Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 511

Lin Yi picked up the teacup, took a sip, and nodded perfunctorily to the director.

At this moment, the door of the reception room was knocked twice.

The door opened, and the staff member appeared again. He said, "Excuse me, excuse me... Director, two more people came to learn about Keiji Aso..."

Saying that, two figures, one big and one small, appeared in the doorway.

It is "Kudo Shinichi" and Edogawa Conan.

Lin Yi wasn't surprised at all about their appearance. He had already expected it. After all, Conan could become an excellent detective not only because of his flexible mind, but also because of his strong interest in detective studies.

It is impossible to simply be persuaded to quit.

However, even if he wasn't surprised, Lin Yi had to pretend to be surprised: "Kudou? Conan...why are you here? Conan, didn't you go to school?"

Conan scratched his head and smiled, and said, "I met Brother Xinyi on the road. After I told him about this, he wanted to come over and have a look, so I followed him..."

"Shinichi Kudo" said with a smile, "Lin Yi, don't you mind if I come to investigate? Did you steal your job?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Lin Yi said meaningfully: "I still can't ask for it... With your help, I think... this matter will be over soon."

Chapter 420

Come out of the street office.

"Eh... people are already dead..."

Yukiko, disguised as Kudo Shinichi, was whispering to Conan and muttered, "Could it be someone's prank?"

" can't be a prank."

Conan frowned and pondered: "The other party has already paid the commission fee... I think it should be a friend or relative of Keiji Aso. Please ask us to investigate the cause of Keiji Aso's death."

"Then... what are we going to do next?" Yuxizi frowned, "Going to find a client?"

"If it is so easy to find a client, there is no need to entrust him in the name of Keiji Aso."

Conan frowned and said, "Even if you find the client, it's useless. The other party doesn't necessarily have more information than us."

"Hey...Xiaoxin, your classmate has gone far."

Yukiko teased Conan and reminded.

"Huh? What does he want to do? Follow him first."

Conan has no clue now, and he is not in a hurry, after all, he has just arrived on the island not long ago. ,


Youxizi quickened her pace, caught up with Lin Yi, and asked, "Lin Yi, do you have any clues?"

Seeing how straightforward she asked, Conan who was following behind couldn't help but roll his eyes, he wouldn't ask such unprofessional words.


Lin Yitou said, "I'm going to go to the public hall first, find the village chief, and check Keiji Aso's household registration."

Yukiko frowned: "Do you want to investigate Keiji Aso's relatives and find the client? It's not easy... Even if we find out, the other party doesn't necessarily have much more information than us."


Conan, who was listening, couldn't help rolling his eyes. Isn't this the conversation they just had?

Just moved in and used it, is this really good?

"There's got to be something to do... doesn't it?"

Lin Yi said and stopped in front of a clinic, turned his head and asked, "Do you know where the Civic Center is?"

"We just came here too..."

Yukiko and Conan shook their heads and said they didn't know.

"Then go and ask someone."

Lin Yi naturally turned around and went to the clinic, pushed open the door and entered. There was no one in the clinic, so he shouted, "Excuse me, is there anyone here? Excuse me."


I saw a female doctor walking out of the room. She stared at the three people who entered the room for a while, and then smiled, "You guys are a little shy, aren't you from this island?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "The three of us came from Tokyo..."

"Tokyo? I grew up in Tokyo too!"

Before Lin Yi could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the female doctor. She smiled and said, "Does it feel good to be on this island? The air is very fresh!"

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Makoto Asai, and I'm a doctor on this island... Don't look at how young I am, but I've already got a certificate. I'm a real doctor."

"Other than that, my name is Kudo Shinichi, and I'm a detective."

Hearing Yukiko's introduction, Conan couldn't help but roll his eyes

He said, "Edogawa Conan..."

"Lin Yi... We came to this island and wanted to investigate something." Lin Yi said.

"What? Can you tell me?" Asai Honesty asked curiously.

"Do you know Keiji Aso?"

Before Lin Yi could speak, Yukiko spoke first.

Lin Yi glanced at the other party and didn't expect to express such a strong desire, but it was a good thing.

"Aso Keiji?"

Asai Honesty frowned, and after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I've been on this island for two or three years, but I've never heard of Keiji Aso."

"He died because of a fire twelve years ago..."

Yukiko said, "It's what happened on this island, haven't you heard of it?"

"Twelve years ago? Such a long time ago... How could I possibly know, and I'm not a local."

Asai Honesty smiled helplessly.

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