Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 641

Lin Yi drank, his brows furrowed.

This is the first time since he acquired the drinking type skill that drinking is difficult.

Since he didn't acquire the drinking type skill, he was afraid that he would get drunk, but after acquiring it, he was afraid that his bladder would burst.


Lin Yi finished the fifth bottle of wine, he looked at Miyamoto Yumi, and then waved his hand to signal her to please.

Miyamoto Yumi swallowed her saliva, and her heart began to beat. She drank five bottles separately, and she could catch her breath. Maybe she could do it.

But to kill five bottles in one go... She felt that she might not be able to.

Lin Yi found that Miyamoto Yumi's eyes began to drift, and he became a little timid.

No, miscalculation.

It seems... the deterrent effect of these five bottles of beer is still a little too big.

I should have had two less bottles just now.

After thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately took remedial measures.

He said, "Drink... You drink first. I'll go to the bathroom first, and I'll be back soon."

Having said that, Lin Yi got up and left the booth, and went to the bathroom.

Miyamoto Yumi took a look, a good opportunity to cheat!

After Lin Yi disappeared from sight, she decisively replaced the three bottles of beer on the table with the empty wine bottles on the next table.

After thinking about it, she shamelessly replaced the fourth bottle of wine with an empty wine bottle.

Holding the fifth bottle of wine, she deliberately waited for Lin Yi to come out of the bathroom, and then began to drink tons of wine.

In front of Lin Yi, after finishing the fifth bottle of wine, Miyamoto Yumi slammed the wine bottle on the table and said, "Five bottles of wine! All finished!"

"All over? So soon?"

Lin Yi looked surprised, he hurriedly shook the five bottles of wine in front of Yumi Miyamoto, and found that they were all empty wine bottles, he was dumbfounded at the time.

Seeing Lin Yi's dumbfounded expression, Miyamoto Yumi snickered inwardly.

What if you can drink again? So stupid, I was still deceived.

"What? Huh?"

Miyamoto Yumi hooked Lin Yi's neck and pretended to be angry: "Do you think, sister, I lied to you? Do you think that sister, I will deceive you?"

"This...that's not."

Lin Yi smiled dryly and said, "I just... think you're very powerful. You deserve to be Sister Miyamoto."

After a pause, Lin Yi showed a struggling look: "Two more... two bottles, I feel like I can drink two more. If there are more, it will not work. If Sister Miyamoto can drink these two bottles, Even if I lose!"

"Okay! That's what you said!"

When Miyamoto Yumi heard this, she was happy, isn't it just two bottles? She can do it easily.

Picking up two bottles of beer, Miyamoto Yumi started drinking.

Seeing this, Lin Yi silently took out the fragrance, and kept spraying it on Yumi Miyamoto, brushing the state repeatedly.

Originally, Lin Yi planned to fight her with a knife and a gun.

But Miyamoto Yumi played a little trick herself, she broke the rules first, and Lin Yi naturally wouldn't be polite.

Without saying a word, he started to move his hands and feet.

Holding the perfume and spraying it, Miyamoto Yumi's body was quickly brushed out of a drunk state.

At the moment when Lin Yi stopped refreshing his state.

Miyamoto Yumi suddenly felt her head sink, and the hand holding the wine bottle began to become weak.

After noticing this strangeness, Miyamoto Yumi was shocked and realized that something was wrong.

Oops... I think I'm overdrinking? But I remember, I didn't drink much.

She hurriedly put down the bottle of wine, daring not to drink it any more, and if she drank it again, something would definitely happen.


Just when Miyamoto Yumi wanted to admit defeat, her head seemed to be soaked in alcohol, and she was confused, as if her whole body had become stunned.

So much so that she hadn't said the next words, and the whole person thumped and fell on the deck sofa.

The whole person really wanted to wake up, but couldn't wake up no matter what.

Lin Yi smiled, then snapped his fingers: "Waiter, pay the bill!"

Chapter 529

Shaking and swaying, undulating and swaying.

When Yumi Miyamoto's drunkenness disappeared, she immediately felt the movements of her body.

It wasn't until he came back to his senses that Yumi Miyamoto realized what had happened.

She didn't open her eyes and kept the same drunken look she had just now.

She knew what a drunk person was like, because she was the one who was often drunk.


Yumi Miyamoto had a slight expectation in her heart that such a thing would happen.

It's just that she concealed it very well, so she wouldn't let others see it or let others guess.

Sometimes, Miyamoto Yumi feels that she is scum.

It's not a scumbag, but it turns out to be a boyfriend to a best friend... Well, it's not really a boyfriend, someone I like, yes, someone I like.

She herself even has thoughts about the person her best friend likes.

After discovering this side of herself, Miyamoto Yumi could no longer contain her thoughts.

The right time and place, plus people and people.

Then things went like this.

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