Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 691

She sank and relieved herself: "It must be that I have collected too much information about him in the past few days... This is the result."

"From a physiological point of view, falling in love is actually the same as the physiological reaction produced by the human body on a roller coaster."

"My current situation should be similar to this situation..."

Chapter 573

Xiao Ai locked herself in the room after doing one operation.

When I came back to my senses, it was already past eleven o'clock.

Her stomach started to growl.

"I just ate a little for dinner, and I'm getting hungry now."

Xiao Ai knew that once she was hungry at night, it would be very difficult to even fall asleep.

She had no choice but to leave the bedroom and go out to the living room to find something to eat.

But when she came to the living room, she found that Lin Yi was on the phone there.

"Sonoko, when will you leave tomorrow?"

"Okay...I see. By the way, I have one more thing to ask you, call Kudo too."

"Why? Because he's avoiding me for a while...and I want to ask him some questions. Don't tell him, I'll go too."

"You go first, I'll be there later... Well, that's all."

After hanging up, Lin Yi got up and was about to leave when he "suddenly" found Xiao Ai standing at the door.

He first stared at Xiao Ai, then laughed, put the phone in his pocket, and said, "Xiao Ai, why are you standing there silently? It's scary."

Xiao Ai was a little shocked, especially the look in Lin Yi's eyes just now - it made her feel a little familiar.

Secondly, after listening to the content of Lin Yi's call just now, she couldn't help but have a question in her heart-----Isn't Kudo Shinichi turning into Conan?

Because Kudo Yukiko transformed into Kudo Shinichi several times, she did not appear in front of Xiaoai.

Therefore, until now, Xiao Ai got the information that "Kudou Shinichi is currently active" from Lin Yi.

Although there are all kinds of doubts in her heart, Xiao Ai still chooses to suppress it.

She controlled her emotions again, and said lukewarmly, "Seeing that you were on the phone, I didn't make a sound to disturb you."

"Oh, I see."

Lin Yi nodded and accepted this statement. He asked, "Are you hungry? You sit down first, and I'll help you warm up dinner."

After speaking, Lin Yi turned around and went to the kitchen.

Xiao Ai looked at the other person's back, and because of Lin Yi's words, she couldn't help feeling a little touched.

Does he know I'm hungry?

So he must know that I haven't had enough dinner?

So does he see that I'm angry?

Oops, I'm cranky again!

Xiao Ai realized that her thoughts began to drift away again, and unconsciously thought about that indifferent question.

Quickly adjusting her mentality, Xiao Ai quickly poured herself a glass of water and sat down at the dining table.

After a while, Lin Yi came out of the kitchen.

"Come on, fill your stomach well."

Lin Yi put a ramen bowl in front of Xiao Ai, and the weight in it was only half of the bowl.

This made Xiao Ai look at Lin Yi differently.

She really wanted to order such a meal. Too much will make her fat, too little and she will not be full. No wonder so many girls like him.

Xiao Ai muttered in her heart.

"I'm gonna start now."

Xiao Ai picked up the spoon and started to eat.

Lin Yi also rarely spoke, keeping the atmosphere in a rare silence.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai said, "You are looking for that Kudo classmate, what's the matter?"

Lin Yi raised the corner of his mouth, and he knew that as long as he brought up Kudo Shinichi's matter, Xiao Ai would definitely ask.

He said, "Are you interested in Kudo Shinichi?"

"Not at all interested." Xiao Ai said while eating.

Lin Yi said, "Then why do you ask?"

"Because you didn't speak, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing." Xiao Ai said lightly, "In order to ease the atmosphere, I'll just ask."

"oh, I see."

Lin Yi nodded, he thought about it, and said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you, after all, Kudo Shinichi is also a half public figure... At least you can find out by asking a little."

"Some time ago, he took a long vacation and said that he was assisting the police in investigating a case... I had nothing to do, so I checked and found that this is not the case. There is no case in the Metropolitan Police Department that needs his assistance. ."

"After waiting for him to come back some time ago, I asked him... Then he told me that he was assisting the FBI in the investigation."

"I was skeptical and went to investigate his exit record...and found that he did not leave Japan at all during the time he asked for leave."

"I felt a little strange. After investigating him for a while without results, I asked him directly... He avoided my question. After that, he avoided me when he saw me."


The spoon in Xiao Ai's hand has stopped, and her heart is very shocked.

It is clear that Conan has been going to school safely during this time.

Why does Kudo Shinichi appear?

She looked at Lin Yi solemnly, trying her best to control her tone so as not to have emotional fluctuations, and said, "Then do you think there is anything strange about his words and deeds compared to before?"

"I don't know..." Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'm not very familiar with him...why do you ask that?"

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