Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 709

Ryo Takahashi walked towards the bathroom together and disappeared from Yukiko's field of vision.

Yukiko frowned and thought:

"Strange... how did he manage to take Miss Ikeda down from the second floor?"

"Jumped down directly? Jumped down from the second floor with a person?"

"It's impossible..."

"Even with the help of a rope, it is a very difficult thing to take people from the second floor to the next floor, and it is infinitely close to impossible!"

"What exactly is going on?"

While thinking about it, Yukiko did not realize the passage of time, nor did she care that Ryoichi Takahashi had been away for a long time.

She is a girl who refuses to admit defeat. In the face of difficulties, she often chooses to face them. It is precisely because of this characteristic that she has become an actress at a young age. She is not only talented, but also hardworking.

Now that Yukiko encounters a puzzle that she can't understand, she will show her tenacity, and she has to solve this puzzle.

At this time, Takahashi Ryoichi had turned into a bandaged geek, and came out of the bathroom with an axe—in order to confuse others, he even deliberately went around to the back door, opened the door, and was at the entrance. Footprints left behind and the shoes one size larger than the one I was wearing.

He quietly walked against the wall, and bit by bit, he walked behind "Kudo Shinichi".

He wanted to go straight down with an axe and chop off all the tofu flowers in the opponent's head, killing him.

But I heard that a person's head is very hard, and I don't know if I can split his skull with an axe.

Forget it, cover his mouth first, then split his throat with an axe.

As Takahashi Ryo thought about it, he quietly went around to Kudo Shinichi's blind spot.

Just when he was about to successfully enter the dead end of "Kudou Shinichi", suddenly there was a vigilant cry from upstairs: "Who are you?"

Youxizi subconsciously raised her head to look at the person who was speaking. Lin Yi, who was standing in the corridor on the second floor, did not know when. Seeing his nervous expression, she looked back subconsciously!

Bandage Freak!

When did he go behind me? I do not know how?

When Ryoichi Takahashi heard the cry, his heart jumped, and then he ran directly towards "Kudou Shinichi", raised his axe and chopped it down!

Yukiko's pupils shrank, her whole body tensed, and she ran away immediately.

However, her movements were still a beat slower, and Takahashi Ryoichi caught up.

Go to hell! !

Ryoichi Takahashi gripped the axe tightly and slashed towards the neck of "Kudo Shinichi" indifferently!

At this moment, Lin Yi on the second floor looked a little indifferent, and there was no emotion in his pupils. He threw the mobile phone in his palm at Ryoichi Takahashi.

Chapter 590


The phone flew out in a straight line, hitting Ryoichi Takahashi's bandaged head quickly and ruthlessly.

After receiving the phone, Ryoichi Takahashi felt a pain in his head, and even suffered a brief dizziness, so that the direction of the attack shifted, and instead of landing on Yukiko's neck, he slashed on her shoulder. .


A burst of strength came from her shoulders, causing Yukiko to cry out in pain, losing her balance and falling to the ground.

Due to the interference, Ryoichi Takahashi couldn't use his axe with all his strength, but left a bloody wound on Yukiko's shoulder.


Seeing that he couldn't kill "Kudou Shinichi" with an axe, and Lin Yi ran downstairs quickly, Takahashi Ryoichi was so anxious that he quickly raised his axe to chop again.

Seeing Lin Yi running over, Yukiko's strong desire to survive forced her to ignore the pain in her shoulders, and crawled towards Lin Yi with her hands and feet.

At this moment, she had completely forgotten all the things Lin Yi had done to her. She only knew that she could only be rescued and live if she climbed to his side!

Watching the axe fall, Lin Yi looked calm, without panic, and threw the dagger in his hand.

The dagger hit the axe precisely, making a crisp and sonorous metal collision sound, again deflecting Takahashi Ryoichi's attack.

Hearing a "pop", the axe fell beside Yukiko's arm, hitting the target and carrying the sawdust.

Yukiko only felt her heart pounding wildly, as if she was riding a crazy roller coaster in an amusement park, as if she would jump out of her chest in the next second.

Taking advantage of the opponent's axe not getting up, Yukiko quickly got up.

Damn guy!

The two attacks were interrupted by Lin Yi and failed. Takahashi Ryoichi was shocked and lied in his heart. He wanted to pull out the axe to give Kudo Shinichi a third blow, but found that the axe was deeply stuck in the floor. Can't pull it out.

Just as the dagger fell beside him, Takahashi Ryoichi immediately gave up the axe, picked up the dagger, and stabbed directly at "Kudou Shinichi".

Yukiko, who stood up, didn't want to be stabbed, and subconsciously started to jump left and right, dodging the bandage monster's attack.

Seeing Lin Yi coming over, this made Takahashi Ryoichi even more anxious.

In a hurry, he didn't stab Kiko's vital points several times in a row, but only left a few wounds on her body.

Here he is! !

As soon as Takahashi Ryo saw Lin Yi rushing over with a blank face, he felt a chill in his heart... He was most afraid of encountering these people, he clearly had a murder weapon in his hand, and he didn't care, Definitely a trainer!

Ryoichi Takahashi gritted his teeth and had to choose to give up his plan to kill "Kudo Shinichi".

He threw the dagger at Lin Yi, turned and ran without even looking at it. He didn't even pick up the axe, he picked it up and smashed the window and disappeared into the rain.

Lin Yi tilted his head slightly to avoid the flying dagger.


The dagger stuck on the wooden board and made a dull sound.

Lin Yi didn't go after the bandage freak.

And Yuxizi saw that the bandaged freak escaped, and she was saved, and this little fate was saved.

She breathed a sigh of relief, her tense body relaxed, she turned her head to look at Lin Yi, showed a relieved smile, and then darkness came up and occupied her line of sight.

Yuxizi fell down, and Lin Yi reached out to catch her. At this time, because of the fight just now, the people in the room rushed out to check the situation.


"The favoritism event began to be edited——Yukiko was eager to find someone to discuss about the bandage freak, and her feelings told her that things were not as simple as she thought."

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