Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 670

After all, he was very busy today. In the morning, he practiced yoga with a female yoga instructor, Tsukiko Satoyama. In the afternoon, he had to teach Mrs. Yoshida. In the evening, he learned martial arts with two female police officers whose physical strength was unusual.

Although there is no major problem in the body, but mentally, it is a little tired.

Although it was hard work, Lin Yi felt that it was worth it.

Because he learned a lot of new poses from female yoga instructors, which greatly enriched and expanded his horizons.

This made the somewhat arrogant Lin Yi realize that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well, and he was only relying on his abundant body to defeat his opponent, and he was far from lacking in skills.

And Mrs. Yoshida, under Lin Yi's provocation.

She always subconsciously compared Lin Yi with his husband, which filled the whole family with the smell of gunpowder.

There are quarrels every day, and it seems that the family is not far away from dispersing.

In order to speed up this process, Lin Yi inadvertently revealed to Mrs. Yoshida that a friend he knew worked in the entertainment industry and was also the president of an office.

If Mrs. Yoshida is interested, he can recommend her to go inside. Although she can't guarantee that she will be hot, she will at least have a chance to play tricks. As for whether she can seize the opportunity or not, it is up to her.

How tempting is this for a person whose life has entered a fixed pattern?

In addition, Lin Yi stuffed a ten million bank card into her ditch without saying a word, which directly relieved her of the pressure of survival.

Lin Yi bet that Mrs. Yoshida would change back to her original surname within a week.

Destroying other people's families... I don't know why, it gives Lin Yi an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

Probably, at the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently evil.

Needless to say, Miyamoto Yumi had already changed into Lin Yi's shape.

A switch that only belongs to Lin Yi has grown out of her body. As long as Lin Yi presses this switch, she will become a bohemian prodigal son.

Her body has been successfully transformed by Lin Yi and has become Lin Yi's RB device.

In the words of Miaozi Michi, Lin Yi felt that what he observed last time was a bit rushed, which link should have gone wrong.

Otherwise, the system should have already prompted the words that the strategy was successful.

After thinking about these things, Lin Yi unknowingly fell asleep.

When Lin Yi woke up, he found that he was bound by hands and feet, and the whole person was bound by five flowers.

But he wasn't worried at all, because he didn't sense murderous intent and didn't sense danger.

He looked at it and found that it was not a rope but some clothes and trousers used to bind his hands and feet.

Looking at him makes me want to laugh.

As far as these thin clothes are concerned, he can tear them apart with at least a little force.

No wonder he was able to sleep soundly.

"Senior!! He woke up!"

After seeing Lin Yi coming, Michi Miaozi shouted while running out of the room.

Lin Yi is very calm now, he doesn't feel that he has been kidnapped at all.

He looked at himself and found that he had been forced to put on fat times.

"Who will put it on for me?"

Lin Yi secretly guessed.

He thinks that Miaozi is unlikely, and Yumi is more likely, because she is a senior, and this kind of thing definitely needs to trouble her.

Just when Lin Yi was thinking wildly, there was a sound of dong dong dong from outside the door.

I saw Miyamoto Yumi and Miike Naeko come in with two plates.

They have put on clothes and become people!

Miyamoto Yumi looked at Lin Yi with complicated eyes. She really wanted to slap him, but her body had begun to ignore her orders, and she couldn't do anything.

She could only reach out and pinched Lin Yi's face fiercely, she put the plate in her hand on the ground, hehe sneered: "Today, this is your breakfast and lunch! If it weren't for the two of us, we would have to go to work! We will never spare you so easily!"

Lin Yi looked at the plate and found that it was still hot food, which they had always just cooked.

Michi Miaozi also put the plate in his hand on the ground, and this plate is filled with water.

Oh, is the food ready for me with anyone?

Do you really think you can tie me up?

Lin Yi was a little funny, but he held it back, and now it's pointless to break things out.

"Wait until we come back at night! Let's see how we deal with you!"

After Miyamoto Yumi threw a cruel word, she said to Miike Miaozi: "Miaozi, let's go! Go to work first!"


Miike Naeko also nodded, and like a valet, followed Yumi Miyamoto out of the room.

Not long after that, there was a slamming sound of the door closing from the entrance.

On the way to work.

Miike Miaozi was suddenly a little uneasy, she couldn't help but look at Yumi and said, "Senior... We did this... Has it broken the law?"

Miyamoto Yumi snorted: "If you break the law, you break the law! Don't you remember what this guy did to us? Remember, you can't be soft-hearted toward this guy!"

Miike Naeko nodded hard.

There was a bit of silence between the two after that.

In the end, Miyamoto Yumi was the first to break the silence, she couldn't help but gossip: "Miaozi...I heard from Miwako that it was you who sent Lin Yi back that night? Could it be that...something happened to you...unspeakable stories. ?"

When Miao Zi heard this, her face started to turn red…

Chapter 556

tear off ————

Lin Yi violently tore apart the clothes used as ropes with all his strength.

The skills of tearing clothes by hand are essential skills for men.

Even if they were twisted into a rope, the material was still the same material, and it was just a little bit of effort for Lin Yi.

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