Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 475

Or a rich second-generation thief who can show off his wealth.

From the beginning to the end, he never said that he was rich, but he acted richer than anyone else.

He hasn't solved the problem of his house yet, and people have begun to solve the problem of the illusion that he is afraid that he will not have a seat when he drinks!

Sakai Xue wanted to say something ——-What is dazzling? You didn't earn this money, what the hell.

However, when he saw the three girls including Uchida Mami, the eyes they looked at Lin Yi were different. He felt a pain in his heart, knowing that what he said was useless.

From the best in the game, he became the second child, and he was no longer the most beautiful boy in the crowd, which made him a little unhappy.

He looked at Lin Yi with jealousy in his eyes.

Jealousy made him realize a strong sense of crisis.

Look at the smile on Mami's face, he has never made her smile so happily!

Jealousy, let Sakai learn to ignite his conscience.

He knew that if he didn't show his performance tonight, then he felt that he would never have a chance in the future!

Jealousy made Sawai's thoughts begin to twist.

Mami will definitely have a good time with this guy!

I can't accept this result!

A bold idea slowly began to appear in Sakai Gakuin's heart.

Seeing Lin Yi surrounded by men and women, like the stars holding the moon, Sakai Xue became more and more firm about this bold idea in his mind!

Seeing Lin Yi's complacent appearance, Zai Xue thought secretly in his heart:

do not blame me!

It was he who forced me!

At this moment, the doorbell rang at the right time.

Uchida Mami walked towards the entrance with questions, and muttered curiously: "It's strange, everyone who should be here is here... Who else is ringing the doorbell?"

With this question in mind, Uchida Asami opened the door with a click.

Then, the well-dressed Kudo Shinichi held a bouquet of roses and said with a smile: "Ms. Mamei! Happy birthday to you... I'm not late, right?"

Conan next to him is covering his face.

Chapter 392

If Uchida Asami was to describe her 18th birthday.

She would use the word "happiness" without hesitation!

Not only did he accidentally meet the person in his dream who could make his heart flutter, but his first love even held a bouquet of roses and returned from afar to celebrate his birthday!

Uchida Asami was so happy that she was about to faint!

Ouch, so annoying!

One is the first love, and the other is the one who makes his heart beat for a long time!

Two people, which one should I choose?

Thinking of this happy trouble, the corners of Uchida Mami's mouth rose wildly, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

Yukiko saw that the other party had been looking at her and smiled stupidly, and she was secretly proud of herself, and even gave Conan a proud look--did you see the charm of your mother?

Conan cut it off, but cut it all down, he still admired his mother, at least if it was him, he would definitely not think about coming to someone else's birthday party with a bunch of roses.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly appeared in the corridor, and after seeing "Kudou Shinichi" and Conan, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted quickly and said with a surprised expression, "Oh? Kudo-san? Why did you come here?"

Yukiko looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile, "Because Miss Mamei sent me an invitation, I was embarrassed to let her down... so I rushed back from outside on purpose."

After speaking, Yukiko held the rose in front of Uchida Mami: "Senpai, here it is."

"Thank you... thank you."

Uchida Asami smelled jealousy.

When she thought of two handsome guys fighting for herself and being jealous, she laughed, she couldn't be restrained even if she wanted to be restrained.

"It's not good to stand outside, Mami, come to the living room and talk about it."

Lin Yi said.

"Well... Ah Yi said that, that's right. Let's go ahead and talk slowly."

Uchida Asami hurriedly invited Conan and Yukiko into the living room.

When Youxizi passed by Lin Yi, he couldn't help but look at the other side more.

The other party is indeed handsome, and indeed has the capital to play with.

What caught her attention even more was that the other party actually called Senior Sister's name directly, and called Mami directly.

Mami also called him by his first name.

According to Xiaoxin, it was the first time they met two days ago.

Unexpectedly, two days later, they reached the point of calling each other by name!

This guy really has two hands.

"Xinyi, I thought you couldn't come, so I didn't tell me in advance."

Mami said to Yukiko happily.

Yuxizi smiled and said, "I just wanted to give a surprise."

"Really?" Uchida Mami couldn't help smiling.

Women know women best, and Kiko said a few words, so Uchida Mami was so happy that she couldn't find Bei, and she even ignored Lin Yi who was behind her and concentrated on talking to her.

Yukiko glanced at Lin Yi provocatively.

It was found that Lin Yi's face did not have any superfluous expression, but he was just lowering his head and talking to Conan.

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