Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 767

No fatalities?

Lin Yi raised his brows and thought to himself: Where did the accident happen?

Before Lin Yi could think about it, he received a text message from Yoko Okino.

Seeing that she took an inexplicable package, Lin Yi's expression changed immediately.

Obviously, this is a trick to turn the tiger away from the mountain.

Belmode asked himself out, just trying to get himself out of the hotel!

Is she attacking Yoko Okino?

Lin Yi's heart sank slightly, so he took out the crystal pendant and checked Yoko Okino's third-person vision.

Lin Yi did not use the crystal pendant after knowing that Belmod was lurking around him in disguise.

Because this thing has a disadvantage, that is, if the name does not match the appearance, the query will be fruitless.

After Yoko Okino's third-person vision was turned on, Lin Yi was relieved to see the innocent child sleeping soundly.

It's fine.

Lin Yi hurriedly got in the car and drove back to the Didan Hotel. At the same time, he was pondering secretly that after Belmod transferred himself away, he sent a package over. What was the purpose?

Lin Yi returned to the Didan Hotel with a lot of doubts.

After taking the elevator to the floor where the room was located, Lin Yi swiped the door with his room card to enter.

Closing the door gently, Lin Yi stepped on the high-grade blanket, slowed down, and searched the suite.

After checking all the places where people might be hiding, Lin Yi realized that he was fighting with the air.

When he came to the master bedroom, Lin Yi looked at the package that was placed on the table and wondered what was in it.

He picked up the package and found that it was not heavy, which ruled out the possibility of a bomb inside.

Lin Yi shook it boldly, and a subtle voice came from inside.

After making sure that it was not a dangerous item, Lin Yi opened the package with his bare hands.

Then he discovered that the package contained bottles of lubricating fluid.

Lin Yi: ? ? ? ?


what does this mean?

You gave me want to tell me, did I hurt you last time?

Lin Yi felt that he couldn't keep up with Belmod's brain circuits for a while, and he didn't know what the Thousand Faces Witch was thinking.

and many more!

Suddenly, Lin Yi thought of a possibility. He slowly turned his head to look at Yoko Okino, who was sleeping soundly, and guessed: Could it be... After Belmod tasted the sweetness in himself, he was out of control. ?

But I was too embarrassed to go to the door directly to beg for a beating, so I took advantage of the opportunity to deceive Yoko Okino to make a deal?

After so much tossing, everything is to meet her needs?

As soon as this guess came up, it was denied by Lin Yi himself.

When he used the crystal pendant to open Yoko Okino's third-person vision just now, there was only one window.

Explain that Belmod is not disguised as her.

If not... Then shouldn't she secretly set up surveillance in the room? Recording a small video that is forbidden to watch under the age of 18?

That would explain why she was giving herself lube.

Lin Yi felt that his guess was good, so he used a monitoring shielding device to search the room's monitoring.

However, the surveillance shield did not detect the presence of monitors in the room.

Lin Yi was immediately puzzled——then she transferred herself away and gave herself lubricating fluid, what was the picture?

Chapter 646

After the Conan matter was clarified, Belmod began to investigate Lin Yi.

I don't know if I don't check it, but Belmod was surprised when I checked it.

This kid is ostensibly a high school student, but is actually an assistant to Kogoro Mouri, who has recently risen to fame.

Belmod thought that the other party was just using the name of a detective assistant to carry out the police undercover operation, but he discovered that the identity of this guy was much more than that.

See that the other party went directly to the store and bought a luxury car in order to soak up the little star named Yoko Okino.

Belmod can see clearly, this guy is a full-size pickup!

In addition, I also casually called some welfare cars to send welfare to the crew members!

She didn't believe that the Metropolitan Police Department would reimburse him for such expenses.

And there are a lot of luxuries in the cloakroom in his house.

With such financial ability, Belmod wouldn't believe that this kid was an ordinary person, which made her deeply interested in Lin Yi's true identity.

So Belmod decided to set up a game, dig a hole, get a set for Lin Yi, force him, and try to dig out the identity of the opponent through the opponent's means of breaking the game.

Since this game is going to be a routine for Lin Yi, then naturally you can't take a low-end routine.

She watched Lin Yi on the TV show, and faced with the three logical questions raised by the host, the other party solved the answer with extraordinary speed.

Either the other party peeked at the answer in advance, or the other party's IQ was unusually high.

If it is the latter, Belmod's preliminary estimate is that this guy's IQ is about 140 or more, which is a genius.

This estimate was not casually said by Belmod. She also took Lin Yi's level of picking up girls into consideration.

If nothing else, he can make two girls willing to be his girlfriends.

This ability alone can throw 90% of men away.

Not to mention, Belmod turned over the police dossier and looked at the murders Lin Yi was involved in. Every time he solved a case, he found key evidence.

But the main person to solve the case is not him.

As if he was an audience member, he silently pushed the case to happen. As long as the situation reached a deadlock, he would push it to break the deadlock and let the case continue.

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