Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 465

dong dong——

"I'm in."

Pushing the door and entering the office, Lin Yi saw the drunk Kogoro Mouri lying on the sofa, and Conan sitting beside him with a helpless face.

"It's only this afternoon, uncle, he got himself drunk?"

Rao is Lin Yi, and he is also a little speechless by the chaotic schedule of Maori Kogoro.

"Yeah. Because I won a horse bet at noon, I said I wanted to drink a beer to celebrate... I ended up drinking and drinking..."

Conan said a little puzzled.

"Don't you have to go to school today?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"School is off today..." Conan replied.

The holidays of your Didan Primary School are really casual...

Lin Yi couldn't help but muttered a few words in his stomach.

After seeing Lin Yi coming, Conan subconsciously got off the sofa and went to bring him a glass of water.

After reacting, the Conan people were already on their way to the kitchen.

This made him very depressed.

If I had known, he would not have come to the Maori office.

Good things didn't happen, and there were a lot of bad things. Not only did I have to help Maori Xiaowu to deal with the cases he couldn't handle, he also had to help him with housework.

He felt like he was being called by Kogoro Mouri as a nanny.


But there will always be difficulties and setbacks!

As long as I persist for this period of time, when Xiaolan comes back, everything will develop in a good direction!

Just thinking about it, Conan is full of motivation!

"Please drink water." Conan put the water glass on the table.

"Thank you... How have you been during this time? Are you still getting used to it?" Lin Yi asked.

"Hmm! I had a good time!!"

Conan said with a smile, but his heart was already full of MMPs.

See the calluses on Lao Tzu's hands? It's all about doing housework!

Are you saying good?

Lin Yi looked around the office and found that the cleaning was very clean. This is obviously not the masterpiece of Kogoro Mouri.

Conan is really hardworking.

Lin Yi looked at Maori Kogoro's drunkenness. He felt that if he was seen by the guests, he would definitely scare the guests away.

He then said, "Looking at Uncle Mauri being so drunk, I don't think he will wake up for a while... Let's take him back to his room and have a good rest."

"Well...that's what I said."

Conan also felt that Kogoro Mouri was an eyesore here.

"Wait a mininute."

Lin Yi went to help Kogoro Mauri up, sent him back to his room on the third floor, and then turned back again.

"Recently... has something happened in the office?"

Lin Yi sat back on the sofa and asked Conan about the news here.

"It's just a few entrusted investigations, nothing happened."

Conan returned truthfully, and then he couldn't help but ask Lin Yi about the black-clothed organization: "Brother Lin, have you been looking for the two men in black recently?"

"Yes, I have."

Lin Yi nodded without thinking, he had to give Conan some hope.

There is no hope, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to continue living here.

Not to mention, just cleaning this part makes Conan a little unbearable.

"What's the result?"

There was hope in Conan's eyes.

Lin Yi said, "The streets are full of people wearing black suits, and there are many people wearing black trench coats, but not many people wearing black trench coats with blond hair..."

Having said that, Lin Yi shook his head very depressed: "So far, I haven't found..."

"Is that so..."

The brilliance in Conan's eyes gradually dimmed, but he also knew that those people in black could develop such a heaven-defying drug, how could they be found so easily.

"After searching for so long, there is still no clue... I think I should almost give up."

Lin Yi didn't want to ask himself every time Conan came, and it was not a good thing to let the child down again and again.

It's better to just cut it with a knife and let him stop asking.

When you need to do something in the future, there will be organized news.

This made Conan anxious: "You... why don't you look for it?"

"up to you."

Lin Yi shrugged and said, "If you can touch it, it's the best. If you can't touch means that there is no fate between us."

This news made Conan a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up. After all, Lin Yi was looking for it aimlessly, and the efficiency was not very high, and it was okay to give up.

"By the way... Brother Lin, when will Sister Xiaolan come back?"

Conan is a little depressed. He has been living at home for more than a week. Why hasn't Xiaolan come back from Feiyingli?

"Huh? What?"

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