Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 568

"No, there is no information about them at all... It seems that they are not fugitives."

After searching all afternoon and evening, Conan still failed to find information on gin and vodka on the Internet.

On the contrary, various brands of gin and vodka are advertised endlessly.

This made Conan very depressed: "Really... After arousing my curiosity, he ignored me and pretended to be angry..."

Calm down and think about all the things that have happened these days, Conan realizes that he has done too much to his mother.

Especially when he shouted "kidnapping kidnapping" on the street.

She must be very sad then, right?

The child she raised so hard, in the end, actually said that she had kidnapped him.

Conan can't help but feel a little annoyed now, he feels that it is very necessary for him to apologize to his mother.

"Oh...I don't know when she will come back."

Conan looked at the phone and said to himself, "I can't get through the phone... I guess I've been blocked... Hehe."

Just then, Dr. Li passed by the workshop and heard Conan talking to himself, he stopped and said, "Conan, are you waiting for your mother to come home?"

"Well..." Conan nodded, suddenly he thought of something, patted his head suddenly, and said to Dr. A Li, "Doctor! Borrow me your mobile phone, and I'll call my mother."

Dr. Li said, "Did your mother dress up as you today?"

"Well... yes." Conan nodded.

"Then she's back... I just saw a man enter your house." Dr. Li said.

"Is that so..."

When Conan heard this, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly jumped out of his chair and said, "Then I'll go back now... Good night, doctor."

"Good night…"

Chapter 467

After returning to Kudo's mansion, Conan looked at the shoe cabinet and found that there were not a single shoe in it.

Indeed, my mother is back.

Conan couldn't wait to walk up the stairs, but halfway through, he thought of something, turned back to the kitchen on the first floor, poured a glass of water, and then went up to the second floor again.

After arriving on the second floor, Conan couldn't wait to knock on his mother's door and said in a cautious voice, "Mom, are you asleep?"


"Are you free now? I want to talk to you."

"I'm busy now."


Conan was speechless for a while. He felt that his mother was probably in vengeance mode again, and he couldn't talk to her properly.

"Then I'm in." Conan said.

"I'm not wearing any can come in if you have the ability."

Akiko's voice came from inside the house, which made Conan's body froze, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to give up the idea of ​​going in.

He was very sure that Yuxizi was lying, and he said this to prevent himself from going in.

But if his mother really didn't have any clothes on, Conan would feel that he was forced to break in, and he was not a human being.

It seems that she is determined not to tell me tonight.

What she didn't want to say, the more she forced her, the more she didn't say it.

After thinking of this, Conan could only dismiss the idea and said, "Okay then... Let's talk tomorrow."

As he said that, he walked away with a displeased face. He looked at the water he poured with sincerity, and drank it himself.


the next day.

Conan got up early in the morning and spent an hour carefully preparing breakfast.

His mother likes Japanese breakfast the most, because there are many kinds and the taste is relatively light. The most important thing is that he has eaten it for so many years and is used to it.

Conan remembered that Lin Yi's cooking skills were very good, and he was a little annoyed that he didn't take the opportunity and asked him to teach him a few tricks.

"Well... it's seven o'clock, why hasn't she gotten up at this time? She usually gets up at this point to finish yoga."

Conan glanced at his watch, a little puzzled.

However, when he thought that his mother could find out the names of the two men in black, it must have taken a lot of effort and ran a lot, and it was normal to be tired.

Conan decided to wait a little longer: "Wait another half an hour."

Half an hour later, Yukiko hadn't come downstairs.

Conan went upstairs to knock on her door, and there was a quick response.

"Mom, get up for breakfast... I specially prepared a hearty breakfast for you today."

"Really? Then I'll go down after I'm done washing..."


After Conan returned to the living room on the first floor, he warmed up the meals again.

Because according to what he knew about his mother, this scrubbing process also included makeup, and it took about forty minutes before and after.

Sure enough, after forty minutes, Yukiko came downstairs.

"Wow! The breakfast is so rich!"

Yukiko smiled and walked down the stairs. She looked at Conan with meaningful eyes and said, "If only there was such a hearty breakfast every day."


Conan just smiled and didn't answer the question. If he did, he would be responsible for her mother's breakfast every day in the future, so what?

"I realized that I did something very bad to you, mom, the other day, so I carefully prepared breakfast to apologize to you."

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