Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 604

Lin Yi noticed Sato Miwako's gaze, he looked at the other party, and said angrily: "Why are you looking at me? Look at the road. What if there is a car accident?"

Sato Miwako came back to her senses and was slightly unhappy: "Is this how you talk to women? Not a gentleman at all!"

"I can't tell you if you did something wrong?" Lin Yi said with a smile.


After being silent for a while, Sato Miwako said, "I just hope you can speak to me in a kinder tone."

Lin Yi didn't say anything, just turned his face to the window and looked like "I'm too lazy to care about you".

Sato Miwako caught a glimpse of the other party's attitude, and she was so angry that no man sitting in the co-pilot of her car had ever dared to slap her face!

She said in a bad tone: "Why don't you answer my call?"

Lin Yi replied: "Because there is no need to pick up."

"Isn't it necessary?" Sato Miwako frowned, very unhappy.

Everyone wants to be noticed, especially women, especially women.

Lin Yi said lightly, "You called me just to ask me how the case is going."

"Do you think this is nonsense?" Miwako Sato said in an unhappy tone.

Lin Yi nodded: "Of course it's nonsense... If there is progress in the case, I will naturally launch an investigation. If the case does not progress, you are asking in vain."

"..." Sato Miwako had no way to refute, but clung to the steering wheel.

She moved the conversation elsewhere: " just said 'I' not 'us'? You want to investigate alone? Without me?"

Lin Yi asked back, "You've been investigating this case for so long... Have you found anything?"

"No." Sato Miwako said.

"So there is no need to bring you." Lin Yi said lightly: "If I bring you, I may be misled by the information you throw out, and the direction of the investigation may become exactly the same as you, go. misunderstood."


Sato Miwako's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Although what Lin Yi said made sense, she didn't know why, but Mikazu Sato was very upset, she really wanted to beat this guy.

"I know how you feel, and I really want to personally arrest the criminal who indirectly killed your father. Don't worry, I will notify you when I find out."

Lin Yi suddenly said such a sentence, which made the anger and unhappiness in Sato Miwako's heart disappear in an instant.

It turns out...he knew what I was thinking.

An inexplicable warm current suddenly poured out of her heart, and Sato Miwako's hand gripping the steering wheel slowly loosened.

"Before that, you should do your job well." Lin Yi said.


Sato Miwako nodded, feeling much better.

After thinking about it, Sato Miwako asked again, "By the way, why did you appear there?"

"I'm very busy..."

Lin Yi said, "Even if you are transferred here... there is no way to stop the work over there. Personal will can't stop things from happening."

Because there was a suspect in the car, Lin Yi was a little more cryptic.

But it doesn't matter, Sato Mikazu can understand, what he means is that even if he is transferred to the search class now, the undercover work will not be suspended because of his transfer. Once something happens, he still has to deal with it.

After thinking of this, Sato Miwako also began to realize that the other party was not easy. Not only did he have to investigate the case, but the undercover work could not stop.

Chapter 496

After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, Sato Miwako handed over the prisoner.

Lin Yi also mentioned it to Mu Mu Shisan and asked him to delay the interrogation for a while.

For this small request, Mu Mu Shisan naturally had no opinion.

Regarding the release of the prisoner, Sato Miwako did not hide it and told the truth.

She couldn't hide it if she wanted to, because she fired all five bullets from the pistol, and then she had to write a report to explain where the bullets went.

For this matter, Mu Mu Shisan has an opinion.

"It's true that Takagi actually let the prisoner go."

Megumi Shisan was a little unhappy, but his impression of Takagi was still very good, and he was an honest child.

But what's the use of being honest? Even the prisoners could not be guarded.

The most important thing about being a police officer is ability!

It's not that Megumi San has an opinion on Takagi, but that failing to guard the prisoner is a particularly serious matter.

God knows what crazy things will happen after those prisoners run away?

If the prisoner knew that he had no hope of escaping, and he would spend the rest of his life in prison, so that he felt despair, and then vented this despair on innocent people, causing casualties, the consequences would be quite serious!

Especially for the families of the victims, they are simply sitting at home, and disasters come from heaven.

Don't they hate the police?

For this, Sato Mikako did not defend Takagi Shibu, because she also knew that this was a very serious matter.

Seeing this, Lin Yi immediately jumped out to be a good person: "Muji Police Department, since Takagi is the first offender and has not caused any negative impact, please forgive him once."

"After all, when everyone first became a police officer, it was inevitable that they would make some mistakes. As long as it is not a mistake in principle... just reprimand it."

"Well, what Lin Jun said is right. Everyone comes here like this... After I come back, I will talk about him well."

The reason why Mu Mu Shisan is so called is to conceal Lin Yi's identity.


After leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Sato Miwako drove to the scene of the crime.

Sato Miwako told Lin Yi about the murder case.

"Mami Nishi of the deceased was found dead at home, and the suspect, Mr. Higashida, was also found. The witnesses were Mr. Kitagawa and the manager of the apartment."

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