Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 555

Kanon saw that the person involved was not there, so she joined in, and expressed her personal feelings.

On such a topic, four women could chat for an hour.

After swimming and chatting for so long, Sonoko felt a little thirsty.

As the host, Yuanzi must be taking care of the guests. She said, "I'm going to prepare some late-night snacks... Let's talk first!"

"I'm going to help too."

Xiaolan will definitely not let Yuanzi work alone.

Seeing this, Mingmei said to Jianai: "Xiao Ai must be angry, you help me find where she is."


Ka Nai is not stupid, knowing that Ming Mei deliberately spread herself, there must be something to discuss with Lin Yi.

She is living a good life now. She is not short of money or friends, and she is happy every day.

Regarding that aspect, she didn't want to touch it anymore.

After all the unrelated people left, Mingmei said to Lin Yi: "The matter has been solved perfectly... But Dr. Asai still has to deal with the affairs of the clinic, otherwise, if she leaves suddenly, it will cause suspicion."


Lin Yi nodded and expressed his understanding: "You can arrange this matter."

"After it's arranged. You can find some time to learn how to manage a firm."

"You don't have to worry about other issues."

"Well, I see."

After Mingmei heard this, she clenched her fists slightly nervously.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi felt that in order to take precautions before it happened, he said, "If they are disobedient, you can teach them a lesson. As for the proportions in this, you can control it yourself."

Those girlfriends are spoiled by themselves, and maybe they will do some willful things, mess up and disrupt the order.

Lin Yi didn't want to see things like The Legend of Zhen Huan appear.

Therefore, she gave Mingmei the authority to kill!

Mingmei clenched her fists even tighter when she heard this. She knew that the responsibilities on her shoulders were heavy and heavier!


When Lin Yi was enjoying life in his private villa, he forgot his fatigue on Moon Shadow Island.

Yukiko is dealing with Conan's affairs so much that she is not even in the mood to eat.

This situation was only caused by Lin Yi's words in the car in the afternoon!

Without saying a word, Conan got off the car and wanted to go to the Shinkansen to go to Cupido Town.

Arikiko intercepts him and tries to stop Conan from going violently.

Who knew that Conan's eyes were red, and his six relatives did not recognize him, so he opened his mouth and shouted "kidnapping, kidnapping".

Directly attract the attention of the people around you.

Yukiko couldn't let go of Conan, and reached an agreement with him to make sure that he wouldn't mess around, and then they went to the Cupido Hotel together.

However, when they arrived at the Cuphu Hotel, it was already late.

Conan took out his mobile phone and looked at the hand-painted pictures of the two men in black to the hotel staff.

The staff said: "You said they... I have a little impression, and left after eating."

"How long have you been away?"

"Um... half an hour?"

When Conan heard this, his heart was ashes, and he knew that he was late.

Yuxizi just thought it was over here, but who knew that Conan asked her to do so: "Mom, find a way to get the surveillance video..."

"But... what if you get the surveillance video?" Youxizi asked back, "They've all been gone for so long."

Conan didn't speak, just looked at her with stubborn eyes.

Yukiko had no choice but to agree to Conan's request.

At the same time, her heart sank, knowing that Lin Yi really knew the whereabouts of the two men in black.

Chapter 457

For two days in a row, Conan was constantly tossing the surveillance video, even to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat.

Except for going to the toilet, he stayed in Dr. A Li's workshop for the rest of the time, never leaving him.

When he was sleepy, he went to sleep, woke up and continued to check the monitoring, repeating this, looking at his energy, it seemed that he had to catch some clues from it.

Yuxizi felt distressed when he saw it, and once wanted to take him back to his room secretly while he was asleep.

As a result, as soon as he met Conan, he woke up, and then Conan kicked her out of the workshop and locked the door.

Seeing Conan's state, Yukiko was worried.

What worried her even more was that Lin Yi's casual words made Conan possessed.

To untie the bell, you still have to tie the bell, and Yukiko wants to ask Lin Yi to help, so that Conan can get rid of this stunned state.

However, Lin Yi didn't answer her call at all.

This made Yukiko feel helpless, and she also knew that this was one of the ways the other party put pressure on her.

If she told anyone she dared to tell, things would definitely not end here.

Since Conan's matter cannot be resolved, Yukiko can only start to investigate Lin Yi's past.

Let's see what the background of this guy is. He has such great ability. Not only can he figure out their address in New York, but he also knows the movements of that mysterious organization.

Yusaku Kudo could not be disturbed by this matter, so Yukiko could only rely on her own connections to find someone for help.


In Yuanzi's private villa, Lin Yi lived a decadent life.

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