Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 601

As he walked, Lin Yi said, "It's actually not difficult to test Pingji."

In order not to irritate this poor man who deceived himself, Lin Yi deliberately changed "kick out" to "test".

"First of all, I want to be friends with him." Lin Yi said.

"Befriend him?" Guomo Lighting asked curiously.

"Yes, after you become friends with him first, you can get to know him well." Lin Yi said slowly: "After getting to know him, you will know what his weaknesses are, and then set up a game based on his weaknesses..."

"Set up a bureau?" Guomo Lighting was shocked at the time: "This... such an advanced method, I... I can't learn it."

Lin Yi said: "It sounds advanced, but it's actually very simple."

"In layman's terms, you and Heiji become good friends."

"After that, when Heiji was dating He Ye, you made trouble."

"How to... make trouble with it?" Guo Mo Lighting asked humbly for advice.

Lin Yi didn't expect this guy to come up with any good ideas, he simply said his plan.

"I remember, Heiji loves reasoning, right? It's like Kudo in Kanto, and Kansai's belly..."

"That's right... that's true." Guomo Lighting nodded.

"Since we know that Heiji's weakness is reasoning, it's easy to handle."

Lin Yi said: "When Heiji was dating He Ye, you deliberately sent Pingji some interesting reasoning questions, or discussed with him a murder case that has not been solved recently."

"Shifted Heiji's focus from dating to the topic you brought up."

"In this way, He Ye will definitely not be able to bear Heiji's perfunctory treatment of her, and the date will end up so unhappy."

"After a few repetitions, He Ye will definitely be disappointed with Heiji to the end..."

Lin Yi told his conspiracy to Guomo Lighting.

He didn't believe it. He couldn't understand such a simple and easy-to-understand plan.

The plan is indeed simple and easy to understand, and Guomo Lighting understands it.

But the problem is——

"Senior, this doesn't seem like a test, right?" Guomo Lighting carefully raised his own question.

Lin Yi said sternly: "Why isn't this a test? If he is interested in He Ye, he will definitely focus all his attention on dating He Ye."

"You just talked to him about topics he was interested in. Did you force him to talk? No?"

"He can talk or not, the choice is in his hands. Isn't this a temptation?"

After Lin Yi said this, Guomo Lighting's doubts were dispelled again.

"Okay... I've said everything I need to say."

Lin Yi stopped and said, "You already know what to do. I can only help you for this."

When Guomo Lighting heard this, he immediately stood up straight, bowed 90 degrees to Lin Yi, and said sincerely, "Thank you for your help, senior!"

"If you want to thank me, chase He Ye! That's the best thank you to me."

Lin Yi patted his shoulder and said this with a smile.

"I will definitely not live up to your expectations!"

Guomo Lighting said seriously.


"Huh... I finally finished fooling this Tie Hanhan."

After parting with Guomo Lighting, Lin Yi breathed a long sigh of relief.

Guomo Lighting was fooled by himself, and he also gave him the method.

Lin Yi does not believe that the National Lighting Association will be indifferent.

But any man will never watch the girl he likes fall into the arms of others when there is still hope.

The hope of illuminating his hope at the end of the country is the method that Lin Yi gave him!

If he gave up this method, he would undoubtedly give up on He Ye.

If it was the previous lighting at the end of the country, he would most likely choose to give up.

But now the lighting at the end of the country is different. He spent a lot of time on He Ye, which is equivalent to investing a lot of capital.

Can he be ruthless and give up his early investment?

Moreover, Guomo Lighting chatted with He Ye, met each other, and had a good time together hahaha.

These beautiful memories will be played repeatedly in the head of Guomo Lighting, which will further involve Guomo Lighting.

This indirectly increases the cost of giving up lighting at the end of the country.

Guomo Lighting has long been caught in the love trap specially woven by Lin Yi for him, and it is difficult to extricate himself!

Now, the tool man's road-opening plan has reached the most important juncture.

As long as the tool person Guomo Lighting can trigger a conflict between Heiji and He Ye, and make them conflict, then the mission of Guomo Lighting as a tool person can be completed!

That's when Lin Yi came on stage!

As for this time, when... For the specifics, we have to see when Guomo Lighting will complete his mission.

However, judging from the indecisive character of Guomo Lighting, most of them are not so fast.

The matter of the lighting at the end of the country can temporarily come to an end.

Lin Yi took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that Mikazu Sato didn't call after the 30th call.

Lin Yi felt that it was almost the same.

However, instead of calling Sato Miwako directly, he took out the crystal pendant and directly entered Sato Miwako's name, intending to create a chance encounter.

The third-person vision of Sato Miwako appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

Lin Yi pulled it away a little and found that she was in the toilet with a middle-aged man!

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