Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 558

After she rang the doorbell two or three times, the door clicked open.

Lin Yi was shirtless, sweat dripping from his forehead, and was wiping the sweat with a wet towel, apparently he was exercising.

"How did you come?"

Lin Yi was slightly surprised when he saw Yuxizi coming.

"Why can't I come?"

Yukiko tried her best not to look at the guy's chest muscles.

Lin Yi turned around and went back into the house, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"What do you think I can do?"

Yukiko went into the house and closed the door.

At the same time, he did not forget to look at his residence.

It is very clean, there is no peculiar smell in the air, and there is a good smell in the air.

Sure enough, there must be other women living in this house.

Um? this a Chanel No. 5 perfume?

Use perfume as an air freshener!

It's so extravagant! !

Lin Yi didn't point to the sofa, and said, "You sit first... don't run around. If you have anything to say, wait until I finish taking a shower."

Having said that, Lin Yi ignored Yu Xizi and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Yukiko agreed on the surface.

But how could it actually be possible to sit obediently?

She now regrets that she didn't bring a few micro-monitors from Dr. Agsa.

But regret is useless.

Yukiko looked around, but didn't find anything special. It was ordinary home-style decoration, but the furniture was very expensive.

There are a lot of things that should be there, and there is nothing superfluous.

"Huh? It turns out that this place is open."

After Yukiko opened the door, she found another open space.

Look at so many fitness equipment here.

Only Yukiko knew that this guy was exercising in this place just now.

Then, she opened the cloakroom inadvertently, looking at the neat and orderly bags, hats and clothes inside, she instantly petrified in place.

Chapter 459

"This...this is Chanel's haute couture!"

"P62323 series! There are four styles in spring, summer, autumn and winter!"

"Limited-edition bag...this is the stray bag I've always wanted!!"

"python bag... fine velvet clutch..."


Yukiko looked at the limited edition bags and various clothes in the room.

The whole person began to tremble, and attention was attracted by these things.

She doesn't want to do any investigation or anything!

It's true that Yukiko is rich, but the problem is that it was when she was 20 years old and became popular.

It has now been seventeen years.

She has always been in a state of being a homeless person, and she has been roaming everywhere. Even if she occasionally appears on TV, she doesn't make much money, and she is always in a state of being unable to make money.

Although Kudo Yusaku is rich, he is willing to hand over the bank card to Yukiko for safekeeping.

But Youxizi didn't dare to spend it indiscriminately. After all, this money is not her private money, and she has to spend it to do something in the future.

Although she can afford designer bags like Chanel.

But buying is also the kind of careful selection, horizontal and vertical comparison, and a choice to buy.

If you buy this one, you can only give up that one.

If you buy both, the quality of life will be degraded after that.

In addition, Chanel releases new products from time to time, and the new products in each country and region are different.

There are so many styles of bags alone, not to mention luxury accessories such as perfumes, bracelets, lipsticks, and hats.

It is impossible for Yukiko to buy only bags without buying other products.

It's simply a direct and open-minded robbery.

Kudo's family has no mines, so naturally he can't toss so much.

Naturally, Yukiko can't be like Kasaka Kano, who buys and buys when she likes it.

If you don't like it when you see it, but it has collectible value, you can also buy it.

Seeing that even if she doesn't like it, it has no collection value, but she has so many Chanel bags, but she has it, and she buys it easily. The family should be neat and tidy.

It was because of this that Yukiko became obsessed after entering the closet.

Although I know that it is wrong to open other people's drawers without the owner's consent.

But Yukiko couldn't control her hand and pulled the drawer open.

At first glance, the slogans of various color numbers are neatly arranged, and the slogans of the same color number are placed in a row.

Yukiko felt like she had become a lemon extract.

She had no concept of money before, because she was not short of money.

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