Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 532

"Understanding is being able to understand..."

Mingmei smiled bitterly: "But it's not that easy to implement."

"That man named Ken Nishimoto is easy to handle. He lives alone, so he can be brought here by force."

"But it's not so easy for the other two."

"Hideo Kawashima is the biggest wealthy man in the town, Chenji Heiyan is the village chief, and they have some bodyguards around them, so it's not easy to start."

After listening to Mingmei's words, Lin Yi thought about it carefully, and soon came up with a solution, and said, "I have a solution for these two people, and you will be in charge of Ken Nishimoto."

"Oh? What can I do?" Mingmei said curiously.

"The way to get them to come out obediently."

Lin Yi smiled, but didn't say anything, and continued to create a sense of mystery for himself.

Man, how about no mystery?

Mingmei didn't ask, she changed the subject: "By the way, what happened yesterday afternoon..."

"I did it."

Lin Yi said without blushing: "Although the movement is a little louder, the effect is very good... It has made the local situation vigilant against tourists and made their investigation difficult."

"Oh oh..."

Mingmei suddenly believed Lin Yi's words, thinking that the movement was deliberately created by Lin Yi to provoke the relationship between local residents and tourists.

Chapter 438

"Ah... I've been walking for a day, and I haven't heard any useful news."

Walking down the street, Yukiko was complaining along with Conan.

Conan was a little helpless: "It's the normal state of detectives to do useless work. If you can get useful clues all at once, you can only say that you are lucky."

"I'm so tired... Let's ask the owner of this pub, and then we'll take a break and solve dinner by the way."

Akiko said.

"All right……"

Conan saw that his mother had been walking with him for a day, and he was embarrassed to refuse this reasonable request.

After entering the izakaya.

Came the warm voice of the boss - welcome!

Yukiko and Conan sat down in the same seat, and the boss came over to greet the two in person.

After ordering some food, Yukiko continued to inquire with the boss: "By the way, boss. Do you know Keiji Aso?"

"Aso Keiji?"

The boss showed hesitation, and finally said: "I don't know much... I know that they died because of a fire in the past. I heard from the older generation that when the fire broke out, Keiji Aso was still there. Playing the piano inside... This matter is very wicked, and everyone has not discussed it... What are you doing to inquire about his affairs?"

"We are studying music, Mr. Aso Keiji is a very good pianist... I want to know more about him."

Akiko said.

"oh, I see."

The boss was stunned and left without saying anything.

"I think... Probably there is no useful news from the residents' mouths."

Yukiko held her chin and said boredly, "If you want to get really useful information, you have to start with the village chief."

Conan took a sip of cold water and said, "But the village chief is not someone you can see if you want... I have been there several times, and they are all dealing with official business, so they obviously don't want to see us."

"It's been so many years, who wants to bring it up again?" Yukiko could somewhat understand the village chief's mood.

"I don't know if Lin Yi has found any useful information." Conan pinned his hopes on Lin Yi.

"He? Hehe..." Yukiko smiled and shook her head, "Yesterday afternoon, that guy was fishing for fish. You're relying on him. It's better to rely on Dr. Asai to bring us good news."

"It's not like that..."

Before Conan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yukiko's exclamation: "Conan! Look... the back in that corner, isn't it familiar?"

"Which one?" Conan followed Yukiko's back, and fell silent on the spot: " It's such a coincidence? Maybe he just came here for dinner..."


Yuxizi snorted twice, she waved to a waiter, looked at Lin Yi's position, and asked, "Excuse me, when did that customer start to be there?"

The waiter followed Yukiko's eyes and said, "You said that customer... This afternoon, I started drinking here."

"What time is this afternoon...?"

"This is not very clear. In the afternoon, he came with a beautiful woman. Later, the beautiful woman left, and he continued to drink." The waiter said.

"Oh... thank you then." Yuxizi gave him a tip and dismissed him.

"Look! I'll say he can't believe it!" Yukiko hummed: "We went so hard to investigate, but he came over and fished alone here!"

"It's not like that..." Conan said, "Lin Yi is not like us. He can't investigate at will. Once his face is recognized...he will be in trouble again."

Yukiko didn't refute it anymore. She also had an unshirkable responsibility for causing the other party to be like this. She stood up and said, "Let's go over."

Conan naturally said there was no problem.

After Yukiko told the waiter, she took Conan to Lin Yi's side.

"Lin Yi, listen to the waiter, have you been drinking here for an afternoon?"

Before the person arrived, Yukiko's voice had already come over.

This made Lin Yi, who was drinking to pass the time, jump in his heart, and he was caught on the spot by touching the fish.

Oops, I was caught on the spot... No, I have to figure out a way to deceive them.

Lin Yi felt a little guilty at the time, but the guilty conscience only lasted for 0.03 seconds, and then disappeared without a trace. Instead, he came up with a way to deceive them.

He quickly took out the perfume, and sprayed it on himself continuously.

He didn't stop until he got out of the state of [Missing].

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