Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 718

He felt that this sentence made sense, and after the fact-checking, it was the truth!


Lin Yi spent an hour and 12 minutes digging on Xiao Ai's body, but he didn't find any treasure.

But digging out a pool of spring water is not a waste of effort.

" remember it for me, I will never let it go!"

After Xiao Ai was defeated, he threw down a classic as me.

"Well, I remember... This is the second time. I'll wait for you to teach me a good lesson in the future."

Lin Yi rubbed Xiao Ai's hair, then she turned her head and said, "Your hands are dirty, don't touch my hair... I just washed my hair!"


After hearing this, Lin Yi gave up the plan to rub Xiao Ai's hair, and then wiped it twice on her body.


Xiao Ai seemed to beat Lin Yi to death with one punch.

However, considering that she couldn't kill him with one punch now, and had to endure his counterattack, she had to give up her thoughts.

After she has made the antidote for APTX4869, she will consider this matter.

"Xiao Ai, how's the situation going?"

Lin Yi asked about the last time I asked her to ask her... an insignificant matter, the biggest role of this matter is to act as a smoke bomb and confuse others.

"Not so good!" Xiao Wu groaned, still angry about what Lin Yi digged on her just now.

"Are you angry?" Lin Yi squeezed her cheek with a smile.

"Take your claws away! It's dirty!!" Xiao Ai quickly pushed Lin Yi's hand away.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand perseveringly, and Xiao Ai quickly grabbed his wrist and said, "The FBI secretly took Kudo Shinichi away from Japan and left on a private jet! That's why his exit record was not registered. ."

"Oh? Is that so..." Lin Yi asked curiously, "Who did you listen to?"

"Of course it's Conan..." Xiao Ai said: "Kudo Shinichi's father Kudo Yusaku, Kudo Yusaku used to be a detective and had several cooperations with the U.S. Federal Bureau... This time he secretly left Japan and went to the United States , because his dad was helping out behind."

Conan didn't say these words, this is a lie weaved by Xiaoai for Conan.

She checked Kudo Shinichi's information very early, and she used the organization's database to search, so she knew the family situation of Kudo Shinichi well.

The purpose of weaving lies for Conan is naturally to make Lin Yi dispel his doubts about Kudo Shinichi, so that Conan can investigate him without Lin Yi noticing.

"I see."

Lin Yi nodded, pretending to be suddenly enlightened.

But he was muttering in his heart: Xiao Ai's mind is meticulous, and it seems that he has suffered a lot in the organization. She wants to use Conan to investigate herself and make Conan a tool man again... Wait, how can I say "again"?

Forget it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the smoke bomb worked, and Xiao Ai was attracted by her mysterious origin again.

"It's getting late, go to bed early."

As soon as Lin Yi exerted force, he broke through Xiao Ai's hands holding her wrists, held her face, and waved away.


Seeing Lin Yi leave, Xiao Ai couldn't help but scolded her, her body and face were soiled by him, forcing her to take a shower again.


On Monday, Lin Yi got up early, showed off his cooking skills, prepared an exquisite breakfast and a lunch box for rejuvenation at noon.

Then watch the three girls go to school.

As for himself, Lin Yi still has important things to do now, and going to school is a waste of time.

After finding out the spectrum of flowers, Lin Yi began to read it.

The names of Miyamoto Yumi and Miike Naeko were written into the sixth line of the third page by him.

One of the functions of Baihuapu is to locate the target of the strategy in real time.

Lin Yi rummaged through their names and turned on their real-time location to see if they were at work.

"Well... With this real-time function, I don't have to use the tracing function on the crystal pendant... After all, this function can only be used once a day."

A 3D map began to appear on the paper, with two red dots marked inside the apartment.

"Oh? Today is Monday... They are all resting at home?"

However, when he thought that they were traffic policemen and had no fixed rest time, they had to solve the problem of shift scheduling, and Lin Yi suddenly realized.

"It's good to be a traffic policeman, at least you can have a fixed rest time... Like Sato Mikazu going to be a criminal policeman, basically there is no rest time."

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little sigh, and at the same time felt a deep respect for these workers who served the people!

"There's not much I can do, I can only address their physical needs and mental emptiness."

Lin Yi closed the book and felt the responsibility on his shoulders, which was quite important!


inside the room.

Miyamoto Yumi was lying on the bed, holding her mobile phone, constantly scanning pictures.

"This dress seems to be a little big, but it should have a unique flavor to wear..."

"Huh? The buttons on this dress are a bit unique... I bought it."

"This dress is a bit garish...but it should be pretty to wear on the beach, so I bought it."

"The hem of this pleated skirt looks good... 20,000? It's so cheap, I bought it."


With the card Lin Yi gave her, Miyamoto Yumi didn't have any thoughts of embarrassment.

She felt that she had sacrificed so much, and this money was spent with peace of mind!

Just when she was shopping online, suddenly, the phone came.

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