Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 811

"Okay." Shimabukuro Junhui took the business card and glanced at it, and found that it was an agent's business card.

So... is his name Lin Yi? Is the identity of this broker used by him for the convenience of investigation?

When Shimabukuro Junhui was going to ask Lin Yi a few questions, he found that Lin Yi people didn't know when to leave.

This made Shimabukuro Junhui stunned for a moment, but at the same time, he felt it was a matter of course. As the boss of the anti-narcotics department, he should have such elusive strength. Otherwise, how can we investigate drug dealers?

Putting away the business card, Junhui Shimabukuro continued to sweep the floor, silently recalling what just happened... It was incredible.

Chapter 690

Very good, now I have successfully fooled Shimabukuro Junhui to the lame.

Then, as long as I help the other party clean up the beginning and end, and eliminate some missing clues, I can blind the eyes of the three detectives.

After that, no matter how much they checked, no matter how big their brain holes exploded, without the support of valid evidence, they wanted to go bald, and there was no way to find out the truth.

The name of a detective is scary to say, but in the end, a detective is just a person who finds the truth and finds out the truth.

It's not the detective that's powerful, it's the people.


In order to create a mysterious image of himself, Lin Yi opened the distance when Shimabukuro-kun was thinking, and let the voice controller cut off his own voice. Before she noticed it, he ran away...

Although the truth is a little funny, as long as Shimabukuro Junhui doesn't know that the way he leaves is to run away, then his image can still be maintained.

"Hey... I'm really tired of playing a ruthless police officer." Lin Yi sighed, and then adjusted by [the man in black's sunglasses], these words were inexplicably gloomy.

Not to mention others, even Lin Yi himself felt a little uncomfortable.

Quickly take off the sunglasses and put them back in the prop space.

At first glance, you know that these sunglasses are only used for bad things. The sound and tone are very consistent with the image of a bad guy.

After turning a corner at the intersection ahead, Lin Yi heard the chatter between Xiao Lan and the two girls, He Ye.

"Xiao Lan! This flower is so beautiful, hurry up and take a picture~~"

"One, two, three...cheese~~"

"Look at how it was shot?"

"Hey~ It's a bit blurry, I didn't take a good picture, let's take a few more pictures."


Two girls, Xiaolan and Heye, are sticking to a flower and taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Well, for contemporary girls, if they go to a place and don't take pictures, it means they haven't been there before... Lin Yi muttered secretly.

Then he thought about it, took out the camera with unlimited power and storage space, and took pictures of the two of them.

The sound of the shutter caught the attention of Xiaolan and Heye. When they saw it, they found that the person taking the photo was Lin Yi!

Xiaolan immediately became happy: "Yi! Why are you here??"

Seeing Lin Yi who suddenly appeared, He Ye also felt happy... She didn't know why she was suddenly happy, but she was happy anyway.

"Thinking about it carefully, it's rare to come out once, and it would be a waste to just go to sleep like this." Lin Yi used the rhetoric that he had thought up for a long time.

He Ye asked curiously, "Then your camera..."

"Oh, I borrowed it from others on the road." Lin Yi explained it casually and said, "Come on, I'll take a picture for you."

"Well, then I'll trouble you."

When Xiaolan heard this, she happily hugged Heye's arm, and put a dishonest hand on Heye's slender waist.

Sonoko often wipes Xiaolan's oil when she has nothing to do, which allows Xiaolan to learn these actions subtly.

She was used to these intimate gestures, and both of them were good girlfriends, so she didn't feel anything.

But He Ye felt a little unnatural, because no one ever put an arm around her waist since she was a child, she said a little awkwardly: "Xiao Lan... Can you let go of your hand? I feel a little unaccustomed to it."

"Oh, just get used to it." Xiaolan was reluctant, not wanting to put her hands down.

Sure enough, in the present I became the old you......Lin Yi watched Xiaolan imitating Sonoko's behavior, and muttered in his heart.

If the communication with Ye Kan was unsuccessful, he accepted his fate.

Thanks to the fact that Mingmei came to practice as a model last time, Lin Yi's photography skills are not good enough, not to mention that he is a first-class photographer, but it is not a problem to say that he is second-class.

After pressing the shutter button and taking a few pictures, Lin Yi saw that the two of them had nothing to do to take pictures. He remembered the photo poses he had browsed on the Internet before, and instructed them to pose.

After taking more than a dozen pictures, Xiao Lan and He Ye came over to see the results.

The framing is good, the capture of the characters is in place, the lighting is just right, and the characters are pretty well shaped.

This makes them two girls who have not learned to take pictures very deliberately feel very satisfied.

This made the two girls give up taking selfies with their mobile phones completely, and chose to let Lin Yi take pictures.

So, as long as your skills are in place, you can pose a girl in whatever way you want... I'm talking about taking pictures.

Walk down the mountain while taking pictures.

Taking too many pictures will become a hard work.

Xiaolan felt a little tired, just at this moment, she passed a small stream.

The rushing water of the stream completely attracted Xiaolan's attention.

"Heye, come and come, let's go to the stream to play." Xiaolan took Heye's hand with great interest, and went down the road to the stream.

The people in the city have an inexplicable desire for small streams, and Xiao Lan becomes more playful. She takes off her shoes and socks and goes into the water to play.

He Ye Er was soft and couldn't stand Xiao Lan's temptation. After saying a few words, he also took off his shoes and socks and went on.

Two young girls, trampling on the small stream, playing with laughter, is indeed a good picture that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Lin Yi took a picture for them and thought to himself that if they were changing into bikinis, the picture would be even better.

The best thing, of course, is that the three people, including him, return to their original state. Without clothes, they would play and play in the stream, and a wild fight in broad daylight should be extremely exciting.

However, people come and go in this kind of place, it is easy to be found, and it is not a good place for wild fights.

Lin Yi could only hide this thought regrettably, and then take it out next time when he encounters a favorable environment at the right time and place.

"Haha~~ Xiaolan, look at the trick!"

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