Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 826

Yuanzi smiled and said shamelessly: "Okay, it's your turn, Xiaolan!"

Xiaolan folded the note in her hand and put it aside, and then took one from the many notes.

Sonoko deliberately said to He Ye: "Give the note to the person next to you and let the person next to you read it... This will not only prevent cheating, but also allow players to feel the excitement!"

He Ye nodded and took a sip of water. Although it wasn't her turn yet, she was already very excited...

This was not the case in the original rules, but when she arrived at Sonoko, she made some changes.

After Xiaolan listened to Sonoko, she obediently handed the note to Ayako, which made her a little embarrassed... What if she draws a note and it is the same as Sonoko's? Then she would be embarrassed!

Although she is very familiar with Sonoko, she has nothing to do with Sister Ayako... If she really draws the same note as Sonoko...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan's little heart was beating thumping, she couldn't be nervous.

Ayako slowly opened the note, her expression showing surprise: "Hey? You are the lucky one... That's what it says on the note."

"Then I'll be fine!" Xiao Lan happily grabbed her hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then it's up to me?" Ayako put this one aside, then picked up a piece of origami and handed it to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi opened the note and read slowly, "Tell me how you feel now?"

"Huh? Is there a note like this?" Sonoko asked suspiciously.

"That... I wrote it." He Ye raised his hand weakly and said.

Seeing that it was written by He Ye, everyone was a little surprised. Since it was written by He Ye, a rookie, it was no surprise.

After all, children who do this kind of thing for the first time are more shy and nervous, and their writing is more conservative.

"That can't be done, Kazuya." Sonoko shook his head and lectured: "Since it's Truth or Dare, it must be asked some tense questions and exciting challenges! Otherwise, it wouldn't be Truth or Dare."

"Look at this question of yours is too weak~~ people are not interested at all."

"Well, it's the first time to play with Ye after all." Xiaolan smoothed the game beside him.

He Ye nodded and said, "I know how to write it later."

"Well, then, elder sister, let's answer this question... Don't bring the note from He Ye later." Sonoko said.

Of course... Lin Yi nodded, then tore the note in half and put it aside.

"Well... how do I feel now?" Ayako pressed her lips and said, "Well, I feel a little sad."

"Sad?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Yeah..." Ayako said with annoyance covering her face, "I originally planned to ask for God's blessing, but I didn't expect someone to die... I'm really unlucky."

Sonoko said quickly: "Sister, don't think about it... It's just an accident! Accident! No one can guarantee that an accident will happen."

"That's right...but there are too many accidents that happened to me, right?" Ayako said sadly.

"Don't worry, these accidents... will stop soon." Lin Yi said suddenly without end.

Xiaolan and He Ye were dumbfounded and couldn't understand what Lin Yi meant. Are accidents man-made?

Sonoko and Ayako understood, Sonoko clenched their fists tightly, and Ayako smiled, no longer bothered about this matter, and said, "Then my case is over, it's your turn."

Lin Yi nodded, then picked up a note and handed it to He Ye.

He Ye opened the note and said, "Use the princess to hug the person on your right and do ten squats..."

"This is not bad, it's very simple." Yuanzi nodded and said, she looked back at Xiaolan: "Did Xiaolan write it?"

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded and admitted.

"This... is not good?" He Ye looked at Lin Yi and said, after all, Xiaolan is here, and if he holds other girls, Xiaolan will be jealous and angry, right?

"What's wrong?" Sonoko said to Xiaolan, "It's just a game, Xiaolan doesn't mind, right? Lan."

Xiaolan looked at Lin Yi and nodded—————— She felt that if she said that she would mind, she would definitely not be able to walk tomorrow morning! !

Lin Yi had already stood up without saying anything, and hugged He Ye, who was slightly nervous and shy, which made He Ye inevitably think of what Lin Yi said this morning when the two were looking at the camera photos. "I'm not afraid".

Coupled with the dim light and the pitch-dark environment, her face was flushed red and her heartbeat quickened.

Lin Yi didn't have any extra moves, and simply completed ten squats... There are still a lot of opportunities in the future. What's the hurry?

"It's time for me." After He Ye Ping calmed down his emotions, he picked up a piece of origami and handed it to Yuanzi.

Sonoko took it in his hand and opened it, and said, "Hold hands with the person on the right and look at each other for ten seconds... eh? Why is it all drawn with the right hand? Strange."

When He Ye heard that it was his right hand, he breathed a sigh of relief. The position of his right hand was Sonoko, which was fine.

If the left hand was drawn, she would hold hands with Lin Yi and look at each other for ten seconds... She felt that she would faint shyly! !

"Come on!" Sonoko put the note aside, then took Kazuya's hands and looked at her for ten seconds.

Maybe it was because he was not familiar with Yuanzi, but He Ye felt that the ten seconds of staring at each other was extremely long.

"Okay, the round is over! Everyone is having a good time, let's toast!"

Sonoko picked up the beer again and asked for a toast.

He Ye didn't murmur in his heart this time, and cheered to the others happily, because she needed to calm down her extremely nervous heartbeat.

"Okay! It's my turn!"

After putting down the beer, Yuanzi took a note and gave it to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan said slowly: "Kneading the chest of the person on your right...hey!!!!"

After reading the content, Xiao Lan was taken aback. She knew that it was Sonoko who wrote it without asking. She blushed and exclaimed, "Why write these great adventures! Sonoko!"

"If not, how can it be considered a big adventure?" Sonoko grinned wickedly, and then stretched out his sinful hands: "Obviously open your hands to greet me! Ran!!"

Chapter 706

Why...why can they be so bold!

He Ye's eyes widened as he looked at Sonoko, who had been thrown down by Xiao Lan, and his heartbeat, which was finally contained, suddenly accelerated again.

This... these things, why can they do it so naturally?

With all kinds of doubts, He Ye carefully glanced at Lin Yi and Ayako who were onlookers with him.

I found that the two of them were watching with interest, but there was still a smile on their faces...

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