Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 805

Conan was startled, he quickly looked at the envelope again, and found that there was no nickname written on it.

Heiji took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Conan... It was cut out of an envelope.

Conan looked a little serious, and immediately turned his attention to this side.

Seeing this, Heiji didn't bother him, just looked at Conan silently, and his mind began to drift away.

He didn't even think about it. On a whim, he gave Conan, who was catching a cold, a sip for nothing, and he discovered the secret of the other party.

Heiji still remembers that when he was helping Conan change the wet towel at the client's house, the other person's body suddenly grew bigger without a word... The most difficult thing for him to let go of was seeing Conan's body getting bigger, but The chick didn't change much.

Thinking of this, Heiji couldn't help but put a smile on his face——this is a proud smile unique to men.

"What are you laughing at?" Conan wanted to ask Heiji something, but he saw such a wretched smile on his face.

"'s nothing." Heiji giggled, but there was a hint of teasing in his eyes unconsciously.

After driving to the pier soon, Kogoro Mauri and his group quickly lined up to board the ship bound for the American Island.

Just after the three of them went up, it was time.

"Huh... just came up!"

Hattori Heiji let out a long sigh and said with a smile: "It seems that we are very lucky this time! My intuition tells me that once I arrive on the island, the case will be solved soon."

Conan said: "This is not necessarily a case, maybe someone's mobile phone accidentally fell into the sea..."

"If that's the case, it's the best." Heiji also hoped for such an oolong.

Not long after the boat left, Lin Yi and the others came to the dock slowly and boarded a rented yacht.

"Oooh~~ The yacht is so big!"

After Xiaolan entered the yacht, He Ye looked around curiously.

Sonoko said: "This yacht can be used to hold a patry for ten people! I deliberately rented such a big one so that it is convenient for us to bask in the sun!"

"Well, Yuanzi is still thoughtful." Xiaolan praised Yuanzi.

"You go upstairs first, and I'll bring you those sweet drinks," said Ayako, who was not very talkative.

"Let's wait until I get the yacht up and running."

Lin Yi smiled at the others, and followed the driver into the cockpit. Ayako followed, and first explored the interior layout.

He Ye couldn't help but ask, "Lan, could it be... Does your boyfriend still drive a yacht?"

"Well, he knows a lot of things." Xiaolan responded.

"There are many different poses for him to drive the yacht, so many... far beyond your imagination..." Sonoko drove towards He Ye seriously.

"Huh?" Simple He Ye looked at Yuanzi blankly, she felt very strange, is it possible to score a posture when driving a yacht?

Xiaolan glared at Yuanzi angrily and said, "It's nothing, let's go. He Ye, let's go up first!"

Saying that, Xiao Lan took He Ye to the upper deck of the yacht, and Yuan Zi followed up with a smile.


PS: The murder case of the diplomat mainly explained that Conan became a new one by accident. I skipped this episode directly, did not write it, and there is no need to write it.

Chapter 684

Women are naturally good at sharing, especially sharing their emotional experiences with the same sex.

In particular, Yuanzi is also Xiaolan's good friend. With this heavy guarantee, He Ye still trusts Yuanzi quite a bit.

In addition, Sonoko is very good at interpersonal communication, so she easily turned Xiaolan's friend into her friend.

Since they were friends, Sonoko naturally inquired about He Ye's emotional experience.

As soon as he heard the emotional experience, He Ye naturally spoke out about his own affairs.

As soon as Yuanzi heard the confession from the end of the country and exited the stage with failure, he muttered silently in his heart: That guy is also quite miserable...

Ayako, who was listening silently to the side, couldn't help but let out a burst of emotion: "I'm so envious... It would be great if I could have had such an experience when I was your age with Ye."

He Ye couldn't help but look at Ayako and said, "Sister Ayako, when you were in high school... didn't you have someone you liked?"

"Ah... When I was in high school, of course I did." Ayako stroked her face and said with a chuckle, "But I'm not as brave as you, so I went to have contact with him. I can only put this feeling Buried in my heart."

"After so many years, I'm still wondering if I would have been different now if I had been braver."

He Ye nodded suddenly and silently ate the piece of melon.

"So, Kazuya." Ayako said to her in the tone of someone who came here: "It's good that you have such a relationship experience now. At least when you look back at my age, you won't be mediocre because of yourself. Remorse for inaction."

If it is Yuanzi and Xiaolan, they are not qualified to say this, after all, they are the same generation as He Ye.

Only Ayako, who is older than He Ye, is qualified to say this.

He Ye felt some comfort when he heard Lingya say this... The so-called comfort is actually knowing that someone has had a worse life than himself, and immediately felt a psychological balance.


On the cockpit, Lin Yi was skillfully controlling the rudder and proceeding according to the designated sailing.

Because he rarely goes to sea, Lin Yi especially enjoys the feeling of driving a yacht... Of course, if he can, he would like to drive a speedboat and try the feeling of riding the wind and waves.

Driving a boat, like driving a car, can be very distracting, distracting, and cranky.

Lin Yi asked involuntarily to think of the events that happened in American Island, commonly known as Mermaid Island.

The occurrence of the Mermaid Island incident stemmed from the deaths of three people: Heijiang Naoko, Eirahara Sumi, and Fukuyama Lulang.

One night three years ago, the three of them got drunk and wandered to the temple warehouse inadvertently, and happened to see the longevity woman entering the warehouse.

The legend of the longevity woman is because she ate the meat of the mermaid, and she has a long life. She has lived for 130 years. I don't know who said that the longevity woman can live forever.

Under the influence of alcohol, the brain circuits of these three people became very surprised. They felt that since the longevity woman was immortal, could she be burned to death by the fire?

Practice is the only criterion for verifying truth.

So the three of them set fire to the warehouse.

After the fire started, the three young people who were over the alcohol were woken up. They realized that they had done something wrong and hurried away.

So, Shimabukuro's mother, who was disguised as a longevity woman, was burned alive like this.

Then, as the only remaining woman in the Shimabukuro family, Shimabukuro Junhui naturally fulfilled the Shimabukuro family's "mission" and continued to pretend to be a longevity woman to continue the legend of the mermaid.

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