Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 713

Relying on the fact that none of you here have read psychology, Lin Yi's opening is a fool.

"Emphasis on action? What is that?" When Takahashi Ryo heard such an uncommon word, he was immediately fooled and became nervous.

The others also listened attentively to Lin Yi's explanation.

"You emphasize that your fat physique is different from the sturdy physique of the bandaged freak... but you didn't make the corresponding emphasis." Lin Yi said, patted his belly, and said, "It's like this... In such a tense situation, you should make this almost instinctive emphasizing action, because such an emphasizing action can strengthen the persuasion.”

"..." Takahashi Ryoichi froze and was a little nervous. He smiled dryly: "Ha... just because of this, so you think it's me? Don't tell the evidence? Just relying on this and that is not necessarily accurate psychology?"

"Of course not...but I remember, you are from the props team, right?" Lin Yi began to guide everyone to think this way, so that his reasoning would be full of logic, and said:

"I have a friend who is an actor, so I was fortunate enough to go to the set to see how the movie was shot... I also know how to use props to make my body change... For example, an actress has to play the role of When you're pregnant, what do you do to make your belly swell?"

Everyone thought of something in an instant, and the eyes they looked at Ryoichi Takahashi changed immediately.


Ryo Takahashi clenched his fists involuntarily. He still wanted to refute, but the sight around him made him realize that his refutation was useless. Only by proving that he was really fat and his stomach was really big could he dispel him. suspect, but...

"What's wrong? Mr. Takahashi." Lin Yi's confident expression gradually disappeared, replaced by a serious one: "Don't you prove it? It's not too difficult, just pat yourself on the belly."

Ryoichi Takahashi: "..."

"You can't do such a simple thing?" Lin Yi said slowly, "Do you need me to help you?"

Ryoichi Takahashi: "..."

"..." Seeing that Takahashi Ryoichi was indifferent, the others realized something, and their hearts sank.

In particular, Hiroki Kakutani, who was comforted by Ryoichi Takahashi just now, felt a deep betrayal...

"Let me help will be a little painful, bear with it."

Lin Yi's words made Takahashi Ryoichi feel puzzled... If he just touched his stomach and checked the authenticity, why would it still hurt?

Just as he thought of this, he saw Lin Yi suddenly turn around and a roundhouse kick landed on his stomach.

A brute force penetrated the internal organs, and the neurons continuously fed back the information of "pain" back to the brain.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

There is too much information, the brain can't process it, and it crashes on the spot.

As soon as Takahashi Ryo took off, after enjoying a short period of severe pain, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

The person slammed into the wall, dented it, and then fell to the ground. His stomach was already dry and flat, and the previous beer belly was gone.

Lin Yi suddenly made a ruthless attack, which shocked the people around him.

Even Yuanzi felt that Lin Yi's current state was a bit strange. He always hated using force to solve problems, unless it was a last resort. The current situation is not a last resort...

Then why did Lin Yi suddenly take action?

Sonoko glanced at his sister's surprised expression subconsciously, and suddenly had an answer in his heart: Yes, he is showing his masculine charm!

Sonoko guessed right, Lin Yi is indeed showing his charm, but this is not only showing his other side to Suzuki Ayako, but also conveying a message to Yukiko veiled--I'm taking revenge on you, vent!

And Yuuki did indeed receive this signal, which made her heart sway again and again, and she thought uncontrollably: He kicked this kick for me?

At this time, Lin Yi just took a look at Yuxizi, as if to answer her inner question.

This made her feel like a deer in her heart, jumping around indiscriminately.

Seeing Yukiko's expression a little shocked, Lin Yi knew that his goal had been achieved, so he withdrew his eyes and walked towards the fainted Ryoichi Takahashi.

He lifted up his T-shirt directly with his feet, and his "belly" was sunken inside, and a white bandage was exposed under the "belly".

"Sure enough, it's you." Lin Yi retracted his feet, and said in a flat tone, without a hint of joy, as if he knew that the bandage geek was him.

Kakutani Hiroki was the first to run up, tore off the "belly", and saw the hidden bandages, cloaks and other disguised items.

unambiguous evidence!

Lin Yi didn't need to say more.

" bastard!!" Kakutani Hiroki immediately grabbed Takahashi Ryoichi's collar and punched him in the face.

Ayako just wanted to go up to stop it, but was stopped by Lin Yi, he said lightly: "Let him vent..."

"But..." Ayako just wanted to say "it might be dead", but when she saw the sad face of her old classmate, she couldn't say anything and stood silently.


After the rain stopped, Lin Yi stopped using the information shielding device and let the mobile phone regain the signal. Ayako quickly called the police and the emergency number.

After Takahashi Ryoichi woke up, he also confessed to others the reason why he wanted to kill Chikako Ikeda.

"If she hadn't plagiarized Dunzi's novel, Dunzi would never have committed suicide! Dunzi went to Zhijiazi to ask for an explanation, but she was taunted by her. Do you know how desperate Dunzi was before committing suicide? Helpless?"

Ryoichi Takahashi roared angrily at the club members, which silenced the three.

Sonoko watched this scene silently, thinking that if Takahashi Ryoichi hadn't said these words with a face like a pig's head, this scene might have touched her.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..." After learning the whole story, Yuanzi sighed in his heart.

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said, "Yeah... Aside from other factors, just relying on his motives makes me worthy of admiration."

"If... one day, I was killed, would you do what Mr. Takahashi did?" Sonoko turned around and asked Lin Yi.

Killed? Who would be willing to kill you, the God of Wealth? There is a high probability that you will be kidnapped and asked for ransom... And with your luck, basically there will be no kidnapping incidents... Lin Yi thought silently in his heart, and then he said:

"Will do."

Women are sometimes easy to deceive. For example, now, Sonoko has no way to confirm whether what Lin Yi said is true or false, so she believes it.

She happily hugged Lin Yi's arm, put her head on it, and smiled.

When Yukiko saw it, she looked away, looked at the ground, and stepped on the glass shards on the ground to break it even more.

Chapter 595

Although the mountain road is muddy, it is difficult for vehicles to drive up, but this does not affect the speed of police and first aid.

Because the police and the hospital are coming here by helicopter.

Looking at the helicopter that was slowly decelerating and descending, Lin Yi had to sigh with emotion, the gap between people.

After the police pressed Takahashi Ryoichi into the helicopter, they slowly left.

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