Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 619

As Hosano Sanae spoke, he fell forward and fell directly into Lin Yi's arms, hugging Lin Yi with both hands naturally.

"You startled..."

Lin Yi comforted each other carefully, and did not forget to pat her on the back.


Miwako Sato witnessed all of this with his own eyes, and clearly noticed the change in Hosono Sanae's mood.

She knew that it was definitely because of Lin Yi's face that the other party turned into a weak woman!

Thinking that the other party was noisy and noisy like a shrew just now, but now pretending to be pitiful, Sato Mikazu really wanted to kick her away!

"Okay, okay...don't cry."

Lin Yi comforted: "Let's start now... The earlier the murderer is caught, the sooner you can feel at ease."

"Um... Mr. Police, I'm... so scared, can I hold you?" Sanae Hosono said in tears.

"It's inconvenient to hold me, because I'm still taking notes." Lin Yi said.

"Then...then I'll hold one of your hands!" Sanae Hosono immediately hugged Lin Yi's left arm tightly, and said, "This will not prevent you from taking notes."

"emmmm..." Lin Yi was thinking.

Sanae Hosono said again: "If you let go of your hand, I will feel very scared. If I am scared, I may forget some important things."

Oh, since you said so, it would be too unkind for me to let you go.

"OK then………"

Lin Yi nodded, then he reached out and touched the inner pocket of his jacket, and then took out the [Lawyer's Note] from the item bar.

"Your name is... Hosono Sanae, right?"

As Lin Yi spoke, he wrote the other party's name.

"Yeah." Hosano Sanae nodded and said, "I'm 24 years old this year, I just graduated from college, and I haven't had a boyfriend so far!"

"Really? It doesn't look like it. You are so cute. There must be many boys chasing you." Lin Yi said.

"Really..." Hosano Sanae nodded, and a green light lit up above his head: "I don't like those boys, I think they are so childish."

"My ideal boyfriend is a police officer... just like you, Mr. Police, can give me a sense of security!"

"Really? I think you say that because I'm handsome." Lin Yi smiled.

"Absolutely not! I've been blind since I was a child, and I don't know what it means to be good-looking or not to be good-looking. What I care about is whether that person can give me a sense of security." Sanae Hosono said, and then her head was red.

"That's it..." Lin Yi smiled. Although he knew that the other party was lying, he didn't mind. He was a very tolerant man, and he would never get angry because of a few lies from a girl.

"Mr. Police, do you have a girlfriend?" Hosano Sanae continued to ask.

"Girlfriend? No... I'm very busy." Lin Yi said without changing his expression, "I'm so busy that I don't even have time to make a girlfriend."

"Really?" Hosano Sanae looked surprised.

"Well... being my girlfriend is very hard work, because I can't always be by their side." Lin Yi said.

"Only two people's hearts are very happy together!" Hosano Sanae said, while holding Lin Yi's hands tighter.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Sato Mikazu couldn't listen anymore, she gritted her teeth and said, "This is not the time for you to fall in love! If you want to talk about this, you can find a time to talk about it in private!"

"Uuu... This police elder sister is so fierce... I'm so scared." Hosano Sanae hid behind Lin Yi.

This made Sato Mikazu angry, but she was an excellent detective, so she restrained her emotions.

"Well, Officer Sato is right. Now is the time not to say this..."

Lin Yi started to get to the point and said, "Don't be angry if I ask you a few routine questions."

"Well, I have a good personality, you can just ask." Hosano Sanae said softly,

Sato Miwako now wants to plug her ears with something, and now she finally meets the green tea bitch Yumi said!

One in front, one behind!

"Did you kill people?" Lin Yi said.

"No, how could I do such a horrible thing?"

Sanae Hosono shook her head in denial, and the green light on her head flashed.

Lin Yi's heart moved, knowing that he didn't need to spend time on this girl... No, he didn't need it now.

However, what should be routinely asked should be asked.

"Can you tell me, where were you between two and three yesterday?"

The time of the victim's death was told to Lin Yi by Sato Miwako on the stairs.

"I went to the cinema by myself to watch a movie... I have no friends in Tokyo, so pitiful... woo woo woo..."

Sanae Hosono answered while babbling, but the green light was still on his head.

Chapter 509

Come out from room 403.

Sato Miwako's expression was obviously a lot stiffer.

Anyone who sees someone they like flirting in front of other people will not be happy.

Lin Yi had already prepared a way to deal with it.

As soon as he came out of 403, his smile disappeared all of a sudden, and he said in a low voice, "Miss Hosono is not the murderer... It seems that she did discover this corpse by accident."

Sato Miwako's blunt performance changed slightly, she asked, "How do you know she's not the murderer? Obviously..."

Sato Miwako wanted to put some of her own emotions into it, but she restrained herself and didn't do that.

"Because I can tell if a person is lying."

Lin Yi said; "When she answered these questions just now, her body temperature, her heartbeat, her eyes, and the micro expressions on her face showed no signs of unease."


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