mouri, is the look of "longing", "urgency" and "expectation".

This made Mouri Kogoro a little proud.

"If Dr. Aga doesn't object, I don't have any objection either." Kogoro Mori said generously.


Conan jumped up happily: "I'll go back and pack my clothes now! Come and stay tonight!"

After dropping this sentence, he stopped carrying his schoolbag and left the office impatiently.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth evoked a smile: "Look, how happy this child is."

After fooling Conan over, from now on, I don't have to use Mouri Kogoro to come here!

As for Xiaolan's problem, don't worry.

Now that she has left the Maori office to live, it is impossible for Lin Yi to let her move back in again.

At most, it is to ease the feeling of longing, go back to live here for a few days, and have the same concept as returning to your parents' home!


Mouri Kogoro watched Conan jumping out of the house and was very proud. He indirectly felt his own personal charm.

"It's getting late, Uncle Maori, it's time for me to leave too..."

Lin Yi said.


Maori Kogoro nodded, paused, and said, "You don't have to come here every day from now on, running around is a waste of time."


Lin Yi nodded, nothing happened, he didn't plan to come over.

An hour after Lin Yi left the office, Conan came over with a large bag and a small bag, and Dr. Li also followed to confirm the situation.

After coming to the office on the second floor, Dr. Agai chatted with Mouri Kogoro, and after confirming that there was no problem, he readily agreed to send Conan samples to Mouri's house.

In addition, Dr. Aga also passed the alimony paid to him by the Kudo couple to Kogoro Mouri.

Mouri Kogoro didn't expect to receive an extra surprise, which made him even happier.

After Dr. Akasa left, Kogoro Mouri instructed Conan to move the luggage into his room and let him sleep in the same room as him.

Conan had a bad heart, he pointed to Xiaolan's room: "Uncle Maori, can I sleep in this room?"


Mouri Kogoro refused without thinking: "You only have two choices, one is to sleep in the living room, and the other is to sleep with me!"

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