Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 582

This scene made Xiaolan freeze in place for a while, as if someone pressed the pause button.

When she came back to her senses, Lin Yi was already in front of her.

Xiaolan felt a chill rise all over her body. She subconsciously took two steps back. When she took the third step, she was caught by Lin Yi and pulled over. Xiaolan screamed in fear. forgot.

I saw the door slam shut, and locked it with a click.

Inside the law firm, there was a scream and wailing, which made the scalp numb.

Chapter 478

How do embarrassing situations usually come about?

It's because of unfamiliarity.

Looking back, in your career so far, have all the awkward situations been because of someone unfamiliar?

But when you go out for a walk with friends you know, even if you have nothing to talk about, there will still be no embarrassing scenes.

The reason why I mention this is because Feiyingli and Xiaolan have formed teams too many times, so the embarrassment is gradually fading away.

From the embarrassing atmosphere of "I want to dig a hole and stuff my head in it" in the first team formation, to the fourth team formation, they can face each other calmly and evaluate each other in their hearts. What is the level of skill.

When all the embarrassment fades away, all that remains is tacit selective amnesia.

The two of them have a tacit understanding of the relationship between each other to distinguish, independent of each other.

When they were alone, they were still mother and daughter.

But when the three are together, it is a man and a woman.

The biggest benefit of this self-deception is that it makes your life seem as normal as it used to be.

Lin Yi didn't break this tacit understanding, as long as they accepted this setting.

It is up to them to decide how they want to get along with each other.

He just needs to make sure that when three people are present, they can enter the fighting state at any time.

If he manages everything in detail, he feels that he will fall to the death of overworked disease like Zhuge Liang.

After four consecutive days of guidance and training, it was necessary for Lin Yi to check whether they would obey the discipline.

Needless to say, Xiaolan is an obedient good boy.

Lin Yi called her home for dinner, and she came back obediently after school in the afternoon, even though she knew what would happen when she came back.

Xiaolan was so afraid of being deceived by Lin Yi. Instead of being deceived by Lin Yi to go home, she might as well listen to his words and go home.

At least that way, his IQ won't be hurt.

Concubine Yingli is the object of Lin Yi's attention.

I called Fei Yingli, but this time Lin Yi didn't use the voice changer.

"Come back for dinner tonight."

Although this sentence could not be passed directly to Fei Yingli, but was transferred to the voicemail, but Lin Yi didn't care, he knew that Fei Yingli must be listening.

The fact that Fei Yingli won't come back this evening determines whether Lin Yi will continue to take steps to teach him.

And things were just as Lin Yi thought, Fei Yingli's expression was very complicated after hearing this message.

For the first time, she didn't know what Lin Yi was thinking, so she was caught.

The second time, she didn't expect Lin Yi to be so insidious, so she was also caught.

The third time, she didn't guess that Lin Yi used Xiaolan to lure her again.

The fourth time, she didn't expect Lin Yi to come directly to her office.

Even if she didn't know Lin Yi before, she could predict what he wanted to do today just from the pattern of his actions in the past four days.

Not surprisingly, after returning home, she had to be beaten again.

Even if you are beaten, you have to be beaten with your daughter.

This is no longer a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli felt a headache. She could probably read the meaning of Lin Yi's move.

Do you want to keep playing, or just accept your fate?

Directly admit fate?

Fei Yingli is not a person who will easily accept her fate, otherwise she would not have made the feat of being separated for ten years and spelled out her own life.

But four times in a row, it was completely pointless to continue playing.

Of the two choices, neither is Fei Yingli's favorite.

She prefers the third option and lets things stop here.

Unfortunately, Fei Yingli knew that this option had been deducted by Lin Yi.

That night, when the other party said the phrase "I have the best of both worlds", it was deducted.

"Sigh, it would be great if we could maintain the relationship as before..."

Fei Yingli sighed and wanted to go back to the past, back to the time when she didn't know that Lin Yi was Xiaolan's male ticket.

No worries, no worries.

But this idea was quickly dispelled by Fei Yingli. She is a very realistic person. Since the reality is like this, she will face it bravely.

Fei Yingli couldn't make a choice, so she silently found a coin in her wallet.

The word is to continue, the person's head is to accept fate.

Put the coin on the thumb, push the thumb up, bounce the coin, and after it falls, cover it with the other hand.

Fei Yingli slowly moved her palm away, looking at the coin, the word was facing up.

keep playing?

Feiyingli raised her brows and was silent for a while, and then she made a fate-defying move—turning the coin over and making someone's head go up again.

"Now that he is imposing, I will definitely lose if he continues to play. So... Temporarily admit defeat for the sake of future success."

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