Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 801

At the end of the country, Lighting looked a little dazed: "Yiye... blindfolded? What does this mean?"

"One leaf obstructs the eyes, which means that a leaf blocks the eyes, so that people can't see the whole picture..." Lin Yi's expression was calm, as if everything was under his control, he said: "You are too close to her, So close that she can't see your whole face clearly, and doesn't really see you clearly and recognize your strengths."

"That's why I let you leave her... let her take a good look at you."

After listening to Lin Yi's words, Guomo Lighting felt that what the other party said made sense!

In the past, she was always very close to He Ye, and she never knew her real self!

Almost subconsciously, Guomo Lighting General and Ye blamed the "one-leaf blindness" for the reason why he didn't feel anything about himself!

This can make his depressed mood suddenly rise again!

" leaving is for a better...closer?" Guomo Lighting's eyes flashed with hope.

No, no, no, as soon as you leave, you really leave, there is no approaching or anything.

After Lin Yi muttered silently in his heart, he opened his mouth and said, "It can also be understood that way."

"Then what should I do? Senior?" Guomo Lighting impatiently sought a solution from Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said: "As the literal meaning... It's very simple, as long as you leave her. Let her understand your importance."

After a pause, Lin Yi continued, "However, I think you'd better find another girl to be your girlfriend."

Having said that, Lin Yi obviously wants to get rid of this tool person. After all, the purpose of 'destroying the emotional relationship between Heiji and He Ye' has been well accomplished by the other party.

However, after Guomo Lighting heard it, there was a surprised look on his face: " want me to find another girl and be a girlfriend?"

"Well." Lin Yi nodded and said, "Go find a girlfriend... If He Ye really cares about you, she will definitely go to you again."

"If He Ye doesn't have any feelings for you at all... that's okay, haven't you already found a girlfriend?"

"Whatever the outcome is, it's good for you."

After going through so much, Guomo Lighting is no longer an emotionally ignorant person. He vaguely noticed that Lin Yi seemed to want to persuade him.

"Senior... Do you think I should give up?" Guo Mo Lighting's tone was low, but the hope that had just risen was suddenly extinguished.

Lin Yi didn't answer directly, but said, "When you asked me for a drink, you already had the idea of ​​giving up in your heart, right?"

"..." Guomo Lighting was silent.

Lin Yi said: "I can see that you are already very tired... You have put too much thought and time into He Ye, which has already begun to affect your life, right?"

"..." He was speechless again.

"You want to give up, but you're not willing to give up..." Lin Yi looked at Guomo Lighting, those eyes seemed to pierce her heart, and said, "Now you seem to be a gambler with a red eye. Finally, I will get the previous book back in the next one!"

"However, you don't know that love is not a casino, not a probabilistic event, but an absolute event."

"Some things, if you can't do it, you can't do it. If you should give up, you have to give up. If you need to leave, you have to leave."

"..." Guomo Lighting lowered his head wordlessly, just holding a wine glass in his hand, turning grief into strength!

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said slowly, "This is a cruel world, and cruel things are always happening."

"Actually... I told you the word blindness."

"Yes... you told me?" Guomo Lighting was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Yi with puzzled eyes.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Yes, that's what I told you... You also made a mistake."

"Look around..." Lin Yi circled around and asked, "Do you think there is a lack of beautiful women in this world?"

Guomo Lighting followed Lin Yi's words. After looking around, he shook his head at Lin Yi: "No shortage..."

He somewhat understood what Lin Yi meant, and he said, "But... unlike Ye, her existence means different things to me! She is a very important person!"

"Very important person?" After hearing this, Lin Yi raised a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth. He asked back, "Very important? Where is it important? Can you tell me?"

Guomo Lighting immediately said: "I...we grew up together! We know each other very well and have experienced a lot of things together!! Isn't that important enough?"

Lin Yi sneered a few times and said, "Let me repeat what you said... The two of you just spent childhood together, so she is a very important person to you, like this right?"

"..." Guomo Lighting opened his mouth. After thinking about it carefully, what Lin Yi said was really right... They just spent their childhood together.

Lin Yi said unceremoniously: "She just spent your childhood with you, and you feel that she is someone important to you."

"What if someone accompanied you through your college years?"

"What if someone stayed with you for the next two or three years?"

"Aren't people like this important?"

Under Lin Yi's powerful gunfire, Guomo Lighting couldn't find any words to fight back.

"So, in the final analysis... it's just the memory of the human brain." Lin Yi said: "As long as you dissect the matter and see its essence... You will find things that you think are important, but that is it."

"It doesn't matter at's the emotion that makes you feel it matters."

Lin Yi poured the cocktail into his mouth and moistened his throat.

Then, he continued: "Junior, in fact, Ye and Ye are not that important to you... It's just your feelings that make you feel that she is very important."

Chapter 680

"It's me... it's my feelings, think He Ye is very important to me?"

The spirit of lighting at the end of the country began to fall into chaos.

If you think Lin Yi's statement is incorrect, but Guomo Lighting thinks about it carefully, and really finds that between him and He Ye, they just spent their childhood with each other. Apart from that, there is no other story. .

If he thinks that Lin Yi's statement is correct, but he always feels that something is strange, and he always feels that something is wrong in his heart.

One of the keys to fooling people is not to give the other person time to react.

Lin Yi continued: "I know you don't quite believe what I said. After all, after the good memories have completely peeled off the emotional filter, they will appear so bland and ruthless."

"Otherwise, that's fine. I'll introduce you to a female friend, and you try to date each other for a month."

"If within this month, you still can't forget He Ye, it means that He Ye is really meaningless to you."

"If it's the other way around, it means I'm right. In fact, you don't like He Ye that much."

Guomo Lighting has never thought about why he wants to prove to Lin Yi what He Ye means to him, his nose has been completely led by Lin Yi, and his mind is full of "In this month, I will Won't you forget about He Ye?" Thoughts like that.

"You wait."

Lin Yi stood up and motioned for Guomo Lighting to wait a moment. He walked around the bar, and then fixed his gaze on a woman with a suffocating belly. Although she said it was not beautiful, she was reluctant.

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