Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 594

But Sato Mikazu and Miyamoto Yumi, she can't figure it out by herself, Miyamoto Yumi will definitely help her analyze it.


After saying goodbye to the two, Lin Yi left the coffee shop and went to the nearest smoking hotel.

Still the same sentence, don't buy the best, only buy the most expensive,

Leaving the smoke hotel, Lin Yi held a bottle of sake in his hand.

It's not very expensive either. Lin Yi remembered that the melon he bought last time cost over one million.

It's still early, and Matsumoto Kiyoshi, who is the administrator of the first search section, is still busy at the Metropolitan Police Department and has not returned home from get off work.

But Lin Yi still went to Matsumoto Kiyoshi's house.

Pressed his doorbell.

It was Sayuri Matsumoto who opened the door.

Lin Yi just wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Matsumoto Sayuri pulled Lin Yi into the house without saying a word.

After closing the door, he pressed him directly on the door, right in the entrance, and started directly.

Matsumoto Sayuri decisively took the wine from Lin Yi's hand and put it on the shoe cabinet at will.

Then she grabbed Lin Yi's collar and pulled it down.

Lin Yi wanted to embarrass her, so he turned his head on purpose and didn't give her a kiss.

He looked at the bottle of Takagi Shuzo for the 14th generation that was placed on the shoe rack at will, and said, "That wine is very expensive... Be careful when you put it away, it will be gone if you throw it away."

"Don't put your mind on that bottle of wine... put your mind on me!"

Matsumoto Sayuri said dissatisfiedly, and at the same time straightened his face with his hands.

Seeing Matsumoto Sayuri's head approaching, she looked impatient.

The more impatient she is, the more Lin Yi will not let her succeed.

He put his hand on her mouth and said worriedly: "No, no, if your father sees it, it will be miserable..."

"My dad is still busy at the Metropolitan Police Department! He won't be back until six o'clock!"

Matsumoto Sayuri quickly explained, then released Lin Yi's hand that was in the way, and moved her head forward.

Lin Yi turned his head away again and said solemnly, "What if he comes back early? And this is your father's house, not yours... It's not good, let's forget it."

How could Sayuri Matsumoto count?

"do not move!"

Seeing that she couldn't succeed many times, she put her hands around Lin Yi, picked it up and hung it directly on Lin Yi's body, putting her head together.

This time it did.

Of course, this is also the reason why Lin Yi did not tease Sayuri Matsumoto anymore.

If you continue to tease, it will be too much.

Not only is there no fun at all, but it will also make girls anxious.


When the battle starts, it depends on the girls, but when the battle ends, it depends on the boys.

In this battle, Lin Yi still chose to seize the initiative.

Not only did he seize the initiative, but he also wanted to use the recently realized Zhanyi Shiba on Matsumoto Sayuri.

Lin Yi first used the hook leg to pat the back of Matsumoto Sayuri.

Hooking her legs and patting her back, as the name suggests, is to hook up her legs and pat her back.

First, switch the positions of the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

Originally, Lin Yi was behind the door, there was no place to dodge and move, it was very dangerous.

But after using this trick to hook his legs and pat his back, he controlled Sayuri Matsumoto, and then reversed the situation.

It became a place where Sayuri Matsumoto leaned against the door, and there was no movement to dodge.

After grabbing the advantage first, Lin Yi worked his way up and used the slanted single whip again.

Single, pass fake characters, pass bombs, and play with the same meaning.

Oblique step single whip, as the name suggests, is to let the other side step diagonally and let oneself whip up.

This step is a preparation action, which is to prepare in advance for the following attack action.

The abdominal strength of Zhanyi's eighteen falls fell.

Dantian was full of qi, and with a "ha" force, he used abdominal force to shake the enemy forward, causing him to fall on his back.

Zhanyi fell eighteen, Zhanyi fell eighteen.

If you want to exert the greatest power of this set of kung fu, the most important thing is to dip it!

Previously, hooking the leg and slapping the back, sloping a single whip, and dropping the abdominal strength, all of them were trying to get close to the other party and make themselves stick to the other party.

Only when you are in contact with the other party can you exert the supreme power of dipping in clothes!

Now that it has been stained, Lin Yi naturally unceremoniously displayed an attacking move-----The wild horse hit the groove.

The wild horse hits the groove, the word is as it says, that is, imagine yourself as a wild horse, and imagine the other party as Pinocchio, and slammed into it, like a wild horse that ran away.

This move is a normal attack, which can be regarded as a flat A.

Mustangs have no skills, and they all rely on Ping A to go around the world.

Lin Yi could only keep leveling A, leveling A repeatedly, until he knocked the other side into place, and finally died of internal bleeding.

However, when faced with the juncture of life and death, people will burst out with an unprecedented desire to survive.

And this desire to survive will make people show their own skills that they don't know.

For example, Sayuri Matsumoto, now feeling a strong crisis, turned out to be self-taught without a teacher.

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