Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 644

She took a sip of water and said, "Miwako, are you really interested in Lin Yi?"

Sato Miwako is not a person who is good at sensing other people's feelings. She just nodded and said, "Well... he is very attractive to me, it seems that he has sucked my whole body and mind away."

"Is it so exaggerated..." Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but spit out.

"It's really this feeling..." Sato Miwako's personality is more male, so she won't talk so much, she asked: "By the way, a few days ago, you said that you were drunk Lin Yi, how is it? Did it succeed? "

"I didn't send you a video... Ken failed."

Miyamoto Yumi gloomily took a sip of water and muttered in her heart: Not only did she fail, but she also lost me in... It's so miserable.

After a pause, Miyamoto Yumi said cautiously, "Miwako... Don't you think there is something strange about Lin Yi?"

"Huh? What's so strange?" Sato Miwako's heart moved, and she secretly thought--Isn't he aware of Lin Yi's identity?

"He is obviously not yet eighteen years old, but he drinks so hard."

Miyamoto Yumi reminded vaguely: "I took the other two wine jars from our transportation department with me! I still can't drink him!"

"I drink so well, no matter how I look at it, I don't think this should be the level of alcohol a high school student can have!"


Is the original problem here?

Mikako Sato muttered secretly, then thought about it, and said, "This may be... a physical problem? Everyone's body is different."

"Isn't there someone who won't get fat no matter how much he eats? Maybe, he's the kind of physique who won't get drunk no matter how much he drinks."


Miyamoto Yumi was stunned by the reason given by Sato Miwako. She did not study well in biology, and there was no way to refute this reason.

No way, she can only start from other places: "The key is not this! It's... He looked at me straight, as if he was going to eat me."

Saying that, Miyamoto Yumi covered her shoulders with both hands and said fearfully, "I feel...he is not as innocent as he seems on the surface."

"Huh? Is that so?"

After Sato Mikazu listened, she finally received the signal from Miyamoto Yumi, she nodded slowly: "It seems... I have to chat with him."

After hearing this, Miyamoto Yumi didn't know what the outcome would be... Subconsciously, she grasped the water bottle tightly, feeling uneasy.

Chapter 532

"...Not very easy to handle."

Lin Yi frowned as he looked at the information listed in his hand.

Attacking Miike Naozi is easy to handle, as long as she gives up on Chiba and Shinji.

Dealing with Chiba Kazuno is simply a matter of grasping at his fingertips.

But if you attack Yumi Miyamoto, the problem is a little bigger.

Because it involves Hideyoshi Haneda.

This guy is not a simple character.

The reason why he and Miyamoto Yumi broke up was a complete misunderstanding.

Once this misunderstanding was cleared up, things got a little trickier.

Therefore, there are only two solutions for Lin Yi. First, they must not have the opportunity to clarify the misunderstanding. The second is to attack Yumi Miyamoto before they clarify the misunderstanding.

The first method is a bit difficult, after all, Lin Yi cannot completely control a person's actions.

Even if Lin Yi finds a way to get Hideyoshi Haneda out of Tokyo.

Lin Yi was not sure whether the composite cable that the old thief bought for them would still work.

Maybe I ran into it when I was shopping that day.

So, this method is about luck.

And Lin Yi knows his luck very well, so he doesn't plan to use this method.

The second strategy method, the normal route is impossible, and only the abnormal route can be used.

Be straightforward.

There is no way to go the pure love route...the only way to go is Lin Humiliation.

In the past, it was first to win the woman's heart, and then to take over the woman's body

Now... I'm afraid it's going to be the other way around, occupying the woman's body first, and then winning the woman's heart.

"Then... Sir, when will we wait?"

Motegi Natsuki, who was sitting opposite Lin Yi, looked at Lin Yi without saying a word, and seemed to be thinking about something, which made her unable to help but ask aloud.

"Well... let me see."

After Lin Yi regained his senses, he took out his mobile phone and pretended to look at the screen, but in fact he was watching Chiba Kazuno's third-person vision and saw that he was still on his way.

He was going to visit an eyewitness in this neighborhood, and that was a good chance to make a coincidence.

"still on the way."

After Lin Yi took back the phone, he asked, "Do you remember what to do?"

"Well... I remember." Motegi Natsuki nodded, she repeated the script, and said, "I bumped into him on purpose later, then threw my diary on the ground, and hurriedly picked it up before I could pick it up. leave………"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "The action sounds simple, but you have to remember a few points... First, when you bump into it, don't bump into his arms and bump into his shoulder."

"Second, when you bump into and throw that notebook, you have to throw it behind him, so as to avoid his blind spot."

"Third, when you run, be quicker... He is a criminal policeman. Although he is fat, his physical strength is still better than that of ordinary people."

"Well...I remember."

Motegi Natsuki nodded, she took a deep breath, trying to ease the tension in her heart.

However, it was the first time for her to do such a thing, so she was a little nervous.

She was a little worried: "What if... what if something happened? What should I do?"

Lin Yi said: "If this plan doesn't work, you can simply implement it, whether it's thanks or apology, it's fine. Use this as an excuse and ask him to drink coffee next time... In short, the first contact, the time should be short! The most important thing is to create a sense of coincidence, you know?"


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