Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 731

"Just give me a soda." Mikazu Sato didn't want to drink, she was worried that alcohol would reduce her self-control and do some terrible things.

"Bring me a glass of bourbon." Lin Yi said lightly.

"Okay, you two, please wait a moment." Kashima stopped wiping the glass, first poured a glass of soda for Sato Mikazu, and then started to help Lin Yi mix drinks.

After taking a sip of soda water, Sato Mikazu observed the inside of the store. It was already past eight o'clock. It should be the most crowded time in the bar, but the place seemed a little deserted.

Sato Miwako asked curiously: "Uncle Kashima, you don't seem to have any customers here... Is your business not good?"

"The business was pretty good originally... But wasn't there an explosion some time ago?" Kashima poured the base wine into the bartending bottle and said while shaking it gently: "This is quite close to the incident, so Business is more or less affected."

Lin Yi suddenly said: "As long as a period of time passes, this incident will fade in people's memory, and life will be on the right track again. Occasionally I see similar times on the news, and I will occasionally mention this incident. matter."

"..." Sato Miwako knew that Lin Yi was referring to the Chou Silang incident.

But Kashima thought that the other party was telling him that business in the store would get better soon.

He smiled and said, "No matter how bad things happen, life has to go on..."

"Yeah... No matter what happens, life still has to go on..." Mikazu Sato was very impressed by this sentence, she stared at the soda water bubbling in her hand, and said slowly: "It's like me, While carrying that pain, go on living..."

Chapter 612

After learning that Uncle Kashima was the murderer who caused his father's death, Mikazu Sato wanted to test the other party and see what the other party's attitude was.

So, she deliberately turned the topic to the Chou Silang incident.

"So Miwako, who has endured this pain, can become a criminal policeman when she grows up, isn't she?" Kashima still had a smile on his face, and did not show any guilt.

That's right, it's been eighteen years since this happened...

If he really felt guilty, he would have surrendered long ago.

"That's true." Sato Miwako smiled and took a sip of soda. The cold drink entered her abdomen, making her blood and heart feel a little colder.

Sato Miwako put down the water glass and wanted to test something, but she found that she didn't know how to test, or she was not good at testing others, she was used to being straight.

At this time, Kashima brought Lin Yi's bourbon to him: "Guest, please taste your wine slowly."

Seeing this, Mikazu Sato picked up the soda water and touched Lin Yi's wine glass. She felt that this represented the handover of the baton, and it was his turn to speak.

I don't know if he can get what I mean... Mikazu Sato muttered to himself and took a sip of soda.

Lin Yi didn't get what Sato Miwako meant, but it didn't prevent him from taking action.

After taking a small sip of bourbon, Lin Yi said, "Mr. Kashima, today is the final prosecution period for the Chou Silang incident... If today is passed and the culprit has not been found, then he will be considered a culprit in the future. He jumped out and surrendered himself, and did not prosecute him."

Kashima was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Really? The case will expire?"

Lin Yi said: "Well... a person who has passed the prosecution period means that he did not commit a crime during the period, and the result is better than that of a person who was rehabilitated in prison and committed a crime, indicating that this person does not need punitive education. is one of them."

"There is another key point. The longer the time is, the more difficult it is to handle. Not to mention the wasted police force, the possibility of solving the case is still very low. It is better to concentrate the police force on new cases with a high detection rate..."

"How can it be like this?" Kashima said in an unpleasant tone: "This is unfair to the victims!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Sato Miwako: "You think so too? Miwako!"

"That's what I said..." Sato Miwako said, "But we have to consider the reality, the national police force is limited... Blind expansion of the police force is a burden on tax revenue. The allocation of police force is related to the proportion of the population, and too much police force affects the rights of the people. It's a bad result..."

"The probability of successfully solving a new case with the same police force is much higher than that of a long-standing case. This is good for the whole society. The number of criminals wandering in the society is reduced, and the stability is effectively improved."

"And the long-term criminals who have not been arrested, that is, the criminals who have passed the prosecution period, because they are not committing crimes, they have little impact on the stability and are generally beneficial to social stability."

"Based on the above considerations, a prosecution period will be set for the case..."

"...Unintelligible." Kashima picked up the goblet and wiped the glass vigorously, causing a "squeaky" sound.

He said in a low voice: "Social stability or something, I have no interest in understanding it, all I know is... The murderer must not be allowed to go unpunished like this!"

Oh huh? old man? Are you starting to play?

Lin Yi looked at Kashima and sneered in his heart: Well, since you like acting so much, then I will give you a chance to act!

After taking a small sip of wine, Lin Yi said, "I have a question for you, Mr. Kashima."

"If you're a police officer, and the criminal is found after the prosecution period has passed... What are you going to do with him?"

Kashima wiped the wine glass vigorously, and said without thinking: "Since the law cannot punish him, then I will at least tell the relatives of the victims... let them know the truth."

Lin Yi said slowly: "If you do this, the likely result is that the victim's relatives will run wild and then kill the prisoner... As a policeman, you will be implicated..."

"Even if I will be implicated, I will do it! As a murderer, I should be aware of being murdered!!" Kashima said indignantly: "Otherwise, it would be too unfair for the victims and their families. It's gone!"

After speaking, Kashima saw Lin Yi and Sato Mikazu looking at him silently, he smiled bitterly, lowered his head and continued to wipe the goblet, and said, "Well, with my impulsive personality, it must be You can't be a police officer..."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's what I said, but I really hope that there are more impulsive police officers like you among the police."

"If this is really the case, this society will definitely be more chaotic... although it is also very chaotic now." Kashima said.


Sato Miwako drank soda water silently, unable to even pretend to smile.

Just now Kashima pretended to be full of righteous indignation. After she saw it, she felt very sick.

In the past, she often listened to Yumi, who was disgusting.

She thought that Yumi was just exaggerating, but until today, she didn't know that a person can really make people sick.

After Lin Yi looked at his watch, he still had some time before he said, "Although I have asked you many times, since today is the last day of the prosecution period... So I would like to ask Mr. Kashima a few more times. question, is it okay?"

"Well, of course." Kashima nodded and said, "As long as the culprit can be caught, even if the prosecution period is over, I will still cooperate with your police investigation!"

Hearing these words, Sato Miwako took a sip of soda water and suppressed the emotions that had surged up.

Lin Yi said: "Then there's no need to be so troublesome... This is the last time to ask. If you can't ask again, it's meaningless."

"The cause of the Chou Silang incident was a bank robbery... Do you know this?"

Kashima nodded: "Yes, it was broadcast on TV. I remember that the bank robbery once caused a great sensation because the robbers drew up a very sophisticated plan, and the clues that can be left at the scene are only ten seconds. monitoring.”

"The robbers were very fierce and directly killed a guard with a shotgun..."

"However, because this scene was too bloody, it was deleted after playing it a few times."

"You remember quite clearly." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Of course..." Kashima said while wiping his glass, "Because Captain Sato died when he arrested this bank robber."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes... In order to take revenge for Captain Sato, I also studied like a private detective." After Kashima said this, he laughed at himself: "But I'm not a private investigator. According to the detective's information, nothing was found."

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