Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 578

"You're in a daze when you see it... Blame me."

Sonoko said with a smile.

After fighting for a while, he stopped.

Yuanzi quickly wentssip: "Last night... how was it?"

"What's the matter."

Xiaolan turned around and put down her schoolbag, obviously embarrassed to answer.

"How else can it be?"

Sonoko hurried up and asked shamelessly, "Feeling...I'm talking about feeling. How does it feel to play poker with Aunt Yingri? Is she good at poker?"

Xiaolan blushed and said hesitantly, "I can't tell what it feels like... Don't ask. If you're so curious, why don't you feel it yourself."

"Looking at the way you're not seems to be pretty good."

Sonoko said this while watching Xiaolan's reaction: "I always seem to be enjoying it!"

"No, no, don't talk nonsense!"

Xiaolan came up with a set of denials.

"The reaction is so intense, it must be."

Sonoko continued to tease.

After joking for a while, the class bell rang.

Yuanzi returned to his seat, glanced at Lin Yi's empty seat, rolled his eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chapter 475

After drinking that glass of beer, she fainted, and she doesn't even remember what happened last night. I just remember that when she woke up the next day, she slept on the sofa in the living room——if this is the case, it would be easy to handle, she could pretend to be confused and pretend that nothing happened.

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

She remembered exactly what happened last night.

This made her even more confused.

dong dong dong——-

"Teacher, I'm in."

The assistant, Kuriyama Midori, walked in with coffee as usual.

As she came over, she said, "Teacher, how was your rest last night? Do you need to take a nap for a while?"

"No, I'm in a good state of mind today."

Concubine Yingri came back to her senses and said.

"That's good...Come on, here! Milk coffee!"

Li Shanlu put the coffee in front of Fei Yingli and said with a smile: "This coffee was sent by Mr. Lin... Although it is instant coffee, it tastes very good. After I drank a pack at noon yesterday, I was very tired all afternoon. Spirit!"

"Is there such an exaggeration?"

When Fei Yingli heard that it was sent by Lin Yi, she picked it up curiously and took a sip.

As a gold medal lawyer, Fei Yingli is of course indispensable to the help of coffee, so she has tried many varieties of coffee and gradually became a coffee expert.

Americano is made from two parts water and one espresso, and it has no coffee flavor.

Espresso is stronger than American coffee, but it is also more bitter.

White coffee tastes smooth and pure, but the coffee taste will be masked a lot by the creamer.

A mocha, a blend of espresso, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and milk, is more of a sweet drink than coffee.

Latte coffee, cappuccino, macchiato and combo blue coffee are all based on Italian espresso, mixed with different sauces or fresh milk, etc.

Good fit and drink, but lost the coffee flavor.

The current cup of coffee is different.

The rich milky aroma lingers on the tip of the tongue, and the unique aroma of coffee is mixed, forming a unique taste.

Fei Yingli didn't know if it was an illusion, but felt that after drinking this coffee, her spirit and emotions were stabilized.

She couldn't help but crave the cup and drank a few more sips.


Feiyingli had to give this evaluation. She asked curiously, "Is this really instant coffee? How can it taste so good?"

"Yes, I did it myself."

Li Shanlu said, "Mr. Lin said it was produced by a friend from a foreign country's private coffee house. He thought it tasted good and refreshed his mind, so he sent it over."

Speaking of which, Li Shanlu tutted his tongue and praised: "Teacher is really charming... Letting such a handsome, rich and considerate little fresh meat chase after him, I am really envious."

"Okay, don't be envious... go back."

Feiyingli smiled and took a sip of coffee.

"Well, then I'll go out."

Seeing that Concubine Yingri didn't want to talk about Lin Yi's affairs, Li Shanlu turned around and left.

After Kuri Shanlu left, Fei Yingli put down the coffee cup, and she stopped thinking about Lin Yi, and devoted her energy to her work during her work time.


When Concubine Yingli came back to her senses, she found that she had already left work.

"Today has gone by a little too fast..."

Fei Yingli stretched and said with satisfaction: "It's been a long time since I devote 100% of my energy to my work like today!"

Fei Yingli had a headache at the thought of getting off work.

When you go home, you can't think of going back. Once you go home, something will definitely happen again.

Feiying thought for a while and took out her mobile phone: "Forget it... Let Yuxizi come out and have a drink."

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