Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 542

After saying hello to Kogoro Maori, Lin Yi said, "The ritual is going on now, and it's not over yet... I can only wait."

"There's no way...just wait."

Maori Kogoro nodded, and he asked, "What are you doing this afternoon?"

Lin Yi said with a wry smile: "I was waiting at the village head's door, thinking if I could meet the village head Heiyan informally... But I didn't wait, so I had to work in vain."

"Thank you for your hard work... You can rest well, and leave the next thing to me." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded rudely, then he glanced at Yuxizi, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and he turned around and entered the public hall.

When Yukiko saw this, she followed into the public hall.

She quickly caught up with Lin Yi and walked side by side with him. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't you want to say something?"

Lin Yi looked at Yuxizi with a chuckle and said, "I will say it, but not now... Besides, this place is not suitable."

"Then change to a suitable place!"

Yukiko couldn't hold it anymore, but she had been curious about this for a whole day! A full 24 hours!

"When to change places... It's up to me, not you."

Lin Yi suddenly put his hand on Yukiko's shoulder, put his hand in her ear, and whispered, "Should I call you Kudo Yukiko, or... Kudo Shizuka?"

I was shocked, he really knew my identity!

Youxizi watched Lin Yi lean so close, and the mocking face that was half-smiling made her look really angry.

She thought that she had been teasing each other, but it turned out that others were teasing her.

Unhappy stomach!

"let me go!"

Seeing Lin Yi stand up for himself so openly, Yukiko shrugged and tried to throw his hand away, but failed.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't be so embarrassed... We even did things as husband and wife, just hugging each other, what's the matter."


Yukiko stared at him and whispered, "You already knew that then?"

"The answer...will be revealed later."

Having said that, Lin Yi let go of Yukiko and sat down on the bench in the corridor.

Where can Yukiko wait? She sat down and whispered, "So...that night, you weren't drunk at all, were you?"


Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile, "I'm not drunk...but you are."

"You did such a shameless thing while I was drunk..." Yukiko said angrily.

"You can't blame me for that..." Lin Yi shook his head, looked into Yukiko's eyes, and said earnestly, "Any normal man...would not miss this opportunity. After are Fujifeng Yukiko."


These words are obviously complimenting her around the corner, affirming her charm as a woman.

To make Yukiko both angry and happy... She knew that she shouldn't be happy, but she couldn't help but be happy, and she couldn't help it!

"By the way, I also took a video... Would you like to watch it?"

Suddenly, Lin Yi took out the phone, and Yukiko was shocked. She tried to grab the other party's phone, but she didn't get it.

"You... actually still filming videos!!"

Yukiko's eyes were burning, she said through gritted teeth.

"just kidding……"

Lin Yi put the phone back in his pocket with a smile, and he said, "Do you think I would be the one to do this kind of thing?"


Arukiko answered without hesitation.

"Then you just don't know me too well..."

Lin Yi shook his head, and he said confidently: "When I want you, I have a way to get you... I don't need to shoot a video to threaten you at all."


Just when Yuxizi was about to say something, a staff member came up and interrupted: "I'm sorry, you two, if you have anything to say, please go outside. Keep quiet here..."

"I see... I'm sorry."

Lin Yi made an embarrassed look at the staff, and then pointed to Youxizi: "It's all his fault, he always asks questions."


Yuxizi glared at Lin Yi, then clenched her fist tightly, advising herself not to be angry, not to be angry, no one would care if she was angry.

So she stood up, went out of the public hall first, found a place where no one was around, messed around, relieved her emotions, and then folded the public hall again and sat down beside Lin Yi.

However, she was someone who couldn't sit still. After sitting for a while, she took out her mobile phone and planned to communicate with Lin Yi via text message.

However, she had just edited the text message when the light was suddenly blocked.

Yuxizi looked up and saw that it was the staff member with a straight face: "Sir, you want to play with your mobile phone... go outside! During the ritual, you can't talk or play with your mobile phone."

"Okay...well...I don't play." Yukiko had to put the phone back in her pocket and smiled at the staff member.

After he left, Yukiko pouted in disgust.

She glanced at Lin Yi and found that Lin Yi was also looking at her with a smile on her face... This smile made her a little unhappy.

But she couldn't... at least not now.

You can only stare at each other with your own eyes, and use this way to vent your dissatisfaction.

Looking at each other, suddenly Lin Yi's mouth began to move.

Although there was no sound, Yukiko could still see what he was talking about——your eyes are so beautiful.

This sudden rant caught Yukiko by surprise, she shyly shyly, and subconsciously looked away!

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