Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 803

But why is she crying so sadly? Even if the spare tire is gone, at most two tears will come out. I mean, it's impossible to cry so hard.

Could it be that she really has feelings for Guomo Lighting?

In order to verify his guess, Lin Yi stepped forward and asked, "Oh, isn't this He Ye? Who made you cry?"

"Woooooo..." He Ye didn't expect Lin Yi to be here too. Lin Yi is a handsome guy no matter what. She didn't want Lin Yi to see her like this. She quickly wiped away her tears and said sobbing: " one. It's's me being stingy..."

When Xiaolan heard He Ye say this to herself, she was immediately unhappy. She told the matter on He Ye's behalf and said, "Yi, that's right!"

"Yesterday Guomo Lighting confessed to He Ye, but He Ye didn't feel anything about him, so he refused."

"And then, when I was talking to Heiji about this in the evening with Ye, Heiji laughed happily and said, 'You deserve to be single until now, I don't think you can find a boyfriend in the future' "

"Mingming and Ye refused the lighting at the end of the country because of Heiji, but he said such hurtful words!"

Speaking of the latter, Xiaolan was filled with righteous indignation, and wished he would go and arrest Heiji now and beat him up!

After hearing that the reason was this, it had nothing to do with the lighting at the end of the country, and after it was different from what he imagined, Lin Yi was relieved.

As soon as Xiaolan repeated Heiji's words, Lin Yi, as a visitor, knew what Heiji wanted to express.

"You deserve to be single until now, I don't think you can find a boyfriend in the future" This sentence combines the situation Heiji was in at that time, and then interprets it in the way of a straight man.

The first half of the sentence is because after Heiji lost his rival in love, he was relieved for a while, and he didn't have to take it to heart.

The latter sentence "I don't think you can find a boyfriend in the future" is the key point. The part that was not said should be: There is no way, then I can only do it and be your boyfriend.

However, Heiji didn't finish his words, I guess he was too embarrassed to say it... If he was embarrassed to say it, the relationship between the two would not be like this.

He pinned his hopes on He Ye to hear his subtext.

But unfortunately, most of the time girls don't understand the subtext of boys.

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Yi to speak to Heiji. The relationship between the two of them broke down, or was he secretly manipulating it behind the scenes.

How could he possibly tell He Ye the correct answer?

"Ah... that's what happened." Lin Yi showed a stunned look, scratching his head and saying, "The words Heiji said were really hurtful."

"However, I believe that Heiji should not have a heart..."

In front of people, you must never speak ill of your sweetheart! No defamation!

It's as if someone is saying that your saber is a rice bucket, even though it's true, you won't be happy.

"It's not intentional! How could he say this to me!!" He Ye was very sad and angry.

She was originally sad because of the loss of a very good friend, but Heiji didn't comfort herself, but instead said that to herself in a schadenfreude tone!

For whom did she reject the end-of-country lighting?

He Ye felt so stupid, really stupid, that he refused to treat him so well for the end of the country, and paid so much to Heiji, but only got ridiculed by him.

Thinking of this, He Ye felt even more pain in his heart, and tears slipped out.

At this time, Lin Yi came over, squatted down slowly, took it from Kanai's hand, wiped her tears for He Ye, and said, "Such a lovely girl, Heiji doesn't cherish your words, I to cherish you..."

"You came by car early in the morning, and you definitely didn't have breakfast, right? Just wait, I'll prepare a hearty breakfast."

"I don't want to see you cry when I come out of the kitchen, can you do that?"

Speaking of the back, Lin Yi didn't use a tissue to wipe He Ye's tears, but gently wiped the tears from her face with his fingers.

He Ye stared blankly at Lin Yi, the sadness and pain in his heart disappeared unconsciously, especially the handsome face of the other party with no dead ends, with the gentle movements, he was fascinated by He Ye .

It's a pity that in this face-seeing world, people with good looks can do whatever they want.

Seeing that He Ye's crying gradually stopped, Lin Yi smiled, touched her hair, and said, "Well, very good. He's a good boy."

He stood up and said, "Okay, when I go to wash, I'll make you breakfast."

Looking at Lin Yi's back as he turned and left, He Ye suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

Chapter 682

To ask a girl, what type of guy do you like?

No girl can accurately describe the type of guy she likes, only a general, general overview of a few characteristics.

But if you ask a girl what type of guy she hates, they'll probably be able to describe to you with certainty what kind of guy they hate.

People always know what they hate, but they don't know what they like.

For example, He Ye, she knew very well that she didn't like men like Guomo Lighting. Although he was really kind to her, he was willing to listen to her talk, and accompany her when she was unhappy, but she didn't even bother. No heart.

She thought that what she liked was Heiji, or a lively, cheerful, sunny and confident man like Heiji, but she found that when facing Lin Yi, who was kind, hospitable, and calm, she actually felt a subtle heartbeat!

what's wrong with me?


"Let He and Ye spend Saturday and Sunday here?" After hearing Xiaolan's words, Lin Yi nodded in agreement and said, "That must be no problem... I'm also worried that Ye and her would mind living with the boy. Under one roof."

"Then let He Ye sleep with us tonight." Xiao Lan turned around and said to He Ye.

Just when she saw He Ye staring at the bowl in a daze, Xiao Lan couldn't help shaking her hand in front of He Ye.

"Oh... um?" He Ye came back to his senses, and she looked at Xiao Lan in a panic: "Sorry, I lost my mind. What... what's wrong?"

Xiaolan thought that He Ye was still angry about Heiji, so she said it again patiently: "I said you, tonight, sleep with me and Kano."

"Well, of course you can." He Ye nodded, even sleeping in the living room was no problem for her. She wasn't too picky about where she lived, as long as there was a place where she could lie down.

No matter where you sleep, it's no more comfortable than sleeping at home.

"If you say that, there will be one more person going to American Island..." Lin Yi put down his chopsticks, took out his mobile phone and said, "Tell me about it first."

"Huh? America Island?" He Ye looked at Lin Yi blankly. She felt as if she was distracted and listened to less information.

"Ah... I forgot to tell you." Xiao Lan said a little embarrassedly: "Last night, we asked Sonoko and her sister Ayako to go to the United States Island to participate in the dugong celebration."

American Island? Dugong celebration?

I was confused with Ye Mannao, but to her, these were all unimportant things. Anyway, she just wanted to come out and relax, and she could go anywhere.

"Okay." Lin Yi put the phone back in his pocket and said, "I told Yuanzi to take one more person, and she said no problem."

"When do you leave? Let's go after breakfast." Xiao Lan said with a smile: "Go early, you can also visit the island."

"Oh well."

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