Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 518

The body and feel of the Qingdao sisters are completely incomparable with those beautiful girls like Xiaolan Yuanzi who often exercise.

It's soft and slouchy, with no muscle elasticity at all.

Not because of her age, but simply because the Qingdao sisters don't exercise much, while Xiaolan often practices karate, and Yuanzi often plays tennis.

Purely the difference between having no muscles and having muscles.

To be honest, Lin Yi didn't notice the last question either.

After being reminded by Yuxizi, Lin Yi realized that they did choose their route through men.

But just from this point of view, it is not appropriate to say that people are green tea bitches.

A few men walk on the beach together, don't they also choose the route through women? Where there are many beauties, go wherever you go.

Lin Yi teased: "I didn't expect that, Kudo, you are also quite accomplished in this area. You can't see it, you can't see it."

This is what every girl must know!

Yukiko thought to herself.

"This is the basic quality of a detective... After a little more observation, you can come to a conclusion."

She pushed these to detective abilities.

While the two of them were chatting, they were noticed by the girls who were being judged by them.

Two young handsome guys, and there is no girl paper around, it is difficult not to pay attention.

They came over excitedly and chatted up, "You two handsome guys, do you want to play volleyball with us?"

As they said, their eyes were still fixed on Lin Yi's abdominal muscles.

The chest muscle thing is equivalent to a woman's European style, the bigger it is, the more eye-catching it is.


Lin Yi waved his hand with a smile, then he reached out and grabbed Yukiko's hand, and said with a smile, "My boyfriend will be angry if I go with you."

Yukiko was stunned for a moment, she wanted to take her hand back, but seeing the fiery eyes of those girls again, she wanted to eat them, and she knew it was hard to pass up, so she temporarily put out the idea.

Let's get rid of them first.


Lin Yi's move really made the girls scream in surprise.

"How guys are gay?" They were still in disbelief.

"What? Do you discriminate against homosexuals?" Lin Yi asked back, then took Yukiko's palm and kissed it.

This made Yukiko feel numb in her scalp, and a terrible thought emerged in her heart: Could this guy really kill both men and women? So perverted! !

"No... not."

Watching Lin Yi really snorted, those girls were very unhappy, and one even complained directly: "Ah~~~ Why are most handsome men gay? Hey, there are fewer handsome guys in the first place. , the conditions are good, and there are even fewer tall and handsome ones... How can we women live?"

Lin Yi laughed and said, "Although I am gay, I do not reject the opposite sex... Would you like to go back to the hotel with us and have an unforgettable night? I promise you will remember it for a lifetime. "

When Yuxizi heard it, she scolded Lin Yi in her heart for being a rubbish man, a scumbag among scumbags!

He was too embarrassed to say such a thing! Really shameless.

"Um...let's think about it...I'll give you an answer later, okay?"

Who knows, those girls not only did not refuse, but showed a contemplative expression.

This made Yuxizi secretly think that something was wrong, and she actually met some girls who were so open.

"Okay, take your time to think about it..."

Lin Yi said: "I will stay here until sunset."

"Um...don't run around!"

The girls ran away with excited and shy expressions. After they left, they got closer, obviously discussing whether to have a tour with these two handsome guys.

After all, in terms of hardware conditions, they earned it.

"Not enough?"

Seeing that Lin Yi was still holding onto her hand, Yuxizi couldn't help but reminded with anger.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I forgot."

Lin Yi then let go of his hand, he said with a smile: "Kudou, your hand is no different from a girl's hand, I forgot for a while that it was a boy's hand..."

"I said... What you just said to them wasn't just to send them away, right?"

Youxizi looked at Lin Yi with contempt: "Do you really have this plan?"

Lin Yi raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Of course... Since it's here to play, it's natural to be happy and come here."

"You are really bad enough..."

Youxizi said mercilessly: "Even though you already have Xiaolan, you still have to mess with flowers outside! Aren't you afraid that I will tell Xiaolan?"

"Don't be afraid, just tell Xiaolan."

Lin Yi patted his heart and said, "Xiao Lan knows that I am sincere to her and will never give up... As for other women, they just play around and pass the time."

As soon as this remark came out, Yukiko was unhappy. What does it mean to play casually with women? Do you use women as toys?

Youxizi sneered: "Oh? So, in your eyes, Lin Yi, women are your tools to solve your physiological needs?"

Lin Yi looked at Yuxizi in surprise and said, "The hat you gave me is too big... I didn't say that."

"Isn't that what you said just now?" Yuxizi sneered, feeling that Lin Yi was arguing.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Playing is a matter for two people, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer."

"I've already told them what I've said very clearly. Let's play together."

"I'm playing, and they're playing, it's called getting what you want."

"What does it mean to use a woman as a tool to vent physical needs?"

"According to what you said, didn't I also use them as a tool to solve physiological needs?"

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