Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 815

After hearing this, Yuanzi, who was watching the sea with her sister, replied, "Sister, you can also be with the person you like."

"Hehe..." Ayako smiled at Sonoko and said, "But the problem is, I don't have the person I like the most!"

Yuanzi pouted and said, "I don't believe there is none."

"There used to be... but not anymore." Ayako looked at the sea and said with a bit of disappointment.

"Why did it exist before, but not now?" Sonoko asked strangely.

"Because people are disappointed, there is a time limit for waiting, and relationships also have a shelf life." Ayako said slowly.

"Is that so?" Yuanzi thought for a while, he had been with Lin Yi for so long, but he didn't feel the so-called shelf life.

Ayako didn't say anything more to Sonoko. She hoped that her sister would always remain pure and kind, and not be involved in the whirlpool of interests.

She is no longer the ignorant self she used to be, and has calmly accepted the mission of being the daughter of the Suzuki Group.

Enjoying the convenience brought by the Suzuki Group, she naturally has to pay something for it.

Equivalent exchange, isn't it?

Besides, her marriage partner is not bad. It is the third young master of the Fuze Consortium. Although he is timid and not my type, my mother is right. Such a man is easier to control.

"Well!! The sea is amazing!" With the sea breeze blowing, Ayako involuntarily gave birth to a lazy waist and said, "Why don't you build a villa on this island, it has never been developed, and the natural scenery is very beautiful. It's beautiful, and it's a good place for vacation... It's a pity that the traffic is a bit inconvenient, and I hope if it gets through, there should be a lot of people here~~~"

As soon as she heard her sister talking, the building suddenly crooked, and her observation of herself was still from the point of view of a businessman to appreciate this island, Sonoko only felt stuffed in her heart... Her sister was not like this before. , Her sister is a very emotional and romantic person, poetry and distance are her favorite things in the end.

Noticing her sister's change, Sonoko felt a little sad.

But Ayako didn't notice this, she just analyzed the island based on the business knowledge she had been granted over the years.

Even if you are married to the Fuze Consortium, you still have to show your ability, reflect your own value, and become a person like your mother, so that you will not be looked down upon and bullied————this It was what her mother said to her.

Sonoko always felt that her sister was getting farther and farther away from her, and now she felt strangeness from her sister.

This made Yuanzi anxious and uneasy in his heart.

She is very urgent now that Lin Yi can stop this marriage that was doomed to be unhappy from the very beginning.

Suddenly, Lin Yi appeared in Yuanzi's field of vision!

As soon as I think of him, he appears!

This made Yuan Zi feel joy in his heart.

Yuanzi originally wanted to say hello to Lin Yi, but she felt that it was useless to stay here and would only become a light bulb in the way.

So Sonoko stood up and said to Ayako, "Sister, I'll go to the bathroom~~"

"Yeah." After Ayako agreed with a smile, she continued to stare at the sea in a daze.

She will be busier and busier in the future, and then there will be less and less time to waste time watching the sea like this.

"I really want to... just keep looking at the sea like this..." Ayako muttered to herself, wanting to escape from her current life.

But she knew she couldn't do it, so she just said a couple of grumbling words.

"How much do you want to think?"

Lin Yi's voice suddenly came from the side. Ling Zi looked back and watched him take two steps and sat down beside him. He asked himself, "Is it as good as a wish?"

"Huh?" Ayako looked at Lin Yi's face, and her mood suddenly improved. She smiled and said, "If I say yes, will you help me realize it?"

"Of course." Lin Yi nodded and said easily, "It's not too difficult."

"Isn't it difficult?" Ayako had a half-smile expression on her face: "It's difficult."

"Is it difficult?" Lin Yi looked at the vast sea and said, "It's not difficult."

Ayako pulled her gaze back and looked at the sea again: "Who knows..."

"Isn't it just destroying the friendship between the Suzuki Consortium and the Fuze Consortium?" Lin Yi looked at the vision: "It's not difficult."

Ayako looked back at Lin Yi, a lot of thoughts flashed in her mind for a while, and finally she said, "Don't mess around."

Lin Yi skipped the topic and looked at the speedboat leaping in front of him. He said, "Oh? There's actually a speedboat here! Come on, let's go drive the speedboat together."

"Forget it... such an exciting project is not suitable for me." Ayako shook her head and refused Lin Yi's invitation.

Lin Yi grabbed her hand, pulled her up and said, "If you haven't tried it, how do you know if it's suitable for you?"

"'s too exciting, let's forget it." Ayako shook her head repeatedly and tried to break free from Lin Yi's hand.

But it was useless, she simply didn't break free, just sat on the beach and didn't get up.

See what he does with himself.

Lin Yi pulled it twice, seeing that Ayako had no intention of getting up, so he didn't say a word, just came up to a princess and hugged her.


Ayako was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Lin Yi to be so bold.

The two of them had only seen each other twice, and he picked himself up?

Thinking that if this scene is seen by her sister, it might cause misunderstanding, Ayako said nervously: "Hurry up and let me down! It would be bad if Sonoko saw it!"

"Oh~ it turns out that this is what you are worried about." Lin Yi smiled and deliberately changed the focus: "Don't worry, Yuanzi just told me to go back to the town to find Xiaolan and the others."

"Ah?" Ayako was stunned for a moment, and then she understood...... Was Sonoko deliberately making excuses to leave?

So to say……

After Ayako looked at Lin Yi's face, her expression suddenly felt a little wrong.

Chapter 695

Lin Yi took Ayako Suzuki and played a speedboat at sea.

Of course, he is mainly responsible for playing, and Ayako Suzuki is mainly responsible for calling.


The speedboat swayed violently, and when it hit the waves, it would fly up and stay in the air for a certain distance.

This made Ayako Suzuki, who has always been elegant and dignified, hug Lin Yi's waist regardless of her manners, and let out a burst of screams.

However, the louder Suzuki Ayako screamed, the happier Lin Yi was. The Z run, the S run, and even the 8-figure run were used!

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