Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 657

Sato Miwako got her own confirmation from Lin Yi's statement.

Obviously, Lin Yi still cares about her opinion, which makes Sato Miwako secretly happy, thinking that Lin Yi may also have thoughts about her, but he is embarrassed to say it directly.

After dinner, the two walked together on the street, aimlessly, wherever they went, there was no fixed topic, and they talked about it wherever they went.

This gave Sato Mikako a particularly comfortable feeling when she didn't come, and made her feel that the pressure on her body was emptied all at once.

After regaining his senses, Sato Mikako realized that they had been walking for an hour.

"It's getting late, I still have things to do."

Lin Yi proposed to leave.

"Well...Thank you for accompany me to wander aimlessly."

Sato Miwako said a little embarrassedly.

Lin Yi just smiled and left without saying anything.

Seeing that she really walked so casually, Sato Miwako was still a little disappointed in her heart, but she hoped that Lin Yi would hug her before leaving.

After cleaning up her emotions, Sato Miwako also returned home by car.

After saying hello to her mother, Sato Miwako turned on her computer and began to search for the information of "Haneda Koji".

Information was quickly found.

Haneda Koji, the quadruple champion 17 years ago, traveled to the United States to participate in a chess match out of his own hobby, and was attacked and killed in his hotel room the day before the game.

Seeing the information here, Sato Mikako couldn't see what Haneda Koji was involved in, and then she looked down.

Haneda Koji's fan, Amanda Hughes, a capitalist who stayed at the same hotel that day, also died at the same time, and her bodyguard Asaka was missing and was tracked down as the biggest suspect.

Sato Miwako's attention is focused on the three words "capitalist".

Only now did she realize that this case was far from being as simple as what the news reports said, and the things involved might be quite complicated.

As for how complicated it is, there is no way for her, a small Japanese detective, to know.

Sato Mikako searched the information of Haneda Hideyoshi again and found that the two of them are indeed related.

After confirming this, she now knows that Lin Yi did not lie to her.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief... Thinking of what happened tonight, she was in a good mood, but when she thought that Lin Yi might become her boyfriend in order to get close to Yumi Miyamoto, Mikazu Sato felt extremely depressed again.

Chapter 544

After Lin Yi separated from Sato Mikazuko, he did not go home.

He is really short of time right now. He will get Miyamoto Yumi as soon as possible, and he will be able to finish his mahjong work as soon as possible.

So he immediately went to Miyamoto Yumi's apartment.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Miyamoto Yumi was a traffic policeman and had to go to work as usual tomorrow, so Lin Yi reckoned that even if she went out, she should be back by now.

On the way here, Lin Yi bought something and wanted to deceive the door, but he didn't have anything in his hand, how could he show his sincerity?

Come to the door of 308's room.

Lin Yi pinched his face and fiddled with his expression, making him look pitiful.

The first trick to cheat to open the door, pretend to be pitiful!

Taking the phone as a mirror, and looking at his expression, Lin Yi put the phone back in his pocket with satisfaction.

After he was ready, Lin Yi rang the doorbell.

ding dong ding dong --

After the doorbell is pressed.

Soon, footsteps came from the door.

"Which one?" Miyamoto Yumi asked aloud.

"Yes... it's me."

Lin Yi said in a guilty voice.

After seeing through the cat's eyes that it was Lin Yi, Miyamoto Yumi hesitated, the softness in her heart made her unable to even open the door, such a ruthless action.

Moreover, the other party is only seventeen years old, which is the time when he is curious about the opposite sex.

After thinking of this, Miyamoto Yumi opened the door with a click.

Miyamoto Yumi was wearing pajamas at the moment with her hair falling down. Although she lost the heroic spirit of wearing a uniform, she had a feminine softness on her body.

"Lin Jun, is there something wrong with coming so late?" Miyamoto Yumi said, and there was no vigilance in her eyes.

Because she knows judo and knows how to protect herself.

She didn't think that a seventeen-year-old high school student could beat her.

"I... thought about it for a long time, and... I apologize for what happened that night."

Lin Yi lowered his head, used the bitter meat strategy, and began to sell miserably

"…Well, that night, there was something wrong with me, too. Let this go."

Miyamoto Yumi nodded slightly and accepted Lin Yi's apology.

"This... is my apology, I hope you can accept it."

Lin Yi handed some luxury goods bought on the road to Yumi Miyamoto.

Miyamoto Yumi took it over rudely. She felt that since she lost it the first time, she must have received something as compensation.

Moreover, after accepting the apology from the other party, it can be regarded as turning over this matter.

"It's getting late, you go back early. Be careful on the road."

Although Miyamoto Yumi was not vigilant against Lin Yi, it was indeed getting late. She had to go to bed earlier so that she could get enough energy to go to work tomorrow.

"That...I have one more thing to say."

Lin Yi raised his head weakly and said.

Miyamoto Yumi gave a "hmm" and asked curiously, "What do you want to say?"

Lin Yi looked left and right, and after seeing no one, he raised his head to look at Miyamoto Yumi, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her mouth, pushed him into the house, and others followed into the house.

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