Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 480

She held back her smile: "This... this is not good?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

Yukiko took the initiative to come behind Uchida Mami, helped her take off her apron, then put her hands on her shoulders, and pushed her out of the kitchen in a friendly gesture: "It's decided! You just wait and taste me. It's good with Lin Jun's craftsmanship!"

"Then... that's fine."

Uchida Mami knew that it was a battle between men, and she knew that she couldn't stop it... and she didn't want to stop it, so she returned to the living room very excited.

When the other students saw Mami coming out of the kitchen, they couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

With an indelible smile, Uchida Mami told them, "Ayi told Shinichi to leave the kitchen to them..."

The other two female students heard the jealousy, and immediately couldn't help but gossip: "Mami! I really envy you!"

"That's right! Let two handsome guys cook for you!"


After the other two male students heard it, they were filled with emotion. They were handsome and good at cooking.

But Sakai-gaku doesn't think so!


I will do this!

I cook by myself in the rental house, self-sufficient!

This is my chance to perform!

After thinking about this, Sakai Xue stood up without a word and said, "Then I'll go into the kitchen to help too!"

Chapter 396

"I came in to help."

Sakai entered the kitchen with confidence, and even rolled up his sleeves halfway through.

When he entered the room, he saw this scene:

Under the knife of "Kudo Shinichi", a piece of ingredients quickly turned into lumps of the same size, and flew into the plate next to him.

A fresh fish, under Lin Yi's knife, quickly disemboweled, dredged its internal organs, and took out the bones, leaving only the flesh lying quietly on the plate.


The smile on Sakai's face froze.

Five seconds later, he came out of the kitchen again, put down his sleeves silently, and sat sullenly in the corner of the living room.


Yuxizi took time to look at the plate on Lin Yi's side, and found that the other party handled the ingredients very well, and the speed was ridiculous, especially the fish meat, which was fast and clean, so she couldn't pick out the slightest fault.

Yukiko, who has more than ten years of experience in cooking women, felt the pressure because of the skill of the other party.

This guy... even knows how to cook... Xiaoxin is not wronged when he loses to the opponent.

This made Yukiko start to pay attention to each other.

Xiaoxin doesn't know much about him... It seems that I can only take action myself, and first explore the other party's foundation, which is convenient.

After thinking of this, Yukiko said, "Lin Jun, you are very skilled in cooking... Did you practice it on purpose?"

"It's not a special practice."

Lin Yi said, "I have worked in a Chinese restaurant, followed the chef's back, and learned a lot."

" wonder."

Yuxizi nodded secretly, wrote down this matter, and looked at the skilled posture of the other party. It was obvious that she had worked in that Chinese restaurant for a long time, so her cooking skills were so strong.

In addition, it can be seen that the other party is very patient and has more social experience than Xiaoxin.

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't leave so much living expenses for Xiaoxin, and let him go to work and experience life.

With Xizi in her heart, she thought with some annoyance.

"What about you, Kudo-kun?"

Lin Yi felt that it would be better for him to ask back: "You are also skilled in your movements. Have you worked in a restaurant before?"


Yukiko said, "I'm bored at home, so I cook by myself... I'll practice it over time."

"You're amazing... I don't have the self-control you have."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm impatient... I'm going to practice cooking so hard to make something more delicious. I can't do this kind of thing."

Yuxizi glanced at Lin Yi, not quite understanding what he meant by these words.

Deliberately belittle yourself to praise advance as retreat?

"It took 20 minutes just to process the ingredients, let's hurry up... How about one person responsible for three dishes?"

Lin Yi wanted to give Yuxi Zilu both hands.

"no problem."

As for Lin Yi's "provocation", Yukiko will naturally not refuse!

Handling ingredients is nothing, but cooking can distinguish between high and low.

Lin Yi didn't speak, he immediately entered the concentration mode, started cooking seriously, and made the most of the effect of [Advanced Cooking]!

Yukiko opened the hot pot and took a sneak peek at the other party.

Seeing that Lin Yi was skillfully stirring the ingredients, fires would flash across from time to time.


Yuxizi stared blankly.

Why do you cook with special effects these days?

After Lin Yi noticed that Yuxizi's eyes were fixed on his side, he said, "This is the Chinese cooking method I learned in a Chinese restaurant. At the moment of the source, there was an open fire in the pot because of the oil, according to the master, this way the cooking can be heated evenly, and the taste is more delicious."

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