Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 563

Between singing and singing, the atmosphere became very active.

Fei Yingli didn't know the secrets mixed in the atmosphere, and even took the initiative to talk about their interesting stories in high school, pushing the atmosphere to the top, making everyone laugh and talk, the atmosphere was great.

Fei Yingli saw that the atmosphere was hot, and the time was almost up, so she stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom last time, you guys talk first."

Lin Yi and Yukiko watched Concubine Yingri leave in a tacit understanding until the other party's sight disappeared.

The expressions on the two people's faces changed immediately.

The smile on Yuxizi's face disappeared immediately, but Lin Yi's smile became even more proud.

Youxizi looked at Lin Yi, her face full of unhappiness, and she said sarcastically: "I know you are bad enough...but I didn't expect you to be so bad."

"I didn't would have a relationship with Fei Yingli as best friends."

Lin Yi said with great interest: "Don't you think that this is a destiny arranged by God?"

"The destiny arranged by God?" Yuxizi sneered: "I think it was arranged by you!"

Regarding this point, Yukiko was indeed right, and it was arranged by Lin Yi.

However, how could Lin Yi admit it?

"Since you are Feiyingli's best friend, should she tell you? How did the two of us know each other?"

Lin Yi said without changing his face: "My encounter with her was just a coincidence... a wonderful coincidence."

"A wonderful accident?" Yukiko pouted: "The last time I was in Moon Shadow Island, this wonderful accident also happened to me."

Thinking that this guy has the ability to arrange a scene of a hero saving beauty, Yukiko doesn't think he can't arrange a scene of an encounter.

"Shepherd have preconceived notions, I don't blame you."

Lin Yi said lightly, as if I don't want to explain, whether you believe it or not.

"Okay, even if it's an accident this time, you don't know that Yingri is Xiaoran's mother, right?" Yukiko attacked at another point.

"What? Xiaolan is Feiyingli's daughter?

Lin Yi refused to admit that he knew, he said with a look of surprise.

"Pretend, continue to pretend to me." Yuxizi sneered and sneered: "I can tell from your expression that you are faking it."

Oh yes, this guy is a queen-level actress, he can't fool her.

Lin Yi had to withdraw his surprised expression. He rolled his eyes and said to Youxizi: "Xiaolan's name is Mao Lilan, and Yingli's surname is Concubine... The surnames are completely different. Beforehand, how did I know that they were related?"


This made You Xizi pause for a moment, because it was indeed the case.

In Japan, it is common sense that the family name is the same.

How could the average person associate two people with unrelated last names?

"But you know now!"

Yukiko turned to attack the third point, and she said, "You know it now, but you choose to be indifferent! How do you explain it?"

"If I had known in advance, I would definitely not have done such a cruel thing."

Lin Yi said with a stern face: "But this was done without my knowledge... I have already done everything that should be done, how could I possibly let go."

"You already know the details of me, so I'll tell you about it generously. I want both of them."

Chapter 463

"You want both of them?"

After hearing Lin Yi's sincere words, Yukiko laughed suddenly: "So that's the case... I know what I should do."

Lin Yi asked with great interest, "Oh? What are you going to do?"

"If I tell Eri, what kind of face is the real you..."

"How do you think she'll react?"

Yuxizi stroked her hair proudly: "If I tell her again, the relationship between you and Xiaolan..."

"How do you think she will react?"

Lin Yi didn't speak, just looked at Yuxizi.

Yukiko continued: "She will definitely slap you on the spot and then walk away?"

"When the time comes, don't be Yingri, and even Xiaolan will have to leave you!"


Lin Yi thought seriously along Yuxizi's train of thought, and said, "Indeed, as you said..."

"I didn't expect my handle to fall into your hands..."

He made a distressed look: "What should I do?"

"How to do?"

Yuxizi sneered: "It's very simple, as long as you give me all the information about that organization...then the account between us will be written off like this!"

"I can ignore all the things you did to me before!"

"Is it alright?"

Lin Yi asked back: "Is it enough to give you the information of that organization? Is it that simple?"

"Yes... it's that simple."

Youxizi nodded and said, "I am a more generous person."

"Let me think about it."

Lin Yi made a distressed move, then he looked up at Yukiko and said, "This is indeed a good way... But I have a better way."

"what way?"

Yukiko asked subconsciously.

Lin Yi suddenly sat over, and without saying a word, threw Youxizi on the sofa in the booth and kissed him.

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