Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 652

"No, no... I'll do it..."

Where did Mrs. Yoshida have the nerve to let Lin Yi take it?

However, she couldn't win against Lin Yi. Lin Yi grabbed the ingredients from her hand and touched it on purpose. He found that the other party's hand was dodging.

He was proud in his heart, but on the surface it was nothing the same, and said, "Let me do it... Madam should be very worried about Ayumi now, right? You just go directly to the room to see her."

"Then... then thank you."

Mrs. Yoshida's eyes flickered, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Yi: "Just put the ingredients in the kitchen."

After speaking, she hurriedly walked into Ayumi's room.

Seeing her back enter the room, Lin Yi raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

With his rich experience in strategy, he immediately had a general idea in his heart.

three days!

In three days at most, Lin Yi will be sure to take Mrs. Yoshida into his pocket!

It took almost no time to think about it. When Lin Yi walked to the kitchen, he had already drawn up a strategy plan.

The reason why Lin Yi is so sure is not only that he is handsome, but also that he is attractive. In addition, the fact that the other party is a housewife is a big factor.

It can be seen from Mrs. Yoshida's somewhat out of shape figure that she does not belong to the type of person who will use the afternoon to enrich herself.

It's the kind of housewife that's lazy enough to just spend her free time at home...similar to Nohara Miya's kind of housewife.

As long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner that cannot be digged.

This is the way of forbearance that Lin Yi has always believed in.

After putting down the ingredients, Lin Yi turned around and went back to the living room sofa to sit down.

Less than a minute later, Mrs. Yoshida came out of the bedroom, closed the door gently, and came back to the living room. She wanted to ask Lin Yi if she wanted to drink water, but found that the other party poured herself a glass, so she dismissed the idea.

She sat down on the sofa next to Lin Yi, and although she was a little shy, she still looked at Lin Yi hard: "Thank you, Lin Jun. The person I entered the police said, if you hadn't arrived in time, Ayumi She... she just... woohoo"

Having said that, she began to cover her face and burst into tears.

Chapter 539

Although Mrs. Yoshida was crying, Lin Yi's eyesight showed that she didn't even squeeze out a single tear.

Of course, this does not mean that Mrs. Yoshida has no feelings for Ayumi. Some people just can't cry, no matter how sad they are.

In addition, the Japanese love to act, even if their mood is not like this, they have to act.

So even if Mrs. Yoshida couldn't cry, Lin Yi had to cooperate with her performance and hand over a tissue.

"Thank...Thank you." Mrs. Yoshida said sobbing.

"I haven't introduced myself yet."

Lin Yi said, "My surname is Lin and the word is Yi. I'm the assistant of a Maori detective."

"My name is Yuri Yoshida, and Ayumi often bothers you. I'm really sorry." Mrs. Yoshida bowed her thanks.

"No." Lin Yi said with a smile: "Ayumi is so lively, it adds a lively atmosphere to the office."

"Is that so? I'm still worried about her getting into trouble." Yoshida Juli responded with a smile, but the crossed hands revealed her nervousness.

Although Lin Yi had bad thoughts, he did not express his thoughts.

He's going to be a wolf in sheep's clothing now.

First use the sheepskin to let the opponent gradually let go of their vigilance, and then slowly close the distance with the opponent. After finding a suitable opportunity, he will decisively remove the sheepskin from his body and attack the opponent!

Now, he is communicating with Yoshida Juli as a friend, saying that some parents are short.

The two were not familiar with each other's situation, so Lin Yi took Ayumi as the topic of conversation.

"Actually, what happened to Ayumi was told to me by her classmates at school... Junior Detective Corps, has Ayumi mentioned it to you?" Lin Yi said.

"Well, I heard it from Ayumi." Yoshida Juli said: "But because of a few things happened before, I asked Ayumi not to join that juvenile detective group... Thanks to them this time, next time I will Invite them to come home and have a good meal."

"They are a group of smart kids." Lin Yi said with a smile.


Lin Yi's charm is over 100, and it is easy for women to feel close to him. In addition, Ayumi has talked about Lin Yi many times, so not long after Yoshida Juli talked with Lin Yi, he let go of his guard and began to talk freely. .

Lin Yi saw that she was no longer restrained. When she heard Lin Yi praised her daughter, she laughed happily. Instead of sitting upright, she would lie back on the sofa and take a relaxed posture.

Seeing that Mrs. Yoshida had put down her vigilance, Lin Yi began to bring the topic to her and said, "Ayumi sings very well, is it inherited from you?"

"No." Mrs. Yoshida waved her hand with a smile: "I sing just so..."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Yi expressed doubts: "As soon as you hear the way Ayumi sings, you know that she has been trained by professionals..."

Lin Yi used his skills to flatter him.

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

"I'm not a professional." Mrs. Yoshida smiled more vigorously: "I just learned a little bit before..."

"Have you studied?"

Lin Yi put on a curious expression: "So, Mrs. Yoshida used to be a student of the music department?"


Because she put down her guard against Lin Yi, Mrs. Yoshida couldn't help but keep talking when she mentioned the past: "I joined an artist's office with my friends and became a trainee, but because I really didn't have that talent, and I also didn't have that talent. It was too hard, and I gave up if I didn’t persevere.”

Who doesn't want to be a star when they're young? The other person's appearance is online, and it is very realistic to think that Lin Yi is not surprised at all.


But Lin Yi pretended to be surprised, and then he said with a little pity: "If you can persevere, Mrs. Yoshida, there will definitely be another singer in Japan."

"It's not as exaggerated as Lin Jun, you said." Although Mrs. Yoshida knew that this was Lin Yi's flattery, she was still cheerful and happy.

However, what she didn't know was that Lin Yi was not just flattering.

He is constantly hinting at each other's star dream through this way of compliment.

When she thinks of her star dream, she naturally compares the phantom future with the current situation.

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