Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 789

PS: The fourth-dimensional space is the system space prop... Because there are too many sundries, I directly used the stalk of Doraemon...

Chapter 667

After having dinner, watching the karate competition, and admiring the cloakroom, I came out to chat for a while.

The time has suddenly jumped to ten o'clock.

"Time flies so fast..."

Yuanzi looked at the wall clock and suddenly sighed, "It's ten o'clock before you know it."

Sonoko's implication is: It's already ten o'clock, you haven't gone back yet, are you going to stay here for the night?

"Ah... Really, it's already ten o'clock before you know it." Xiaolan looked at the wall clock and sighed with emotion. Her emotion was really that time passed quickly, and there was no other meaning.

"It's already so late." Seeing that it was getting late, Wada Yangnai thought about going home: "It's almost time for me to go back. If I miss the last bus, I'll have to walk back."

The smile on Yuanzi's face was strong, and I wished the two of them would go back now!

However, Kasaka Kano suddenly said: "Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday, and there is no need for class. It's rare to get together once, why don't you just stay here for the night."

"Right, Xiaolan~~~ It's rare for us to get together once. Next time, I don't know when we can get together like this."

Kasaka Kano looked back at Xiaolan and tried to pull her to his side.

Xiaolan felt that what Kana said made sense. Tsukamoto-senpai is now in her third year of high school. She is busy with her studies and rarely has time to get together.

Hetian Yangnai is not in the same school as him, and they also have their own circle of friends and their own cultivation plans. It is okay to ask them out individually, but it is not easy to ask them both out at the same time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan also nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah... Why don't you stay for the night tonight? There are guest rooms here anyway."

After tidying up the study, it can become a guest room.

The smile on Sonoko's face froze, and she only remembered now that Kasaka is Lin Yi's puppy leg, and all actions and instructions are for Lin Yi.

She wanted to leave Tsukamoto-senpai and Yoshina Wada to stay overnight so that Lin Yi could do something!

Sonoko has insight into Kasaka Kano's mind.

If it's normal, Sonoko doesn't have a problem...because she knows that it's useless to stop, and the end of stopping is very bad... Very bad, she has experienced it.

But if Kasaka Yano is not prevented from letting the two of them stay overnight, her sweet dreams will probably be in vain tonight.

After thinking of this, Sonoko turned his attention to Tsukamoto Yumi, intending to use Senior Sister as a breakthrough: "However, Tsukamoto-senpai will have to get up early tomorrow to review... It's not good to stay overnight? And what about changing clothes? Yes, I didn't bring..."

Tsukamoto Sumi said with a smile: "As for the review, you don't have to worry about it for a while. Studying hard is a good thing, but if it is too much, it will have the opposite effect... It is also very important to relax yourself occasionally."

After speaking, Tsukamoto Yumi looked at Wada Yangna and said, "Wada, don't you look forward to tomorrow's breakfast?"

After a series of persuasion, coupled with Lin Yi's craftsmanship, Wada Yangnai's thoughts of "going home" all at once eased, but she still had one last concern: "But... I have exercised today, and I have no clothes to change. …”

"Don't worry about this." Kanai smiled slightly and said, "I have a lot of new clothes here~~~~ I bought them when I was shopping last time."

"Really? That's great!" Wada Yangna waved her arms happily and said, "Then I'll spend the night here tonight~~ Excuse me, Kano."

"You're welcome." Kano replied, and then exchanged glances with Tsukamoto Summi, and the two of them smiled at the same time... Obviously, the two secretly made a py transaction.

After Xiaolan and Sonoko left, Kanon found an opportunity to make a deal with Tsukamoto Sumimi.

She promised to give her the bag that Tsukamoto Sumi fancy, but wanted her to stay with Wada Yangna for the night.

Of course, she certainly won't foolishly pick out her wicked purpose.

Therefore, Kasaka Kana used Xiaolan as a shield, saying that Xiaolan was very grateful to her senior and liked you very much, but Xiaolan didn't know how to get closer to you.

Hope she can stay overnight for Xiaolan.

There is also Wada Yangnai, Xiaolan also wants to get close to her, but she doesn't know how to use it.

Tsukamoto Shumi saw that it was not a particularly excessive request, so she agreed.

This wave of transactions by Kasaka Kano accidentally shattered Sonoko's dream!

Yuanzi didn't know about it yet, she just kept sighing, her luck today was really bad.

Since we are going to stay for the night, then it must be a blast tonight, ten o'clock? This is where the nightlife begins!

Go for a late night snack and beer!


Their carnival ended at more than two o'clock.

Unbridled drinking, coupled with delicious food, will soon be unconscious.

With the idea of ​​"other people are drunk, doesn't that mean that they are not there?", holding a glass of beer to raise goldfish.

Who knew that the other four karate girls quit, and thought Sonoko was too cunning, so they took turns drinking her.

How can the garden stand?

Not only can't stand the amount of alcohol, but even the body can't stand it. Four karate girls who have been drinking too much hold their hands and feet, and they pour tons of water.

As a result, she was the first to get drunk, and her conspiracy was stillborn.

After that, the four girls drank me, and I drank you, and they all drank in the end.

Looking at the corpses of the five beautiful girls lying on the ground, Lin Yi felt no waves in his heart, and he didn't have any strange thoughts at all.

The more battles I've experienced, the less thoughts I have.


" thirsty..."

Tsukamoto Sumimi woke up from a dream because of thirst.

"Hi..." She clutched her slightly aching forehead, dragged her weak body, and slowly got up.

Touching the wall and leaving the room, the light in the living room was still on, which was a good thing for Tsukamoto Sumimi, after all, she didn't quite remember where the light was turned on.

Walking to the kitchen, Tsukamoto Yumi took a glass of water for herself from a cup and drank it.

After drinking three glasses in a row, the thirst in my mouth subsided a lot.

After the thirst subsided, her urge to urinate came up.

Tsukamoto Sumimi went to the bathroom and solved the physical problem.

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