Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 809

In the invisible air, a thin layer of decibel net enveloped Lin Yi within three meters, preventing any sound from being transmitted.

After getting ready, Lin Yi walked in the direction of Shimabukuro Junhui.

After Lin Yi arrived at Shimabukuro Junhui three meters, the other party heard Lin Yi's footsteps. She looked back and knew Lin Yi. After all, his combination of a handsome guy and four beauties was unforgettable.

Shimabukuro Junhui stopped cleaning, she asked Lin Yi with a smile: "Sir, can I help you?"

"Miss Shimabukuro, do you know where the Men's Association yarn is woven?" As soon as Lin Yi spoke, he found that his voice automatically became low and hoarse, as if he hadn't opened his mouth for a long time.

Don't tell it to others, Lin Yi himself felt that this voice was a bit cold and inhuman.

The cold words made Shimabukuro Junhui's smile a little panicked. She shook her head and said, "I don't know... But a middle-aged detective just asked the same question as you."

"Middle-aged detective?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that the detective that Shimabukuro Junhui said should be Kogoro Mouri.

Considering that the initiator of this case is Heiji, and in the original book, this case is also a node of great progress in the relationship between Heiji and Kazuya.

So Lin Yi thinks that the big slap in the dark will slap Heiji over. Of course, when the two of them come, Conan will come with him.

This made Lin Yi frown slightly and muttered in his heart; it seemed that the plan was about to change.

Thoughts flashed by, Lin Yi continued to make a cold voice: "How could you not know? I saw her kill her with my own hands."


These words made Shimabukuro Junhui almost didn't hold the broom, and she couldn't help but look at Lin Yi with some caution.

Then... she smiled: "Sir, your joke is not funny at all."

Lin Yi said indifferently: "I also saw that you hid your body in the warehouse... It was the warehouse after the fire three years ago. Of course, it has been rebuilt now."


The other party accurately stated the location of the corpse, and this time, Shimabukuro Junhui really couldn't laugh.

One hit kills, and she doesn't even have room for quibble!

Shimabukuro Junhui's smile disappeared in an instant. She bit her red lips and clenched her broom: "You... Who are you?"

Lin Yi slowly took out the police manual and said, "I am a police officer."

Chapter 688

"Police... police?"

When Shimabukuro Junhui saw the police manual in Lin Yi's hand, she was stunned. She had no idea why she was being targeted by the police!

Could it be that the technology has advanced to the point that you can detect it before you commit a crime?

"You... when did you know?"

Shimabukuro Junhui asked this question subconsciously, even if he was going to jail, he had to figure out how he was caught! Otherwise, she is really unwilling!

My carefully planned murder was stillborn before it had time to start showing, just like a martial arts master who had been in retreat for ten years before he had time to show the results of his retreat, and was killed by a big truck when he went out... suffocating.

"I saw it when you killed the door association Sazhi." Lin Yi put the police manual back in his pocket and said calmly.

"When I killed Saori... you... saw it?" Shimabukuro Junhui was stunned for a moment, she didn't believe what Lin Yi said, and said, "No... it's impossible. You were not there, if you were there , why didn't you arrest me on the spot!!"

Powerful, smart enough, much faster than Yukiko's reaction.

Lin Yi couldn't help but nodded secretly and gave a compliment to Shimabukuro Junhui's thinking speed.

Shimabukuro Junhui learned that his mother's death was not an accident. It was learned by the door association Saori at a time, and at that time, it was a week before the start of the dugong festival.

Then she spent a few days planning.

He killed Menkyo Saori, Eirahara Toumi, and Heijiang Naoko one after another, and finally used the body of Menkyo Saori to perform suspended animation, while he was completely disguised as Shimabukuro Junhui,

Shimabukuro Junhui learned the truth a week ago, and it took only a few days to plan the killing plan.

He even cleverly used the occasional toothache of the Men's Association Saori to do fake death for himself.

Not only that, she also deliberately let Eirahara Sumi and Heijiang Naoko draw the dugong arrow to mislead the police and let the police focus on the "dugong arrow", so as to further come to the wrong answer—— - Some people are eyeing the arrow of the dugong, and they are willing to kill for it.

Look at the modus operandi, not a repeat offender, but a criminal genius.

And Shimabukuro Junhui is obviously the latter.

What's even more terrifying is that those three people are her childhood sweethearts, and she will kill if she wants to.

The relationship for so many years together has not affected her revenge action at all!

After the revenge was over, she calmly arranged for her suspended animation to disappear from everyone's sight, and played the role of Changshou Po very calmly.

Her superior IQ, ruthless heart, and strong psychological quality are all concentrated on her body, which makes Lin Yi have to think that she has an antisocial personality!

Lin Yi has a B-number for himself, especially when it comes to his own life, this B-number is more clear.

In order to prevent any accidents, Lin Yi threw a pair of king bombs at the beginning, and then another four twos, and a plane ran all the cards in his hand.

Directly let Shimabukuro Junhui not even have a chance to struggle!

No matter how high your IQ is, a backhand is a slap to death.

Recovering the divergent thoughts, Lin Yi said, "Why didn't you arrest you? The reason is very simple. My goal at the time was not you, but the Men's Association."

"Yes... Is it Saori?" Shimabukuro Junhui was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that her exposure was a complete accident!

"I'm a police officer from the Narcotics Division of the Metropolitan Police Department... You should know what I do by hearing the name." Lin Yi's Flickering Dafa has already been ordered. Telling lies is the same as telling the truth. Lie detectors can fool you.

Lin Yi said: "I started two or three months ago, and I was eyeing the door association yarn weaving."

Two or three months ago, it happened to be the day Lin Yi and Yuanzi went to play in the shivering maze. At that time, he happened to meet the door association Saori, and the other party tied Yuanzi after being frightened by himself.

Shimabukuro Junhui recalled that two or three months ago, Saori was really not quite right during that period of time. She was very nervous and sensitive, and her temper was very short-tempered. At that time, Shimabukuro Junhui asked her what was going on, but she didn't say anything. .

Could it be that it was at this time that Saori was infected with poison?

Saori has now been killed by Shimabukuro Junhui, and she naturally has no way to confirm it from the other party's mouth, so she tacitly accepts that Lin Yi is telling the truth.

This made Shimabukuro Junhui feel great irony, but he didn't expect Saori's death to be noticed in advance.

For a while, Shimabukuro Junhui was a little disheartened.

However, she suddenly remembered that she was still alive and kicking in the past few days. The other party clearly knew where she hid the body, but she did not act...

"Then...why didn't you arrest me?" There was a hint of doubt in Shimabukuro Junhui's eyes.

Seeing that Shimabukuro Junhui was frightened, Lin Yi took two steps forward and said, "Because I'm not an ordinary policeman, but a policeman from the Drug Enforcement Division."

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