Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 455

" can leave. If there is any problem, I will call you again."

Takagi Shibu let go of Murai, then looked at his watch, his face was gloomy: "It's half past three now, and there's still an hour and a half before the transaction time... I have to rush over to the scene."

"I wish you success in rescuing the hostages."

Lin Yi beckoned and watched Takagi Shibu leave.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, Lin Yi followed him on his back foot.

Yuanzi took his hand and walked together: "Are you going to follow?"


Lin Yi didn't hide it from Yuanzi, she was much smarter than Xiaolan, and she could understand many things.

He said: "However, my classmates were kidnapped. As a member of the class, how can I stand by?"

Sonoko didn't believe his grasp, and poked his chest with that finger: "Tell the truth!"

Lin Yi said with a heartache on his face: "Such a beautiful girl, if something happens, Xiang Xiaoyu dies, it's really a pity."

"I knew you were mean!"

Yuanzi saw that there was no one in the corridor, and boldly pinched Lin Yi's grandma to vent his dissatisfaction that he was green again.

This is one of the most vulnerable places for a man, and even Lin Yi can't help but feel pain, but he still smiled; "If you don't want me to go, I don't have to."


Yuanzi looked at Lin Yi with strange eyes, and said, "You knew I wouldn't do this, so you said it on purpose?"


Lin Yi nodded cheerfully.

"Now that you know, you still ask... find a fight."

After hitting Lin Yi's body a few times, Yuanzi stopped and warned, "Don't make trouble. Be careful yourself... The kidnapper might be very dangerous."


Lin Yi nodded, beckoned, and left.

After leaving the school gate, Lin Yi called a taxi and made a phone call: "Wait for me at the entrance of the hotel...I'll pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi looked out the window and slowly searched for the ins and outs of this case in his head.

As Conan's number one gangster, Lin Yi quickly recalled it.

This case, to put it simply, is a case of retaliation.

The thing is probably like this, President Wuju, also the father of Naoko Wuju, because of the merger and acquisition of the company, his father had no choice but to take the whole family to commit suicide. robbery.

As a result, Secretary Huajing took refuge with relatives and changed his name. After graduation, he went to work in the work of President Wu Ju, and with his excellent business ability, became his secretary.

Then Secretary Hanai began to carry out his own revenge, kidnapping Naoko Takei, and asking President Takei to pay money to redeem people.

That's about what this murder is about.

This murder case, as always, is full of pitfalls.

Lin Yi didn't know where to start complaining.

Although President Wu Ju's character is not very good, he also has the courage to use the newspaper as a ransom to try to fool the kidnappers. In his mind, his daughter is not as important as money.


They acquired the company through commercial means, which is reasonable and in line with the laws of market competition, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After the company changed into someone else's shape, it suddenly changed from a rich man to a billionaire. Hanai's father couldn't accept this reality, so he took the whole family to commit suicide.

Note that this is Hanai's father taking his mother and son to commit suicide. As for whether the mother and son want to commit suicide, it is with their toes, and they can all figure it out.

Mother and son did not want to commit suicide at all. Children know how to break through without going bankrupt. It’s enough to eat, drink, and play all day long, laughing and laughing, so they won’t think about committing suicide.

My mother is still young, and it's a big deal to remarry, and she doesn't think much of suicide.

On the contrary, Dad had the most suicidal thoughts. Not only did he want to die by himself, but he even dragged his family to die with him.

Starting from the values ​​of Japanese machismo, Lin Yi estimated that most of Hanai's father felt that he was dead, and his family was uncomfortable living in this world. It was better to die with him. The family was neat and tidy. There is a companion on Huangquan Road.

As for why we didn't wait until Secretary Hanai came back to commit suicide together... that's because suicide also has to pay attention to the right time and place.

If you wait and wait and don't have suicidal thoughts, that's bad.

Huajing's father couldn't wait, so he could only bring his mother and son to Huangquan together.

In general, the death of the youngest and the youngest secretary Hanai's family has to let her father take the blame.

But her father was completely dead, so it was difficult to put this anger on the dead, so the living could only take the blame.

Naturally, President Takeu, who had acquired another company, became the target of revenge for Secretary Hanai.

At the end of the anime, Secretary Hanai spoke out her thoughts.

If President Wuju is willing to pay to redeem people, she can give up the idea of ​​revenge.

If President Wuju is unwilling to pay for the redemption, he will be killed.

Therefore, the secretary Hanai is still okay. Although he is thinking about revenge, his mind is still clear and he has a conscience.

If she cremated President Wu Ju without saying a word, Lin Yi would not have planned to help her.

Chapter 377

Five p.m.

Trading Location: Pier.

President Wu Ju sat in the driver's seat of the BMW. He held the steering wheel, looked around anxiously, and occasionally glanced at the money box on the co-pilot.

No one knew whether he was uneasy because he could rescue his daughter, or he was worried that the kidnappers saw through the money box. Only one of the money boxes had real money, and the other two money boxes were filled with newspapers.

Fortunately, the police had already set up ambushes around the pier, which made President Wu Ju feel a little relieved.

It's been five o'clock, why haven't people come yet? .

President Takeu looked at his watch a little distractedly, and clicked his fingers on the steering wheel uncontrollably.

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