Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 520

Then, she silently compared herself to the other.

Yukiko is both a referee and an athlete, and she naturally wins without exception.

She won me, it's just age!

Yukiko said proudly in her heart.

Chapter 428

The black long and straight beauty picked a beach chair with no one around, sat down like this, didn't lie down, and just looked at the sea quietly.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "This beauty is alone... She is alone to see the sea, so lonely, I have to go and accompany her."

As he spoke, Lin Yi took off his sunglasses and wrote I'm very interested.

Yukiko asked curiously, "How did you know she was alone?"

"It's very simple..." Lin Yi said, "Even though she came to the beach for a vacation, she still brought her mobile phone and wallet, obviously because she was worried that others would not be able to contact her."

"If you come with friends, there are not many people on the beach, and she is so obvious that she can be found at once... It is impossible to carry a mobile phone."

"That might not be the case."

Youxizi raised the bar and said, "What if everyone is used to carrying a mobile phone?"

Lin Yi smiled mysteriously, stopped explaining, and said directly: "Why don't we make a bet. I bet she is alone... If not, you have to ask me a non-excessive request. If Yes... I won't embarrass you, how about going for a swim in the sea wearing this airtight beach suit?"


Yuxizi wanted to agree, after all, her chances of winning were 50-50, and if she lost, it was just a walk into the sea, but if she won, she would make a lot of money.

But she was in a state of disguise, and she didn't dare to go into the water at all.

It's not that there is a problem with her disguise surgery, it's not even a problem, but there is a problem with her figure.

When she got into the water, she could see her beautiful figure at a glance. The places that should be raised were convex, and the places that should be raised were raised, and they couldn't hide it.

"Don't dare to gamble?" Lin Yi said excitedly, "What about the famous detective? Your observation skills should be much stronger than mine, right?"

"Detectives only do what they are sure of, not what they are not sure of!"

Yukiko retorted.

"'re so boring."

Lin Yi pouted, but he thought about it for a while, then smiled again: "That's good, let's chat up each other together... Let's see who succeeds in chatting up, how about it?"

Yukiko's eyes lit up, she was a fun-loving person, naturally she would not refuse this proposal.

"no problem."

Yukiko agreed in one go, and by this time, Yukiko no longer simply played the character of Kudo Shinichi, and in turn added a lot of labels to Kudo Shinichi.

Like a beauty connoisseur.

Another chat-up master, Yukiko, didn't think there was any problem.

Of course, it's not that Yukiko's acting skills are not good, but she realized that Lin Yi didn't realize that she was a fake at all, and the two were not familiar with each other before, and they did not communicate more than three times.

So she became more and more courageous.

Of course, if it were Shinichi's other friends, Yukiko wouldn't dare to be so messy.

"Then who goes first?"

Yukiko asked.

"You go first!" Lin Yi was very generous.

"Really me first?" Youxizi raised the corner of his mouth: "Then you must lose."

"How could I possibly lose to someone who doesn't even have abs?"

Lin Yi said confidently: "As long as it's a woman I'm eyeing, I'll definitely approach her."

"Really confident enough."

Yuxizi smiled softly, then she stood up and said, "Okay, then I'll chat up first... But before that, I have to prepare something."

Lin Yi watched Yukiko leave and walked towards the cold drink shop.

Soon, she came out with two cups of cold drinks, and when she passed by Lin Yi, she smiled confidently at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi followed with great interest.

Coming to the black long straight beauty who was in a daze, Yukiko said, "Are you looking at the sea?"


The black long straight beauty turned her head to look at Yukiko.

"I also like watching the sea...especially at dusk, it always gives me an indescribable feeling." Yukiko put a cold drink in front of the black long straight beauty and said, "This cup is my invitation. yours."

The black long straight beauty pushed the cold drink away with a smile and said, "Thank you, but I'm not thirsty."

"I ordered it specially for you. Since you don't want it, you can put it here."

What is sent can never be taken back.

As a woman, Yukiko naturally would not step on this minefield.

Putting the cold drink on the small round table, Yukiko sat down naturally on the beach chair next to her, and said, "It's very suitable for a vacation like this weather... right?"

"Sorry, I want to be alone."

The long and straight black beauty smiled at Yukiko, then she no longer left her, and continued to look at the sea with her chin on her hands.


got rejected.

Was flatly rejected.

This made Yukiko a little depressed, but she didn't expect her to fail to strike up a conversation.

She glanced at Lin Yi who was laughing at her from behind,

But she is not worried, because she can see the situation of the other party, that is, there is something to worry about, and she wants to be alone and take a look at the sea.

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