Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 471

The time she notified was to come at six o'clock, which happened to be dinner time.

But they came here almost three hours in advance!

"Are you surprised?"

After Lin Yi replied, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Only then did Uchida Mami realize that Lin Yi was sweating a lot on her forehead, and she hurriedly invited him in.

She looked outside, and there was no other car except the one she drove over.

She closed the door and said curiously, "How did you get here?"

"I came here in a Rolls-Royce... Then I found that I couldn't drive this mountain road, so I had to park the car at the bottom of the mountain, let someone drive it back, and walk up on foot." Lin Yi said with a sigh of relief.

Uchida Mami was startled by Lin Yi's words, she was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer in order to appear elegant and polite.

After three seconds, she said, "I'm sorry... I forgot to tell you in advance that this place is relatively remote."

"Secluded also has the advantage of being remote. The scenery on this road is beautiful, which is not seen in the urban area."

Lin Yi said and handed the champagne to Mami Uchida, and said, "By the way, put it in the refrigerator's almost at room temperature."


Uchida Mami took the champagne and subconsciously looked at the logo, and found that it was a series of French words, which she couldn't understand at all.

But one thing is for sure, this bottle of champagne must be expensive.

Although it was said that she was not a woman who worshipped gold, she couldn't help but feel a little favored towards Lin Yi after being given such an expensive gift.

After entering the living room, Lin Yi was so hot that he wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Can I take off my coat?"


Uchida Mami nodded, seeing that the white shirt under the other party's jacket was basically soaked through, and knew that Lin Yi really came up from the foot of the mountain.

This made Uchida Asami feel the sincerity of the other party even more!

Slightly moved.

"please wait a moment."

Uchida Asami turned around and went into the bathroom, washed a towel and handed it to her.


Lin Yi thanked him, took the towel and began to wipe his sweat.

Uchida Asami couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked, "Why did you come so early?"

If you don't come earlier, how can you easily brush your good feelings?

"I just wanted to come over in advance to see if there is anything I need help..."

As Lin Yi said that, he deliberately looked around and asked, "Am I the second one here?"


Uchida Mami nodded, then pointed to a pile of cardboard boxes in the living room, and said, "I just moved the boxes in... You are busy."

Chapter 389

In the living room of the villa.

Uchida Mami, who was taking out some decorative items from the cardboard box, suddenly stepped on the plastic bag that had just been thrown on the ground at random, and fell backwards accidentally!


Uchida Mami exclaimed, but the expected whereabouts did not happen, and the person was hugged halfway.


Lin Yi hugged Uchida Mami gently, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, it was in time."

Uchida Mami stared at Lin Yi dazedly, and in her head she couldn't help but think of scenes that frequently appeared in teenage manga and romance dramas.

At this moment, the heartbeat rose rapidly, and the inner emotions began to surge.

It turns out... this kind of thing really happens in real life.

Uchida Asami couldn't stop her thoughts.

At this moment, she knew what it was like to be protected, and she felt at ease.

"Thank...Thank you."

Uchida Mami came back to her senses and quickly thanked Lin Yi.

"Be careful..."

After Lin Yi told her, he would gently push her to let her stand up again, and then continue to work.


Uchida Asami stepped on the chair and was about to hang the decorations on the wall, but the height was not enough, so she stood on tiptoe.

The center of gravity suddenly shifted, the chair began to shake, Uchida Asami lost her balance, and fell backward uncontrollably.

Looking at the ceiling getting farther and farther, Uchida Mami only felt that she was flustered and her head went blank.


Instead of receiving the impact of the drop, the body moved horizontally for no reason.


Uchida Mami felt a little strange, she looked back subconsciously, and found that Lin Yi did not know when it was, lying under her body as a cushion for herself.

When did he come here?


Lin Yi let out a few "painful" groans, and his expression was a little unsightly.

Only then did Uchida Mami come back to her senses. She quickly got up from Lin Yi's body, half-squatted and pulled him off the ground, anxious and worried: "You...Are you all right?"

"I'm... all right."

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