Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 751

Therefore, she had to let others know that Naoko Takeu had a big boss behind him.

In this way, in their daily life, they will somewhat humbly or take care of Naoko Takei.

Furthermore, the two girls who lived with Naoko Takei saw something they shouldn't have seen.

They are likely to spread these things around.

It doesn't matter to me, but Naoko Takei may not be able to take it with his pride.

So the secretary Hanai must have to do something to make them stop their mouths.


Rice Flower Hotel.

Lin Yi was eating here with a group of trainees.

Lin Yi knew the reason why Secretary Huajing arranged this dinner.

However, he did not pierce the other party's careful thinking. On the contrary, he also liked the careful thinking of Secretary Huajing very much.

Like this kind of thing that you can play games with girls directly without a strategy, a man wants to do it a few times!

Since then, his hunting speed for treasure chests can skyrocket!

After Lin Yi came in from the box, all the trainees involuntarily looked at the person who came.

When they saw Lin Yi and Secretary Huajing come in, and it was Secretary Huajing who walked behind and was in charge of opening and closing the door, they immediately started to be surprised.

Obviously, they were surprised by Lin Yi's youth, and even more surprised by his handsomeness!

The unspoken rules of the entertainment industry have long been nothing new, and people who have never been in the entertainment industry know a thing or two.

In private, they thought that the people who accompany them to dinner were some important people like the company president, and they were all middle-aged men who were over forty or fifty years old.

But it turned out to be a handsome young man.

This subverted their guesses and shocked their mood!

Of course, this vibration is good!

Originally, there were still some trainees who were unhappy, thinking that they were forced to come over with a knife on their neck.

But after seeing that Lin Yi is a handsome guy, the unhappiness in my heart dissipated immediately, and my mood instantly became happy!

This phenomenon is very interesting.

Role reversal.

If the men's team wanted to accompany middle-aged women to dinner, no one would be happy.

But if it is a beautiful woman who has finished eating, everyone will smile from the heart.

Secretary Huajing knew that Lin Yi didn't like those workplace routines, so he said directly: "This is Mr. Lin, the only investor of Suzuki Office, and a good friend of Chairman Mingmei..."

The word "good friend" is used very cleverly, which not only shows that the relationship between Lin Yi and Mingmei is extraordinary, but also hides the identities of the two lovers.

Of course, this concealment is only a superficial concealment, but anyone with a little brain can guess the real relationship between them!

Guessing, guessing, but they won't say it stupidly, and they don't have to lift the fig leaf of others. Isn't that just making themselves uncomfortable?

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

The trainees stood up one by one to say hello.

"Hehe, don't be nervous... I just wanted to come and see what the first girl group in the office was like." Lin Yi smiled and sat down towards the group of girls.

Obviously, Lin Yi's words are also polite words. If you really want to see it, you can just look at it through the photos. Why get together for dinner?

"I'm about the same age as you, so I just need to get along in a comfortable way." Lin Yi didn't put on airs, because he knew that only by being approachable could we better shorten the distance between each other and provide mutual affection.

The difference between everyone is here. He chooses to be approachable. For other girls, it is the biggest signal of friendliness.

The trainees glanced at Secretary Huajing's look, and saw that she was just standing quietly, showing nothing.

A few daring trainees immediately went over and asked, "Mr. name is Ibuki Eiko, you can just call me Eiko. What's your full name?"

"Mr. Lin, what do you do? You have a career at such a young age. I haven't heard of you. I'm so ashamed."

"Mr. Lin, do you like to sing or dance? Could it be rap or basketball?"

"Mr. Lin, you are so handsome~~ Have you considered debuting as an artist?"


These trainees have more ideas, and they want to seize the opportunity to fly into the sky and turn a pheasant into a phoenix, so they want to get closer.

After all, from the trainee to the official debut, you have to train hard for several years to ensure the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, and even after passing the trainee assessment, whether you can make your debut and whether your debut will be popular is also a question. .

It is full of too many uncertain factors, which are not uncommon in previous girl groups. For example, for the Earth Ladies team, among the four people, only Yoko Okino is on fire, and the other three players are almost transparent.

In just a few short words from the secretary Hanai, the most important information has been pointed out - this adult accepts the unspoken rules.

They took the initiative to choose the unspoken rules, just want to turn the uncertain factors into certain factors in the future - they will definitely pass the trainee assessment, they will definitely be able to debut, they will definitely become popular... This is not so inevitable, the popularity is not popular. It is what is often said, not what people say.

But what is certain is that it will not be reduced to no drama to film, and it will be reduced to the end of drinking in a bar.

Of course, even if they are willing to accept the unspoken rules, it depends on whether the handsome guy looks down on them.

After all, the unspoken rule is a two-way choice.

Although they are young and good-looking, the external conditions of the other party are not worse than theirs, but they are much better than them.

Not only that, the other party is quite rich!

He directly opened an artist agency for one of his lovers!

Bunker is good! !

A modern version of Prince Charming.

In the face of such a man, of course, they want to become that gray princess by themselves!

Of course, they knew that their chances of becoming the Grey Princess were very slim, but at least there was still a chance, right?

Moreover, being supported by that handsome guy, they didn't feel that they were at a loss at all, but felt that they had made a profit.

Chapter 632

Some trainees heard the voice of Secretary Hanai and chose py trading.

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